
ɡān yǔ
  • seasonable rain
甘雨 [gān yǔ]
  • [a good rain after a long drought] 对农事特别适时的雨;甘霖

  • 久旱逢甘雨

  • 甘雨时降,万物以嘉。--《尔雅.释天》

  1. 久旱的禾苗逢甘雨。

    A sweet rain falls on the parched seedlings .

  2. 阿森纳能够感觉到久旱逢甘雨的味道。

    Arsenal can sense an end to the drought .

  3. 当你只有一个人的时候,他会将你揽在怀中,向你心田微微地撒下爱情的甘雨和阳光;

    When you have only one person , he will get in your arms to your heart to sow a little love and sunny Kam Yu ;

  4. 唐诗英译,作为文学翻译的“烫手山芋”,在甘雨的滋润下也吐出了“新芽”。

    The C-E translation of Tang poetry ," a hot potato " of the literary translation , benefits from it and " sprouts " a new solution .

  5. 他出现确如晨光,他必临到我们像甘雨,像滋润田地的春雨。

    As surely as the sun rises , he will appear ; he will come to us like the winter rains , like the spring rains that water the earth .

  6. 从历史看,自1977年恢复大学正常的招生秩序以来,大学的学子们都如久旱逢甘雨似地吮吸着科学文化知识的琼浆。

    Viewed historically , since normal college recruitment was restored in 1977 , college students have been devouring the nectar of science and culture as the dry ground absorbs rains after a long drought .

  7. 我们务要认识耶和华,竭力追求认识他。他出现确如晨光,他必临到我们像甘雨,像滋润田地的春雨。

    Then shall we know , if we follow on to know the LORD : his going forth is prepared as the morning ; and he shall come unto us as the rain , as the latter and former rain unto the earth .