
  1. 其次,利用SWOT方法,对甘肃银行所处市场环境及自身条件进行了现实的分析。

    Then we analyze the market environment and the conditions that Bank of Gansu itself possesses using the method of SWOT .

  2. 以甘肃银行为例,首先阐述了商业银行差异化竞争的理论基础。

    Taking Bank of Gansu for example , we first describe the theoretical basis of diversified competition in commercial banks .

  3. 在落后的甘肃,银行的发展受政局的影响更大。

    The political situation had an influence on the development of modern banks in Gansu which was backward .

  4. 由于市场环境、社会信用体系、法律法规、经济发展水平、金融生态环境等因素的制约,甘肃中小银行发展面临诸多问题和挑战。

    Given the market conditions , social credit system , laws and economic development and financial ecological environment , Gansu SMBs face many problems and challenges .

  5. 最后从外部环境和内部因素分析了甘肃中小银行发展的制约因素,提出了中小银行支持甘肃经济发展的对策。

    Finally this article has analyzed the SMBs ' development restriction factor from the external environment and the internal factor in Gansu , and proposed the countermeasure which supports the Gansu economic development .

  6. 提高甘肃省商业银行金融服务水平,改善甘肃省商业银行经营效率可以更好的发挥其在经济、社会发展中的作用。

    The commercial banks in Gansu Province can better play their role in the economy and society development with the promotion of financial services and the improvement of operational efficiency .

  7. 建行甘肃省分行举办银行业务知识暨技能大赛

    CBC Gansu Branch Holds A Contest of Knowledge on Banking Operation and Skills

  8. 在进行了多方面的综合分析后,本文提出,甘肃榆中农村合作银行也应着手进行类似商业银行全面风险管理平台的建设。

    In the aspects of comprehensive analysis , in this paper , Gansu Yuzhong rural cooperative bank also undertake similar commercial bank risk management platform construction .