
shēnɡ yuán
  • scholar;examinees passing prefectural tests:term used in the Ming and Qing dynasties;skilful writer
生员 [shēng yuán]
  • [students in feudal society] 封建科举制时代,在太学等处学习的人统称生员,唐代指在太学学习的监生,明清时代指通过最低一级考试,取入府、县学的人,俗称秀才

  1. 有大约三百名生员参加了这次科举考试。

    About 300 scholars took part in this imperial examination .

  2. 明代地方学校生员考试制度考述

    The Examination System of Local School in Ming Dynasty

  3. 生员与荒政的关系问题,前人少有讨论。

    The relationship between licentiates and the famine policy is scarcely discussed by the predecessors .

  4. 该艺术科学院举世闻名的小雕像就此诞生了。有大约三百名生员参加了这次科举考试。

    The Academy 's world-renowned statuette was born . About 300 scholars took part in this imperial examination .

  5. 杰克想到明年夏天将在海滩作救生员工作,心里十分高兴。

    Jack is licking his chops about the lifeguard job he will have at the beach next summer .

  6. 如今,超声波仪器和市场似乎充当起了计生员。

    These days it seems that ultrasound machines and the market are doing the work of the birth planners .

  7. 但生员赈济的标准与普通贫民基本相同。

    However , the standard and procedure for the scholars were the same as those for the general people .

  8. 明、清时,秀才是经过院试,得到入学资格的“生员”的俗称。

    Ming and Qing , the scholar after hospital tests , to be admission of " health trainers " commonly known .

  9. 男女均可,35岁以下,持救生员岗位资格证书,有救生员岗位经验,会简单英语。

    Male or Female , Under 35 years , With lifeguard certificate and having lifeguard working experience , Can speak simple English .

  10. 例如,它们普遍达不到麻疹免疫80%覆盖率或由熟练的接生员帮助分娩。

    For example , they generally fail to achieve an80 % coverage rate for measles immunization or the presence of skilled birth attendants .

  11. 地方政府花钱登广告招徕高中生和大学生,园林厅提供奖金来引救生员。

    Local governments paid for advertisements trying to attract high school and college students , and parks departments offered bonuses to lure lifeguards .

  12. 同时大量的生员加上地方的致仕官员,也成为江南地区讲学和慈善活动的主要参与者。

    At the same time , both of the students and the local retired official people have become a major participant in tuition and charitable activities in the south Yangtse River .

  13. 高校既承担着为社会主义现代化建设培养合格的建设者和接班人,同时又为高层次教育培养和输送优秀的生员。

    The university is obligated to bring up the qualified builders and successors for the socialist modernization drive , as well as to cultivate and deliver excellent students for the higher level education .

  14. 宋朝有个梁灏,在82岁时才考中状元,在金銮殿上对皇帝的提问能够对答如流,其他生员皆不如他。

    Liao Hao in the Song Dynasty passed the Imperial Examination at the age of82.He defended himself so well when the emperor questioned him at the court that he was better than all other examinees .

  15. 本文试图探究生员与荒政的相互关系,揭示使政府和生员感到尴尬的原因。

    Thus this article tries to explore the mutual relations between the licentiates and the famine policy so as to reveal the reasons why the government and the licentiates get stuck in such a dilemma .

  16. 在提高生师比和生员比以及提高系和专业规模的基础上,以效益为核心实现适度办学规模;

    And it must carry out the adequate school scale in the core of benefit on the basic of improving proportion between teachers and student proportions between teachers and enlarging the scale of departments and specialties ;

  17. 本文介绍了该书院从1735&1906一百七十年的历史,包括屋宇、教官、藏书、学规、生员等情况。

    This paper gives an account of the history of the Academy from 1735 to 1906 , including its buildings , teachers , students , its collection of books , and its rules and regulations for learning .

  18. 如何开始工作:必须熟知你圈子内的接生员和助产师,并询问他们你是否可以在旁观看生产过程或参与产后咨询工作,以此来考虑这份工作是否适合你。

    How to get a jump-start : Get to know established midwives and doulas in your area and ask if you can witness a birth or postpartum counseling session to see if the field 's for you .

  19. 湖北省高职院校多、生员多,网络普及广、速度快,但高素质的实用性网络人才仍比较缺乏。

    This paper introduces that the number of higher vocational colleges and students in Hubei Province help the popularization of computer network on one hand , but the high quality and practical network talents are still not enough on the other hand .