
  • 【地】producing well
  1. CO2驱油生产井停喷原因探讨

    Reason of stopping flowing of production wells driven by co_2

  2. CO2生产井的腐蚀机理及预防

    Corrosion mechanism and preventive measure about carbon dioxide well

  3. 在ISC过程中,燃烧前缘缓慢的从一口注入井向一口或多口生产井方向运动。

    In-Situ Combustion ( ISC ) is basically a burning front that slowly moves from an injection well to one or more production wells .

  4. ~(113)Sn-~(113m)In发生器用于油田生产井产液流量测定的开发研究

    Application of ~ ( 113 ) sn - ~ ( 113m ) in generator to logging of total liquid production of oil wells

  5. 本文介绍油田测井用锡-铟(~(113)Sn-~(113m)In)发生器装置的实验室考查研究及其在油田生产井产液剖面测量中的应用。

    This paper describes a device of ~ ( 113 ) Sn - ~ ( 113m ) In application to logging of total liquid production profiles .

  6. 气-汽段塞驱是通过气-汽发生器装置,向生产井组的中心注入井注入温度250~300℃的烟道气和水蒸汽混合物的工艺技术,其主要成分为N2、CO2和水蒸汽。

    Gas steam slug drive uses gas steam generator to inject a mixture of flue gas and steam of 250 ~ 300 ℃, with N 2 , CO 2 and steam as major components , into the central injection well of a well block .

  7. 为了在蒸汽驱过程中保持较低的油藏压力(1~5MPa),生产井必须排空,必要时可增力。

    In order to keep lower reservoir pressure ( 1 ~ 5MPa ) during steam drive , the production well must be clearly discharged .

  8. 生产井排液速度30t/d;最小井底流压2.0MPa。

    Unloading speed in production wells is 30 t / d , the minimum bottomhole flow pressure is 20 MPa .

  9. 该文采用井间示踪剂测试解释ITTA软件,利用最优化方法对E31油藏生产井产出的示踪剂浓度剖面进行分析,计算了注入水波及的高渗透层位的渗透率和厚度。

    By using ITTA interwell tracer testing and interpretation software and optimization method , this paper analyzed the produced tracer profile and calculated the permeability and the thickness of high permeability layer in E 3 1 reservoir .

  10. 油气田生产井全过程钻井监测系统

    A total drilling monitoring system for oil and gas production well

  11. 抽油机是石油开采的主要设备,原油生产井使用抽油机将蕴藏在地下的石油通过抽油管抽出。

    Oil-Pumping unit is the necessary equipment in oil exploitation .

  12. 地震预测滤波方法在生产井产量预报中的应用

    Application of seismic prediction filter method on predicting the productivity

  13. 测量生产井高含水率的一种新方法&全空间测量法

    A New Method to Measure High Watercut in Production Well

  14. 秦皇岛32-6油田具有6座井口平台,共有163口生产井和注水井。

    There are163 wells located at the6 wellhead platforms in QHD32-6 oilfield .

  15. 蛇曲井生产井段压降预测方法

    Prediction method of the pressure fall in producing well section of snaky well

  16. 用连续流量计确定两相生产井视流体速度的方法

    Determination of Apparent Velocity of Flow in Bi-phase Producing Wells with Continuous Flowmeter

  17. 生产井站多参数地面测试技术研究与应用

    Research and application of multi-parameter ground testing technology in production well and station

  18. 电潜泵生产井压力监测的新方法

    A New Pressure Monitoring Approach for Production Wells Equipped with Electric Submersible Pumps

  19. 油井转气井开采的探索及井下油嘴的应用浅谈岩溶缝洞型碳酸盐岩油藏见水生产井压锥与提液

    Investigation of oil well to gas well production and application of downhole choke

  20. 有界地层长时生产井的短期压力恢复数据处理分析方法

    A method of analysing short buildup data after longtime production in finite reservoir

  21. 水驱砂岩油藏生产井出口端含水饱和度的确定方法

    Determination of Exit-End Formation Water Saturation of Oil Well in Water Drive Sandstone Reservoir

  22. 在一些凝析气藏中,凝析堵塞能显著的降低生产井的供应能力。

    In some kinds of condensate reservoirs , condensate blockage can reduce well deliverability significantly .

  23. 基于现场总线的生产井录井仪及其专家系统

    A Logging Instrument and Expert System Used in the Production Well Based on Field Bus

  24. 采用正交设计确定了影响因素的组合与计算方案的数目,研究结果表明,水平井布在靠近直升生产井而远离直升注水井时,开采剩余油的效果最好。

    Combination of factor and the number of calculation plans were determined with orthogonal design .

  25. 用该测井仪对不同地区的标准井和生产井进行了测试。

    The proposed tool was tested in production wells and test wells of various areas .

  26. 确定低渗透油藏生产井平均地层压力的简便方法

    A simple method for determining average reservoir pressure in producing wells for low permeable reservoirs

  27. 在固定平台上安装钻机钻生产井,需建造大的固定平台,工程费用高;

    A rig drilling well on a fixed platform requires a large platform with great expense ;

  28. 其中对生产井平均地层压力研究时考虑了不同含水级别的不同。

    In the study of the average pressure , I considered the different water cut levels .

  29. 历史拟合是运用已有生产井的动态资料校正模拟模型的逆过程。

    History matching is the process of calibrating a simulation model to past performance of wells .

  30. 为该地区生产井的合理配置提供了依据。

    This provides a basis for the rational disposition of the pumping wells in this area .