
suǒ suì
  • trivial;trifling
琐碎 [suǒ suì]
  • [trifling;trivial] 零碎细小

  • 他从不屑于做这些琐碎小事

琐碎[suǒ suì]
  1. 他们把这些命题贬称为琐碎或只是咬文嚼字罢了。

    They stigmatize these propositions as " trifling " or " merely verbal " .

  2. 看起来这些似乎都是很琐碎的事,但是这却是许多重要项目成功的基础。

    It seems trifling , but it is a base of success for many important projects .

  3. 她觉得受到他们那些琐碎的规章制度的束缚。

    She felt hemmed in by all their petty rules and regulations .

  4. 我不想把时间浪费在一些琐碎小事上。

    I don 't want to waste time on trivialities .

  5. 他仍然每天到乳品场看看,但把生意上大部分琐碎事务交给经理和工头打理。

    He still visited the dairy daily , but left most of the business details to his manager and foreman .

  6. 喋喋不休地谈这些琐碎细节是无用的。

    It 's useless to fire away with such trivial details .

  7. 这些琐碎事情占去了他不少时间。

    Such small things take up a lot of his time .

  8. 她不喜欢琐碎的家务。

    She does not enjoy the details of housekeeping .

  9. 他用了一个晚上才把这些琐碎事踢蹬完。

    It took him a whole evening to take care of these small jobs .

  10. 琐碎的任务常常代表着征服者职业生涯的结束

    Petty assignments often signal the end of a Vanquisher 's career .

  11. 对一些琐碎规定的取消使生活更自在了。

    The removal of petty restrictions has made life easier .

  12. 大话语言通过嬉戏、调侃表现生活的琐碎、荒诞,具有较深刻的社会内涵

    Dahua shows the trivialness and absurdness of life through parodying and has deep society connotation .

  13. “第一世界问题”指的是微不足道的挫折或琐碎的烦心事,和发展中国家所面临的严重问题形成鲜明对比。

    First-world problem refers to a trivial frustration1 or petty concern , particularly one that contrasts sharply with serious problems such as those faced by developing nations .

  14. 如果那样的话,第十五章中的琐碎的定理(a)和(b),还有象棋问题,就和欧几里德和毕得哥拉斯的定理具有同样的“抽象”和“普遍性”。

    Thus the'trivial'theorems ( a ) and ( b ) of § 15 are just as'abstract'or'general'as those of Euclid and Pythagoras , and so is a chess problem .

  15. 注意,用户并不需要为此类琐碎的操作定义语法:Spirit已经提供了预定义的parserrealp来解析实数。

    Also note that the user doesn 't need to define grammar for such trivial stuff : Spirit already has the predefined parser real_p to parse real numbers .

  16. MJ:别让这些文化趋势把你的生活、工作和情感变得无聊琐碎。

    MJ : Don 't let culture trivialize your life and work and relationships .

  17. 注意这些我乐于提供的提示,其实都只是琐碎问题的答案,那种用Google就能找到的东西。

    Notice that the kinds of hints I 'm happy to provide are really just answers to trivia questions-the kinds of things that you find on Google .

  18. 完成该项的过程几乎是琐碎的,因为您只需要创建一个Provider类,一个结果类,以及一个扩展。

    The process to do this is almost trivial , because you need to create only a provider class , a result class , and an extension .

  19. Flex在处理类似的琐碎事情方面表现非常出色,让您从乏味的度量任务中解脱出来。

    Flex does an excellent job of taking care of these kinds of nuances and spares you from doing tedious measurement tasks .

  20. 语法树是由语法节点、令牌和一些琐碎的内容(trivia)组成的。

    The syntax tree consists of syntax nodes , tokens , and trivia .

  21. 多伦多大学(UniversityofToronto)“公民实验室”(CitizenLab)的研究显示,包括上述内容在内,一些看起来颇为琐碎的微信帖子已经受到审查。微信是一款广受欢迎的聊天应用。

    These were among the seemingly trivial posts on WeChat , a popular messaging app , that have been censored , according to a study by the University of Toronto 's Citizen Lab.

  22. 在Scratch中,混搭似乎确实存在取舍:比较有名的社区成员的程序被混搭了许多次——往往是以琐碎的方式;

    In Scratch , there does seem to be a remixing trade-off : more famous community members find their work remixed a lot - often in trivial ways ;

  23. 正如您所看到的,F4(如果它存在的话)是常量,因此可以进行琐碎的预测。

    As you can see , F4 ( if it exists ) is constant , and hence trivially predictable .

  24. 本文包含了一些使用STL的入门经验,主要是面向那些希望能快速使用STL又不想了解那些琐碎细节的程序员。

    This article contains some first hand experiences with STL and is intended for programmers that want to use STL fast and without going into greater details .

  25. 我决定把“关闭帐户”作为一个真正的(尽管是琐碎的)用例,因为它的UI将与开启/更改用例的UI不同。

    I decide that " closing an account " is a real , though trivial , use case since the UI will be different than the UI for the opening / changing case .

  26. 在像Eclipse这样惊人的工具带走了琐碎的编码工作时我们完成了多么多的工作,当我看到这时,很难看出任何专业人员如何避免使用像Eclipse这样的工具。

    When I see how much more can be accomplished when an amazing tool like this takes away trivial coding tasks , it is hard to see how any professional could afford to avoid using a tool like Eclipse .

  27. 在Scratch中,混搭似乎确实存在取舍:比较有名的社区成员的程序被混搭了许多次&往往是以琐碎的方式;那些原本就是混搭的项目也存在这种现象。

    In Scratch , there does seem to be a remixing trade-off : more famous community members find their work remixed a lot - often in trivial ways ; the same is true for already-remixed projects .

  28. 然而,将绘图软件包AUTOCAD应用于电机结构图的绘制之后,琐碎乏味的绘图工作可变得绕有趣味,且图纸的修改也变得简便易行,而绘图质量和速度还有着明显的提高。

    But , by using AUTOCAD plotting package , all the disadvantages can be overcome , then , the dull operations become very interesting and the quality of the drawing and the plotting speed can be improved considerably .

  29. 代码示例是相当琐碎的,但使用诸如Eclipse之类的集成开发环境(IDE)可使打开系统头文件、查找特定符号等操作变得更容易。

    The code examples are fairly trivial , but using an integrated development environment ( IDE ), such as Eclipse , makes it easier for you to open system headers , find specific symbols , and so forth .

  30. 本文首先使用贝叶斯网络建模了上下文和情景之间的因果联系,接着应用MarkovBlanket理论按照因果联系规约上下文,得到在数目上要少得多的核心上下文,从而从根源上消除了琐碎性。

    Again , Bayesian network is first employed to model causal relationships between contexts and situations ; then , Markov blanket is applied to this Bayesian network to find the core contexts , which is less than full contexts .