
  • 网络Ruili City
  1. 瑞丽市农村妇女生殖道感染状况定性研究

    Qualitative study of reproductive tract infection among rural women in Ruili city , Yunnan Province

  2. 瑞丽市柚子果疫病的发生及其病原鉴定

    Fruit Disease Incidence Survey and the Pathogen Identification of Pomelo ( Citrus grandis ) in Ruili City

  3. 性病门诊男性就诊者HIV感染率为2.7%(0-13.4%),其中德宏州瑞丽市性病门诊男性就诊者HIV感染率为13.4%;

    The HIV prevalence in male STD patients is 2.7 % ( 0-13.4 % ), especially in which from Ruili county of Dehong prefecture is 13.4 % ;

  4. 云南省瑞丽市旅游业可持续发展研究

    Study on sustainable development of Ruili tourism in Yunnan Province

  5. 瑞丽市跨境婚姻人群生存状况及艾滋病患病率调查

    The survey of cross-border couples ' living condition and HIV infection in Ruili

  6. 瑞丽市最近出现了疫情的复发。

    The city of Ruili has seen a resurgence of coronavirus infections recently .

  7. 瑞丽市农村中学的德育问题比较多,所以笔者选择从多方面来研究德育问题。

    Ruili City , rural schools are more moral issues , so I choose to study various aspects of moral issues .

  8. 通过分析瑞丽市的地理位置、气候条件和资源禀赋等自然条件,指出其发展特色农业的优势在于:生物物种优势,土地优势,地缘优势,经济优势;

    Based on the analysis of the nature conditions of Ruili-city , the paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of developing special agriculture in Ruili .

  9. 众所周知瑞丽市开展禁毒防艾人民战争取得一定成效,但艾滋病疫情仍然严重。

    As everyone knows , Ruili , obtained certain result on anti-drug , AIDS prevention and control , but the AIDS epidemic is still serious .

  10. 然后对调查资料进行统计分析,总结出瑞丽市农村中学德育教育存在的主要问题及原因。

    And then statistical analysis of survey data , summarized Ruili City of moral education in secondary schools in rural areas the main problems and reasons .

  11. 瑞丽市教师队伍建设大致经历了奠基、发展和步入正轨三个阶段。

    The construction of teaching body in the city of Rili has gong through three phases of founding , developing and stepping on the right track .

  12. 针对瑞丽市农村中学的实际情况,提出了瑞丽市农村中学德育问题解决的具体对策。

    Ruili City for the actual situation of rural secondary schools , a rural secondary school moral education Ruili city of concrete measures to solve the problem .

  13. 云南省边境贸易转型期的困境与对策&对瑞丽市边境贸易的调查与思考

    Dilemmas and Countermeasures in the Border Trade of Yunnan Province in the Period of Transfer : an Investigation and Thought on the Border Trade in Ruili City

  14. 小额贷款,HIV/AIDS及其家庭的曙光&瑞丽市为HIV/AIDS家庭通过小额贷款促进生产自救模式的探索

    Small sum of loan , the dawn of people with HIV / AIDS and their families & Ruili City exploring the self-saving work model by small sum of loan for families with HIV / AID

  15. 方法以来自陇川县、瑞丽市和部分缅甸北部居民镜检证实为恶性疟和间日疟的现症住院病人,进行血常规检验和谷丙转氨酶、尿素氮测定。

    Methods The blood picture , glutamic-pyruvic transaminase and blood urea nitrogen were tested to P. falciparum and vivax malaria patients from Longchuan County , Ruili City in Yunnan and part of inhabitants from North Burma .