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  1. 随后,降服甘州回鹘,灭渤海国。

    Before long , he conquered the Uygurs in Ganzhou and captured the Bohai .

  2. 到后期,甘州回鹘以地理之便,积极发展与周边政权关系往来,尤其是与中央政府北宋的保持密切经济和文化上的联系。

    Ganzhou Uighur to geographic , positive development with peripheral power trade , especially with the economic and cultural exchanges .

  3. 在西北地区四分五裂、动荡不安的时期,丝绸之路上仍是十分繁荣的景象,往来于丝绸之路上的人络绎不绝,甘州回鹘为中西贸易做出了重要贡献。

    In the northwest region be split , turbulent period , the silk road is very prosperous , made important contribution for Chinese and Western trade .

  4. 甘州回鹘是9世纪晚期至1028年间由河西地区的回鹘人以甘州为中心建立的民族政权。

    The Ganzhou Uighur Khanate was built in end of the 9th century and distinguished in 1028 , centered in Ganzhou ( Zangye in today ) .

  5. 9世纪晚期,甘州回鹘的势力得到迅速发展,终于摆脱了归义军政权的统治,以独立的姿态登上了历史舞台。

    In end of the 9th century , the power of the Ganzhou Uighur expanded rapidly , shaked off the yoke of the Gui-yi-jun Regime , and came on political stage independently .