
  • 网络Wade;Ward;Varde
  1. 据天文学家丹尼斯.瓦德所说,在晴朗的夜晚,如果天空中没有云和月,也没有人造灯挡住视线,人们可以看到一万四千多颗星星。

    On a clear night , with no clouds , moonlight , or artificial lights to block the view , people can see more than 14000 stars in the sky , says Dennis ward , an astronomer .

  2. 这是给他侄孙女瓦妲庆贺生日的信.这只是瓦德佛雷耍的花招.继续把它们都射下来.我们不能让瓦德大人Wecan'triskLordWalder

    It 's a birthday message to his grand-niece Walda . Or so Walder Frey would have you think . Keep shooting them down . We can 't risk Lord Walder

  3. 瓦德的新事业起步非常好。

    Waddle has made an excellent start to his new career .

  4. 恭祝瓦德公司的所有员工公司成立九周年愉快!

    Happy 9th Anniversary to all of us at Wade Corporation !

  5. 公车站牌是在瓦德饭店的转角处吗?

    Is the bus depot at the corner of the Waldorf Hotel ?

  6. 别对瓦德佛雷有任何期待,你才不会措手不及.

    Expect nothing of Walder Frey and you 'll never be surprised .

  7. 瓦德的首要任务应该是发展卫生,教育等方面。

    Abdoulaye Wade 's priorities should be health , education and so on .

  8. 这位“尼斯瓦德教授”要么是劳希曼本人,要么是一名演员。

    Niesward is Lauschmann himself or an actor .

  9. 瓦德大人他很好,夫人.

    Lord Walder is well , My Lady .

  10. 还有艾莉亚要嫁给他的儿子瓦德隆

    And Arya will marry his son Waldron

  11. 瓦德大人同意你过河.

    Lord Walder has granted your crossing .

  12. 除了获得更加精确的计算结果外,波究瓦德新模式还更简短。

    In addition to being more precise , Bojowald 's new model also is much shorter .

  13. 救护车随后赶到把他送往布鲁瓦德医院治疗,在医院阿奇博尔德被宣告不治身亡。

    An ambulance took him to North Broward Medical Center , where he was pronounced dead .

  14. 我们往那家名叫“奥利瓦德”的商店的橱窗里看,那里有漂亮的特大白色咖啡杯。

    We looked in the window of the shop called les olivades , which has nice outsize white coffee cups .

  15. 桑尼努克步行桥横跨洛杉矶河和金州高速公路,连接着阿特瓦德区和格力菲公园。

    The Suunynook footbridge connects Atwater with Griffith Park , spanning the Los Angeles River and the Golden State Freeway .

  16. 而今,三季之后,瓦德对史塔克家和诸神犯下的罪孽终于得到惩罚。

    Now , three seasons later , Walder was punished for his crime against the Starks and the gods . 5 .

  17. 在下一个转弯处有个汽车服务站.公车站牌是在瓦德饭店的转角处吗?

    There 's a garage round the next bend . Is the bus depot at the corner of the Waldorf Hotel ?

  18. 瓦德•佛雷的第四任妻子是一个布莱克伍德,但是在孪河城,亲属关系就和宾客权利一样一文不值。

    Walder Frey 's fourth wife was a Blackwood , but kinship counts for no more than guest right at the Twins .

  19. 哈布雷在塞内加尔的律师哈德杰.迪尔夫说,瓦德总统决定将这位乍得前领导人引渡回国是要摧毁他。

    Habre lawyer El Hadj Diouf says President Wade 's decision to extradite the former Chadian leader is meant to destroy him .

  20. 瓦德为罗柏、凯特琳和他们的属下奉上面包和盐,这在维斯特洛是宾客权利的象征。

    Walder Frey gave Robb , Catelyn , and their men bread and salt , the symbol of guest right in Westeros .

  21. 布鲁瓦德医院已经对阿奇博尔德的尸体进行解剖检验,目前院方正等待最终的尸检报告,希望找到他的死因。

    The Broward Medical Examiner 's Office conducted an autopsy and are awaiting test results to determine the cause of his death .

  22. 布鲁瓦德县治安官办公室周一表示,在比赛结束不到几分钟里,阿奇博尔德开始感觉不适,并且不断地呕吐。

    Soon after the contest was over , Archbold fell ill and began to vomit , the Broward County Sheriff 's Office said Monday .

  23. 我看到学生们争先恐后地沿着21街追赶,就在博拉瓦德大学校园的林荫大道上,好像枪手在那里。

    I saw students sort of scrambling along 21st Street , right at University Boulevard on the campus as if there was the gunman .

  24. 我从小就认识瓦德大人.他绝不会伤害我的.除非有利可图.

    I have known Lord Walder since I was a girl . He would never harm me . Unless there was a profit in it .

  25. 波究瓦德发现这两个自由参数是互补的,代表了大爆炸前后宇宙总量的量子不确定性。

    The two free parameters , which Bojowald found were complementary , represent the quantum uncertainty in the total volume of the universe before and after the Big Bang .

  26. 波究瓦德发现两个相互补充的自由参数:一个在大弹跳之后独有的,而另一个却几乎总是在大弹跳之前所独有的。

    Bojowald discovered that two of these free parameters are complementary : one is relevant almost exclusively after the Big Bounce and the other is relevant almost exclusively before the Big Bounce .

  27. 波究瓦德发现他必须创建一个新的数学模式来使用循环量子引力理论,以便更加精确地探究大弹跳之前的宇宙。

    Bojowald found he had to create a new mathematical model to use with the theory of Loop Quantum Gravity in order to explore the universe before the Big Bounce with more precision .

  28. 东部的反政府军攻入了几个月来一直被卡扎菲的忠诚份子重重包围的布里加,并推进到了拉斯拉鲁夫和本扎瓦德等卡扎菲心腹负隅顽抗的地区。

    Rebel forces from the east overcame loyalist fighters who had hemmed them in for months outside Brega and pushed on to Ras Lanuf and Bin Jawad , whose tribesmen had hitherto remained loyal .

  29. “序列分析”方法刚一出现,就被统计学家A·瓦德在美国发表了,他为了检验工业零件而独立地提出了这个方法。

    The ' sequential analysis ' method was , as it happened , soon published in America by the statistician A. Wald , 18 who had developed it independently for the testing of industrial components .

  30. 两人击败电视剧《爱探险的朵拉》中的捣蛋狐狸“斯维伯”,《圣诞怪杰》小说中的格林奇,以及《星球大战》中的达斯•瓦德,成为2岁至12岁孩子眼中“最淘气”的名人。

    The two women beat out Swiper the Fox from the television show Dora the Explorer , the Grinch from the book " How The Grinch Stole Christmas " and Darth Vader from Star Wars among children 2-12 .