
  1. 他敦促银行提高理财产品销售的透明度。

    He urged banks to improve transparency of WMPs sales .

  2. 保险理财产品的销售所得进而为安邦保险(AnbangInsurance)的海外收购和宝能(Baoneng)的公司突袭提供了资金。

    Proceeds from insurance WMPs have , in turn , financed foreign acquisitions by Anbang Insurance and corporate raiding by Baoneng .

  3. 多数理财产品在销售时都有某种形式的银行担保,导致许多投资者以为这些产品实际上是无风险的,尽管其承诺的收益率往往较高。

    Most wealth management products are sold with some form of bank guarantee , leading many investors to believe that the products are in effect risk-free , despite the often high promised yield .

  4. 从长期看,如果经济陷入深度且长期的衰退,资本市场持续低迷,保险业的投资回报将大幅度降低,理财型产品的销售将受到一定影响。

    In the long run , if the economy immerses into a deep and prolonged recession and the capital market remains in the doldrums , the investment return of insurance industry would be significantly reduced , which would be subject to a certain effects on the sales of investment products .

  5. 经过长期发展,作为成熟市场的发达国家理财产品市场,对理财产品销售的规制有着较完善的法律体系和制度构建。

    After long-term development , as the mature markets of the developed countries , financial markets , the regulatory system for financial product sales have a better legal system and institutional construction .

  6. XY银行自开展个人理财业务以来,在组织架构,理财产品的类型及销售渠道,个人理财业务流程,理财产品的销售及收入等方面都取得了较大的发展。

    Since the launching of XY Bank personal financial service , organizational structure , the type of personal financial products and sales channels , personal finance business processes , financial product sales and revenue and other aspects have had a larger development .

  7. 我国居民总体收入水平和户均资产在不断攀升,居民的个人理财意识逐步加强,各商业银行大力发行理财产品,产品销售规模不断刷新历史记录。

    As Our residents overall income levels and household assets continued to rise , residents gradually strengthen awareness of personal finance , commercial banks issued more financial products than ever before , the amount of products has refreshed history .

  8. 为理财产品进行合理、准确的分类,是研究理财产品的基本前提,也是对不同理财产品的销售实施规制的依据。

    Financial products for sound and accurate classification , is to study the basic premise of financial products , but also the implementation of different financial products sales of regulated basis .