
  1. 高模量沥青混凝土(HighModulusAsphaltConcrete,简写为HMAC)以其优良的抗车辙性能,受到国内外公路界专业人士的普遍关注。

    The anti-rutted performance of High Modulus Asphalt Concrete ( HMAC ) is very excellent , which is generally focused by domestic and international professional personage .

  2. 同时公路界的相关研究人员发现将废旧轮胎经过加工并与沥青通过某种方法进行融合可以得到性能更好的沥青,称之为改性沥青。

    Road sector research also found that the processed waste tires and the asphalt are fused in some way better performance can be asphalt , called the modified asphalt .

  3. 沪蓉公路高界段软基过渡路面改建与营运管理

    Gao-Jie part in the Hu Rong Expressway a soft foundation transition road maintains and management

  4. 所以研制与我国交通公路相适应的智能交通公路管理系统是我国公路界急需研究的课题。

    So it is the subject that the circle of our country ' highway needs , studied the intellectual transportation highway administrative system in conformity with highway of our country ' transportation .