
  1. 本文首先从区域发展、生产要素、需求状况和支撑产业四方面构建了空港竞争力的指标体系。

    In this paper , index system of airport competitiveness is built from four aspects : Regional Development , Production Factors , Demand Conditions and Support Industry .

  2. 最后对两江新区的生产要素、需求要素、商业环境、生产环境、支撑要素和政府要素等提出了优化建议。

    At last , the paper proposed optimizing advice on the aspects of production factors , demanding factors , commercial and productive environment , supportive factors and government influences etc.

  3. 针对这个主题,提出钻石体系的分析架构,并且认为可能会加强本国企业创造竞争优势的因素包括:生产要素、需求状况、相关和支持产业、企业战略、结构和同业竞争。

    Porter studied the national competitiveness and posted the structure of " Diamond System ", including production factor , demand factor , relevant supportive industries , enterprise structure , strategy and competition .

  4. 该模型包括生产要素、需求条件、相关产业和支持产业、企业的战略、结构和竞争对手四个因素,他们要在政府和机遇协助下发挥重要效益。

    Diamond Model includes four factors : production factors ; demand condition ; strategy of relational industries , support industries and enterprises ; structure and competitive rivals , and the four factors should product important benefit based on cooperation with others .

  5. 并结合波特钻石模型,分析了重庆摩托车行业的生产要素、需求条件、相关和辅助行业、企业策略、结构及竞争者,两大辅助性要素即机遇和政府行为等。

    It also combined with the diamond model to analysis factors of production , demand conditions , related and supporting industries , business strategy , structure and competitors , the two complementary elements of that opportunity and government behavior of Chongqing motorcycle industry .

  6. 主要从生产要素、需求条件、相关产业和支持产业、企业战略结构与竞争对手、机遇和政府的作用等几项因素来对广州的高新技术产业的发展进行了分析。

    Porter 's Diamond Theory , it is mainly from the production element , the requirement , the relational and sustaining industry , the stratagem structure and the opponent of the corporation , the chance and the government to analyze the high tech industry in Guangzhou .

  7. 城市产业结构再造受到产业的生产要素、市场需求以及国内外产业环境等因素的影响。

    RCIS is affected by production factors , market demands and domestic and international industrial environment .

  8. 分析得出中国民营中小型出口企业竞争力影响最大的为生产要素,其次需求状况,再次为企业战略结构、竞争和综合因素。

    Analysis of Chinese private enterprise competitiveness of small and medium-sized export biggest influence factors of production , the second for demand for enterprise strategy , again structure , competition and comprehensive factors .

  9. 从宏观上看,产业竞争力来自生产要素,国内需求,相关企业以及企业的战略、组织、竞争四个基本因素和政府、机遇两个主要因素。

    From macro perspective , the industrial competitiveness comes from the four basic factors , which are factors of production , domestic demand , related enterprises and business strategy , as well as the government and opportunities .

  10. 本文就根据波特的钻石体系,归纳出生产要素供给、需求条件、相关产业支持、企业结构和产业竞争状况、经济发展面临的机遇、政府政策等六个方面的因素对我国汽车产业进行分析。

    Using Michael Porter 's theory of " National competitive Advantages ", the paper analyzes Chinese auto industry from following six aspects : factor supply , demand factor , supportive industries , structure and competition of enterprise , opportunities , governmental policies .

  11. 第六章,从生产要素、市场需求状况、相关和支持产业状况、经营主体状况、政府行为与相关政策、机遇与挑战等六个方面,分析湖南柑橘产业竞争力影响因素。

    Chapter 6 , from the factors of production , market demand conditions , related and supporting industries position , operating the main conditions , government actions and policies , opportunities and challenges 6 , the analysis of industrial competitiveness in Hunan citrus factors .

  12. 当经济增长时,在技术、生产要素供应量和需求方面会有重大的变动。

    As economies grow , there are major changes in technology , factor supplies , and demand .

  13. 林产品作为工业进步的重要战略资源和关系国计民生的主要生产要素之一,其需求量正在保持着持续稳定的增长。

    As one of the most important livelihood related resources and productive factors , forest products ' demands are maintaining a steady rapid growth .

  14. 从产业层面看高等教育对提升竞争力的作用,突出表现在它能改善生产要素条件、影响需求状况以至直接影响产业群内的竞争。

    Thinking from industry aspect , higher education has outstanding behaviours , especially on improve the condition of production factors , and influence the demand state even influence the competition in industry group directly in it .