
  • 网络Vaduz;Liechtenstein
  1. 瓦杜兹镇坐落在山谷的底部。

    The town of Vaduz sits on the valley floor .

  2. 其他选择还包括乘坐平底雪橇、放烟花或坐马车游览首都瓦杜兹。

    Other options include tobogganing , fireworks and horse-drawn carriage rides through the capital Vaduz .

  3. 有多种理由这样认为,对列支敦士登的瓦杜兹城堡进行一次不受打扰的游览是一件难得的乐事。

    A PRIVATE visit to the castle of Vaduz in Liechtenstein is a treat for many reasons .

  4. 然而,索尔仁尼琴在瓦杜兹并没有像西方人士那样兴奋。

    But , in Vaduz , Solzhenitsyn , a principled conservative , could not join in the West 's euphoria .