
  • 网络Richard Branson;Sir Richard Branson
  1. 在受技术延误困扰多年后,维珍银河的创始人理查德·布兰森爵士最近表示,太空船二号最早将在2015年2月搭载第一批付费客户。

    After being dogged by technical delays for years , Sir Richard Branson , Virgin Galactic 's founder , had recently suggested that a SpaceShipTwo craft would carry its first paying customers as soon as February 2015 .

  2. 维珍集团(VirginGroup)创始人理查德·布兰森(RichardBranson)拥有一家太空探索公司。

    Richard Branson , founder of the Virgin Group , owns a space exploration company .

  3. 还有一部分人受到阅读障碍的困扰(理查德·布兰森和查尔斯·施瓦布(CharlesSchwab,译者注:嘉信理财的创始人)就是典型的例子)。

    A disproportionate number suffer from dyslexia ( Richard Branson and Charles Schwab are prominent examples ) .

  4. 该项目的赞助者名单上,包括阿里巴巴集团CEO马云、脸书CEO马克·扎克伯格、惠普的梅格·惠特曼以及维珍集团的理查德·布兰森。

    Among the list of backers are Alibaba CEO Jack Ma , Mark Zuckerberg ofFacebook , Meg Whitman of HP and Virgin Group 's Richard Branson .

  5. 理查德·布兰森爵士(SirRichardBranson)、曾4次获得一级方程式赛车冠军的阿兰·普罗斯特(AlainProst),以及演员莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(LeonardoDiCaprio)拥有的车队参加了比赛。

    Sir Richard Branson , the four-time Formula One champion Alain Prost and the actor Leonardo DiCaprio are among the team owners .

  6. 前不久,一名Quora用户提出了一个问题:“我怎么才能像比尔·盖茨(BillGates)、史蒂夫·乔布斯(SteveJobs)、埃隆·马斯克(ElonMusk)、理查德·布兰森(RichardBranson)那么牛?”

    A user of Quora , a user-generated question-and-answer website , recently posed the question : " How can I be as great as Bill Gates , Steve Jobs , Elon Musk , Richard Branson ? "

  7. 英国企业家理查德·布兰森爵士(SirRichardBranson)就是批评者之一,他在一篇博客中写道,该决定对当今时代而言是一种倒退。现如今,远程工作更方便,工作效率也比以往要高。

    Among the latter was Sir Richard Branson , a British entrepreneur who wrote in a blog post that the decision was a backwards step in an age when remote working is easier and more effective than ever .

  8. 英国企业家理查德·布兰森爵士(SirRichardBranson)就是批评者之一,他在一篇博客中写道,该决定“对当今时代而言是一种倒退。现如今,远程工作更方便,工作效率也比以往要高”。

    Among the latter was Sir Richard Branson , a British entrepreneur who wrote in a blog post that the decision was " a backwards step in an age when remote working is easier and more effective than ever . "

  9. 10年来,前沿探险主要由私营公司进行,例如理查德·布兰森的维珍航空(VirginAtlantic)和埃伦·穆斯克的太空探索技术公司(SpaceX),相关的设备和技术常常是富豪们的玩物,披着神秘和知识产权的面纱。

    While the frontiers of exploration have been carried out largely in the private sector over the past decade -- Richard Branson'sVirgin Atlantic , Elon Musk 's Space X , and the like -- the machines and technologies involved are often billionaire playthings , shrouded in mystery and intellectual property rights .

  10. 他是英国著名的维珍集团创始人理查德·布兰森的侄子。

    He 's the nephew of wealthy British magnate Richard Branson .

  11. 理查德·布兰森先生想要将超音速旅行恢复运营。

    Sir Richard Branson wants to bring back supersonic travel .

  12. 维珍之王理查德·布兰森

    The Virgin King : Sir Richard Branson

  13. 亿万富翁理查德·布兰森的碳作战室新发布的一项报告对这一观点表示赞同。

    A new report from eclectic billionaire Richard Branson 's Carbon War Room says yes .

  14. 理查德·布兰森爵士将要揭幕一架喷气式客机,他将驾驶此飞机收费将乘客送往太空。

    Sir Richard Branson is unveiling the rocket plane he will use to take fare-paying passengers into space .

  15. 这起悲剧同维珍银河创始人理查德·布兰森今年早些时候预期所达成果大相径庭。

    It 's a far cry from the ambitious hopes Virgin Galactic Founder Richard Branson expressed earlier this year .

  16. 理查德·布兰森是维珍企业集团董事长,名下拥有维珍大西洋航空公司,维珍娱乐公司以及维珍可乐公司。

    Richard Branson is chairman of the Virgin Group of Companies , which owns Virgin Atlantic Airways , Virgin Entertainment and Virgin Cola .

  17. 具传奇色彩的企业家理查德·布兰森搭乘自已的带翼火箭飞船飞向太空,比同为亿万富翁的杰夫·贝索斯提前9天进入太空。

    Swashbuckling entrepreneur Richard Branson has hurtled into space aboard his own winged rocket ship , beating fellow billionaire Jeff Bezos by nine days .

  18. 活动得到了中国篮球巨星姚明和英国知名企业家理查德·布兰森的支持。

    Celebrity support for the bid was provided by Yao Ming , a Chinese basketball star , and Sir Richard Branson , a British business star .

  19. 这座位于美国新墨西哥州南部的拉斯克鲁塞斯占地1800英亩的宇航中心是维京银河的原型,也是理查德·布兰森最宏大的商业项目之一。

    The1,800-acre Spaceport America site , in Las Cruces , New Mexico , is the home base for Virgin Galactic , Richard Branson 's most ambitious business venture yet .

  20. 保罗·艾伦,艾伦·莫斯克,理查德·布兰森,杰夫·贝佐斯,安萨里家族,他们现在资助俄罗斯的亚轨道航行,鲍勃·比洛奇,一个私人空间站,和卡马克。

    Paul Allen , Elan Musk , Richard Branson , Jeff Bezos , the Ansari family , which is now funding the Russians ' sub-orbital thing , Bob Bigelow , a private space station , and Carmack .

  21. 发达国家一些像比尔·盖茨、史蒂夫·乔布斯和理查德·布兰森等这类成功的、敢于冒险的创业者都使人敬仰而非嫉妒,他们被看做激励他人的典范。

    In the developed countries some highly successful , risk-taking entrepreneurs , such as Bill Gates , Steve Jobs and Richard Branson , command respect for their wealth rather than jealousy , and they are seen as role models inspiring others .

  22. 但是近几年来,美国政府一直限制该太空计划的预算,于是将机会留给了像马斯克、亚马逊总裁杰夫和维珍总裁理查德·布兰森这样的亿万富翁们。他们用自己的资金来打造私人未来银河舰队。

    But the US government has restricted the space program 's funding in recent years , leaving it up to billionaires such as Musk , Amazon . com 's Jeff Bezos and Virgin 's Richard Branson to fund their own would-be galactic fleets .

  23. 理查德·布兰森爵士也许是世界上最有权势的人之一,但就在上周六的晚上,他可得扛住全世界人们的玩笑,因为他穿上裙装化上浓妆,出现在了飞往马来西亚的一次航班上。

    He might be one of the most powerful men in the world , but Sir Richard Branson was the brunt of a thousand jokes on Saturday night as he donned a skirt and a full face of make-up on a flight to Malaysia .

  24. 人们常说有茶万事足,对身价50亿美元的英国维珍集团老板理查德·布兰森来说尤为如此。近日,他表示自己每天会连续喝20杯左右的茶,即使身在国外也不例外。

    A cup of tea solves everything , so they say , especially for Richard Branson . The Virgin Group boss , who is worth over $ 5 billion , recently admitted that he chain-drinks around 20 brews a day - even if he 's abroad .

  25. 我曾担心他们可能会说,“你太年轻了,你没有资格在这演讲。”但我又想起了理查德·布兰森说过的话:“想象你和朋友在客厅聊天时的情景。”

    I worried that they might say , " You 're too young . You 're not qualified to speak here . " And then I remembered what Richard Branson had taught me : " Picture you 're talking to friends in the living room . "