
  • 网络jones vector
  1. 用琼斯矢量分析激光测厚原理

    Analysis to Laser Measure a Thickness with Jones Vector

  2. 偏振光与偏振元件的琼斯矢量分析

    Jones Vector Analyses of Polarized Light and Polarized Elements

  3. 用琼斯矢量法讨论菲涅尔反射、折射公式

    Sinner formula discussed by Jones vector

  4. 最终给出了入射光和折射光电场矢量的琼斯矢量形式。

    Finally , Jones vectors for the electric fields of the incident and refracted rays are obtained .

  5. 双频左右旋圆偏振激光束的琼斯矢量和应用

    The Jones Vector for Laser Beam with Two Frequencies and Left right Handed Circular Polarizations and Its Application

  6. 由出射光与入射光的琼斯矢量变化,用矩阵方法得到了一种计算复合1/4波片的消色差能力的理论公式。

    Through the Jones vector variation of incident light and emergent light , a achromatic theoretical formula for composite wave-plate is deduced .

  7. 采用琼斯矢量变换的方法,分析了四分之一波片对入射椭圆偏振光偏振面的变换过程。

    The transformation course of a quarter-waveplate ′ s rotating polarization plane of elliptically polarized light is deeply analyzed by the Jones vector transformation .

  8. 本文借助于层栅理论和琼斯矢量综述其机理方面的理论与实验研究工作,并举例说明基于旋转场辨向各种测试手段中信号叠加方案的一般分析方法。

    Based on the layered phase grating and revolving field discrimination , a laser Doppler vibrometer system has been studied which provides a potential method of velocity measurement .

  9. 透射矩阵与照明光的琼斯矢量相乘,便可以求出再现光波的琼斯矢量。

    The Jones vectors of the reconstructing wave can be found by the product of the Jones vectors of the illumination light and the transmission matrix of polarization holograms .

  10. 通过笛卡尔琼斯矢量在坐标旋转下的变换,提出了圆琼斯矢量在坐标旋转下的变换,进而以石英为例推导出旋光率的具体表达式。

    The circular Jones vector ′ s transformation in coordinate conversion was presented by using Cartesian Jones vector ′ s transformation in coordinate conversion . And on the basis of it , the expression for quartz ′ specific rotation was deduced .

  11. 推导出该系统中光学系统的琼斯矩阵,采用矢量分析的方法,分析了光学系统(包括分束器、平面跟踪镜和角锥棱镜)对于任意方向入射光偏振态的影响以及光强变化的影响。

    The polarization effect of the optical system on a light beam incident in any direction is analyzed , and the Jones matrix of the system is presented .

  12. 针对变转速旋转双折射光纤偏振转换器件的具体结构,采用相位延迟片模型和琼斯算法,逐点计算了光纤中光学偏振态的琼斯矢量。

    By Jones calculus of retardance , the Jones vector is calculated along the polarization transforming fiber component produced by variably spun birefringence fiber .