
shēnɡ chǎn zī běn
  • production capital
  1. 前者承担可分割的生产资本的职能,后者承担不可分割的社会成本之职能。

    The former has the function of divisible production capital whereas the latter bears the function of indivisible social capital .

  2. 承担生产资本职能的全民所有制企业必须改造为以自然人所有和自然人决策为基础的产权制度。

    The whole people ownership enterprises with production capital must be transformed into enterprises owned by natural person that makes decisions for them .

  3. 按期望目标,东道国通过改变自身的ESP系统、投资主体通过对O、L、I进行不同的组合,均可以影响投资/引资流量,从而达到调控国际生产资本地域运动的目的。

    According to the expectancy of objective the host country can influence investment also do by composing its OIL differently in order to adjust FDI flow .

  4. 双种群可再生资源与生产资本的最优管理

    Optimal Management of Two-species Renewable Resources and Productive Capital

  5. 品德是一种具有经济功用的生产资本,是一种社会资本;

    Moral character is a kind of productive capital with economic function and a kind of social capital .

  6. 在这种情况下,专门生产资本密集型产品的国家就有了一种优势,因为竞争者寥寥无几。

    In this context , there is an advantage in specialising in capital-intensive goods for which there are few competitors .

  7. 由于资源是稀缺的,把更多的资源用于生产资本就要求把较少资源用于生产现期消费的物品和服务。

    Because resources are scarce , devoting more resources to producing capital requires devoting fewer resources to producing goods and services for current consumption .

  8. 中海油表示,在今年的资本支出中,勘探、开发和生产资本化支出将分别约占21%、67%和10%。

    Cuts will be concentrated in development spending , which will drop by 67 per cent , Cnooc said . Spending on exploration and production will be reduced by 21 per cent and 10 per cent respectively .

  9. 综上所述,可持续发展过程不仅仅是一个人力资本、生产资本和自然资本相协调的过程,而且更是技术扩散内生化的动态变化过程,在此,它还间接的受到经济个体间互动关系的影响。

    Obviously sustainable development is a technology-endogenetic dynamic course except for a course of coordination of human capital produce capital and natural capital . In this dynamic course it is still affected by the interaction of economic individuals .

  10. 其次,把社会资本纳入可持续发展体系当中,分析社会资本与自然资本、生产资本和人力资本之间的辩证关系和相互转化,提出了以社会资本为纽带的资源配置网络。

    Next , set social capital in sustainable development system , analyzing the dialectical relationship and transformation each other along social capital , nature capital , product capital and human capital , proposing the resource network which is linked by social capital .

  11. 作为国民经济增长的重要推动力,大企业能够大规模地利用生产资本,如原材料、机器设备、人力资源及技术知识,创造了大量的物质财富和精神财富。

    As the promotion for national economic improvement , large business utilized the production capital on a large scale to create a lot of material and spiritual wealth , such as raw materials , machinery and equipment , human resources and technical knowledge .

  12. 二战后,特别是60年代以来,以跨国公司为主体的国际间的生产资本转移取代了以货币资本为主要特征的资本输出,日益成为国际资本运动的主要形式。

    Since World War II , especially since the 1960 's , chiefly due to multi-national corporations , the international transfer of production capital has replaced currency as the major form of capital export , and has become the major form of the movement of international capital .

  13. 能够进行进一步生产的资本。

    Assets available for use in the production of further assets .

  14. 三是生产和资本的集中正在形成全球寡头垄断市场;

    The concentration of production and capital forms global monopoly market ;

  15. 阐述了资本运营的概念、内涵,商品生产与资本运营,资产重组与资本运营等理论问题。

    This paper explained the concepts and connotation of capital operation .

  16. 出口、生产和资本支出均大幅下降。

    Exports , production and capital expenditure have collapsed .

  17. 剩余价值的生产是资本的本质。

    But this immediate process of production does not exhaust the life span of capital .

  18. 现代教育与培训制度的主要功能在于生产人力资本。

    The main function of modern education and training institutions lies in producing human capital .

  19. 生产与资本的国际化是世界经济发展的必然趋势。

    The internationalization of production and investment is the inexorable developmental trend of the world economy .

  20. 资本可以按照生产性资本的过去费用的过去成本来进行估价。

    Capital may be valued at historic cost in terms of past expenditures on productive assets .

  21. 中小企业的复兴表明生产与资本集中是一个动态的、随技术演进而发生变化的发展过程;

    SME renewal indicates that production and capital centralization is a dynamic process , changed with technology evolution ;

  22. 知识传授过程既受社会资本的影响,同时本身也生产社会资本;

    The process of knowledge impartation is not only affected by social capital , but produces social capital in itself ;

  23. 公司作为实现生产和资本集中的有力工具,自从产生便表现出强大的发展势头。

    As a powerful instrument for production and capital amassing , company has experienced a rapid development since its emergence .

  24. 推导的数据类型包括:IT价格指数、IT生产性资本存量估算以及IT使用者成本计算。

    The data we deduced in our research including IT price index , IT productive capital stock and IT user cost .

  25. 第二次世界大战结束后,跨国公司的兴起与发展,使生产与资本走向国际化。

    After world war ⅱ, with the rise and development of transnational corporation , Production and capital have been widely internationalized .

  26. 本文认为:中小企业的复兴并未改变生产与资本集中的长期发展趋势;

    According to this thesis , SME renewal has not changed the long run development trend of capital and production centralization ;

  27. 重农学派是第一次对生产和资本在生产中的作用问题提出明确观点的学派。

    The physiocrat was the school of thought that first proposed specific viewpoint about functions that the produce and capital performed in production .

  28. 论文化超越资本&《资本论》视角中的文化生产、资本极限和人类社会的未来

    On Culture Transcending Capital & Cultural Production , Limit of Capital and the Future of Human Society in the Perspectives of Das Kapital

  29. 一方面高等教育可以通过生产社会资本,促进社会的发展与人的阶层流动,另一方面一个国家社会资本的发达程度也会影响整个高等教育的改革与发展。

    On one hand higher education can produce social capital , on the other hand social capital can influence the reform and development of higher education .

  30. 自然所提供的这些服务在价值上就相当于其生产性资本和人力资本所创造的部分国家财富。

    These services provided by nature are just as much a part of the wealth of a nation as its manufactured capital and its human capital .