
  • 网络crystallization rate;rate of crystallization
  1. 聚氧化乙烯/碱金属卤化物络合体系对提高PET结晶速率的研究

    A Study on Increasing the Crystallization Rate of PET by PEO / Alkali Metal halide Complex System

  2. PET的主要缺点是结晶速率慢、冲击强度低、耐磨性差。

    The disadvantages of PET include its low crystallization rate , low impact strength and poor abrasion resistance .

  3. 复合材料的结晶速率常数比纯PP大;

    The composite exhibits a larger crystallization rate constant and a smaller Avrami exponent compared with pure PP.

  4. 用多种方法对两个结晶速率不同的PET样品在拉伸过程中的结晶和取向进行了研究。

    Crystallization and orientation of PET films of different crystallization rates have been studied doing various techniques during stretching .

  5. 含一种刚性一种柔性组分的共聚酯随刚性组分含量的增加,结晶速率G下降。

    For copolyester containing a rigid component and a flexible one , crystallization rate G decreases with increasing the content of rigid component .

  6. 在PLA中添加成核剂可有效提高其结晶速率,改善其耐温性能。

    The addition of nucleating agent is quite effective in enhancing the crystallization of PLA .

  7. 在高温下,SB与PEN发生化学反应,生成可以起到成核作用的物质,降低了PEN的成核表面自由能位垒,提高了PEN在高温区的结晶速率。

    It can decrease the surface free energy barrier toward nucleation and accelerate the crystallization rate of PEN at high temperature .

  8. 在最大结晶速率温度135℃处,超声波对PP热性能的影响作用效果最佳。

    The optimal effect on the thermal property of PP was at the temperature of 135 ℃ of the maximum rate of the crystallization .

  9. 研究发现,当添加10%分子量为4000的PEG时,复合材料的结晶速率快速提高。

    Furthermore , PEG ( 4000 ) with the mass fraction of10 % can promote the crystallization rate of the composites .

  10. 高温部分结晶速率常数变慢与取向PET纤维的完全无定形部分重量减少有关。

    The decrease of rate constant of crystallization in the higher temperatures is related to the less amount of the amorphous portion in the oriented PET fibers .

  11. 当SiO2的含量为3%时,结晶速率常数增大。

    When the content of SiO_2 reached to 3 % , the constant of crystalline rate was increased .

  12. 而对薄膜晶化时间的分析则表明,Si掺杂会略微降低GST薄膜的结晶速率。

    However , the crystallization rate of GST was found to be slightly slowed by Si doping through the analysis of crystallization time . 4 .

  13. TPP对PET结晶速率影响的特点表明它不是PET的成核剂,而是一个增塑剂。

    The characteristics of the effect of TPP on the crystallization of PET indicate that TPP is a plasticizer of PET , but not a nucleating agent .

  14. 对不同取代基的苯甲酸钠盐,其相应的酸解离常数和溶度参数与PET的结晶速率有一定的内在联系。

    In the case of the sodium benzoates with different substituted groups , the crystallization rate of PET is related to the dissociation constant and solubility parameter of the substituted benzoates .

  15. 差示扫描量热分析(DSC)研究表明,交联使体系中PP相和PE相的结晶速率都下降。

    The result of thermal analysis by differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ) indicated that crosslinking decreased both of the crystal rate of PP and PE in the system .

  16. 用等转化率法适用于解析结晶速率常数K,结晶活化能Ed,成核参数ψ等参数,但不适用于求解线生长速率G。

    The iso-conversional method was suitable to analyze at the crystallization rate constant K , the activation energy of crystallizing Ed , the nucleation parameter ψ, and was unsuitable to analyze the liner growth rate G.

  17. 结果表明加入MMT后提高了PP的结晶速率,使结晶度增大,但对PP熔点的影响不大;

    The result indicated that both the crystallization rate and crystallinity of PP were increased by the addition of MMT , but the melting point of PP changed little ;

  18. 结果表明,由于成核添加剂与PET之间在熔融态下存在化学反应,导致PET有不同程度的分子量下降,同时PET结晶速率发生变化。

    It is found that there are chemical reactions between nucleating additives and PET in the melt state , resulting in the change of molecular weight and crystallization rate of PET in some degree .

  19. 结果表明,与常规聚酯(PET)相比,磷系阻燃共聚酯切片的结晶速率较低,结晶时间更长,热稳定性能更好,熔体粘度对温度更加敏感。

    Result indicated that comparing with conventional PET , phosphorus series inflaming retarding copolyesters slices had lower crystallizing rate , longer crystallizing time , better thermal stability , and the melt viscosity was more sensitive to temperature .

  20. 然而,PLLA较低的韧性、缓慢的结晶速率和降解速率限制了它的发展和广泛实际应用。

    However , the low toughness , slow crystallization rate and slow degradation rate of PLLA have limited its development and wide practical application .

  21. 采用原位聚合复合法制备无机超微颗粒(SiO2,TiO2,蒙脱土)/PET复合材料,首先考察了不同无机粒子对PET结晶速率的影响,结果表明:蒙脱土/PET复合材料(NPET)结晶速率最快;

    An in-situ polymerization composition approach was applied to prepare inorganic particles ( SiO 2 , TiO 2 , montmorrilonite ) / PET composites . Influences of various particles on crystallization rate were observed .

  22. 结果表明:纳米TiO2对MC尼龙6基体具有异相成核作用,使其原位纳米复合材料结晶速率常数变大,半结晶时间变小。

    The result showed that nano-meter TiO_2 particles had heterogeneous nucleating effect on MC nylon 6 , thus enhanced the crystallization rate of MC nylon 6 and reduced the half time of crystallization .

  23. 采用结合Avrami方程和Ozawa方程的处理方法,得到了3种聚酯的结晶速率的大小关系:PBT>PTT>PET。

    Their crystallization rate was analyzed by using Avrami and Ozawa equations and concluded as PBT > PTT > PET .

  24. 结果表明:纳米TiO2对铸型PA6起到异相成核的作用,提高了铸型PA6的结晶速率和结晶峰温,缩短了半结晶时间。

    The results show that nano - TiO2 can play a role of heterogeneous nucleating agent in polyamide 6 , improve the crystallization rate and reduce the half time of crystallization .

  25. 用光学退偏振法和DSC方法研究了聚合过程的助剂磷酸三苯酯(TPP)对聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(PET)结晶速率的影响。

    The influence of a polycondensation additive , triphenyl phosphate , on , the overall crystallization rate of PET has been studied by means of depolarized light intensity method and differential scanning calorimetry .

  26. 有机蒙脱土复合母粒能有效促进PP异相成核,提高PP的结晶速率和结晶温度,但对结晶速率常数影响不大。

    The results also show that organic montmorillonite master batches can effectively accelerate the heterogeneous nucleation of polypropylene and increase its rate of crystallization and crystallizing point , but they do not affect the rate constant of crystallization .

  27. 实际上,聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET),由于存在结晶速率慢、制品收缩率大、制品尺寸稳定性差等缺点,在作为注塑工程塑料的应用上也受到很大的限制。

    As a matter of fact , virgin poly ( ethylene terephthalate )( PET ) is also limited to apply as an engineering plastic for injection moulding due to its low crystallization rate , long crystallization period and inferior dimensional stability .

  28. 然而,PLA的结晶速率低,在实际成型加工得到的制品通常是非晶的,限制了其在具有耐热性要求领域的应用。

    However , one of the main features of PLA is intrinsic slow crystallization rate , resulting in amorphous state under practical processing , which limits its wider applications in the fields where thermal stability is required .

  29. 硫化过程中In2S3比FeS2有更高的结晶速率。

    The propagation rate of In_2S_3 crystallites is higher than that of FeS_2 crystallites during sulfidation annealing .

  30. 而对于低HV含量PHBV/PCL共混体系,随降温速率的增大,PHBV组分的非等温结晶速率常数Zc增加。

    As for the low HV content of PHBV / PCL blends , with the cooling rate increasing , the non-isothermal crystallization rate constant Zc of PHBV component increased .