
  • 网络Vassar College;Frederick Ferris Thompson Memorial Library, Vassar
  1. 上世纪70年代中期,当普通中国人还不可能出国旅行的时候,洪晃已经前往美国就读高中,后来毕业于纽约瓦萨学院(VassarCollege),获得政治学学位。

    In the mid-1970s , when overseas travel was impossible for ordinary Chinese , Hung went to high school in the US and later graduated with a political science degree from Vassar College , New York .

  2. 美国瓦萨学院的英语教授罗纳德•沙普曾与尤多拉•韦尔蒂合著了《友谊的诺顿之书》,沙普教授认为,

    Ronald Sharp is a professor of English at Vassar College , US , who co-edited The Norton Book of Friendship with Eudora Welty .

  3. 瓦萨学院(VassarCollege)的校长凯瑟琳·邦德·希尔(CatharineBondHill)告诉我,她在1980年代开始授课的时候,学生从来不会跑来抱怨分数太低。

    Catharine Bond Hill , the president of Vassar , told me that when she began teaching in the 1980s , students never came in to complain about grades .

  4. 你们知道,27年前我在瓦萨学院做了一次演讲。

    You know , I gave a speech at Vassar 27 years ago .

  5. 27年前,我在瓦萨学院也做了个演讲,大获成功。

    You know , I gave a speech at Vassar 27 years ago . It was a really big hit .

  6. 美国瓦萨学院的英语教授罗纳德•沙普曾与尤多拉•韦尔蒂合著了《友谊的诺顿之书》,沙普教授认为,这种对于社交领域‘挖墙脚’的担忧其实是由于不恰当或扭曲的友谊观所致。

    Ronald Sharp is a professor of English at Vassar College , US , who co-edited The Norton Book of Friendship with Eudora Welty . Sharp said : The anxiety about social poaching stems from an inappropriate or distorted view of what friendship is .

  7. 一位来自英联邦的研究员,弗兰西斯·普莱斯(别混淆了,这不是莫瑞斯·普利斯),有一天组织了一场曲棍球赛,一方是研究生学院,另一方是130英里之外的瓦萨女子学院。

    One of the Commonwealth Fellows , Francis Price ( not to be confused with Maurice Pryce ... ) arranged a hockey match the other day between the Graduate College and Vassar , a women 's college ( amer . ) / university ( engl . ) some 130 miles away .