
jié hé liào
  • Binder;matrix
结合料[jié hé liào]
  1. 氯盐对水泥海排灰结合料影响的SEM试验研究

    SEM Experimental Study of Influence of Friedel Salt on Cement-Sea Water to Remove Fly Ash

  2. AFS稳定细粒土结合料的性能与应用

    Properties and Engineering Application of AFS Stabilized Fine - grain Soil Binder

  3. SGL结合料稳定土的性能、应用及其硬化机理研究

    Properties , application and hardening mechanism of stabilized soil with SGL binder

  4. 在比较PG等级三种算法的基础上,推荐使用长期路用性能计划(LTPP)的计算公式进行结合料的PG等级确定。

    Based on the comparison of three methods for performance grade ( PG ) of asphalt binder , it is considered that PG can be selected by the LTPP formula .

  5. 现行Superpave结合料低温试验的温度条件导致沥青产生显著的物理硬化现象。

    According to the SUPERPAVETM specification , low-temperature tests for asphalt binders are performed under a low temperature condition , which leads to severe physical harding as a side-effect .

  6. 半柔性水泥乳化沥青混凝土结合料用量研究

    Study on the content of binder of the cement-emulsified asphalt concrete

  7. 纤维对沥青结合料性能改善的研究和分析

    Study and Analysis of Performance Improvement of Fiber for Bituminous Bound-Material

  8. 基于长期自然老化的沥青结合料低温抗裂性指标

    Anti-cracking indices of asphalt with different aging degree at low temperature

  9. 水泥粉煤灰稳定碎石结合料与集料的比例

    Proportion of binders to aggregate in cement-flyash stabilized crushed - stones

  10. 考虑老化的沥青结合料低温感温性指标

    Low Temperature Susceptibility Indexes of Asphalt Binder with Different Aging Degree

  11. 公路工程无机结合料稳定材料试验规程

    Testing methods of material stabilized with inorganic binders for highway engineering

  12. 无机结合料稳定煤矸石路基混合料性能研究。

    Inorganic binding material stability gangue subgrade mixture properties research .

  13. 温拌橡胶沥青结合料及其胶浆性能研究

    Study on the Performance of Rubberized Warm Asphalt Binder and Its Mortar

  14. 高掺量矿渣路面基层结合料的研制

    The Base Course Binder with High Added Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag

  15. 无机结合料稳定钢渣路用性能研究

    Highway Performance of Steel Slag Stabilized with Inorganic Binding Materials

  16. 无机结合料稳定土的无侧限抗压试件的制作

    Making of Unconfined Compressive Sample of Soil Stabilized with Inorganic Binding Materials

  17. 路基无机结合料处治深度的确定方法

    The Method for Determining the Treatment Depth of Roadbed Inorganic Binding Material

  18. 改性沥青结合料低温性能评价指标

    Evaluating indices for low-temperature performance of SBR modified asphalt binder

  19. 无机结合料水泥剂量在不同龄期滴定的变化

    Variety for Cement Anticipation of the Inorganic Binder in the Different Number Titration

  20. 彩色结合料的开发及技术性能研究

    Development and study on technical property of colour bond

  21. 沥青结合料物理硬化现象研究

    Phenomenon A Study on Physical Harding of Asphalt Binder

  22. 应用粉煤灰做无机结合料修筑路面结构基层

    Application of coal cinder as inorganic compound in constructing base of highway structure

  23. 沥青结合料与混合料动力性质的关系

    Relationship between Dynamic Properties of Asphalt Binders and Mixtures

  24. 老化对沥青结合料粘弹性的影响

    Effect of aging on viscoelastic performance of asphalt binder

  25. 结果确定了结合料总质量分数与集料总质量分数之间的最优比例为15:85;

    The best proportion of cement-fly-ash-flushed-by-seawater and aggregate is15:85 .

  26. 高速公路沥青结合料前期优化分析

    Analysis of Prophase Optimization on Expressway Asphalt Binder

  27. 无机结合料结构层施工期间试验监理应注意的几个问题

    Some Issues of Test and Supervision Deserving Notice in Inorganic Binder Structure Level Construction

  28. 无机结合料在路基路面工程应用中压实质量控制试验研究

    Study on Compaction Quality Control of Inorganic Binder in the Subgrade and Pavement Engineering

  29. 兰州黄土掺合无机结合料的力学特性试验研究

    Research on the Mechanical Characteristics of Loess Mixed into Inorganic Combinative Material in Lanzhou

  30. 以矿渣为主要组分的环保型路面基层结合料及其稳定土的力学性能

    Road Base Binder Using Slag as Main Component and Its Mechanical Property of Stabilized Soil