
  • 网络Organism;life form;living things
  1. 所谓安卓指的就是机器人,或者说是长得像人类、行动也像人类的人工合成生命体。比起机械的robot,它更强调与人类的相似。

    An android is a robot or synthetic organism designed to look and act like a human .

  2. DNA自身携带着生命体的遗传信息,并且能够通过复制和转录细胞中的遗传信息来指导蛋白质和酶的生物合成过程。

    DNA carries the genetic information with organism , and is able to copy and transcription of the genetic information to guide the proteins and enzymes biosynthesis .

  3. 生命体通过某种生物过程聚集矿物质。

    The living organisms somehow concentrated the minerals by biological processes

  4. 昆虫是地球上数量最充足的动物生命体,它们的重量之和相当于整个人类人口体重的17倍。

    Insects are the most abundant form of animal life on the planet , representing more than 17 times the weight of the entire human population .

  5. 所以DNA就包含关于如何创造生命体的信息。

    So , DNA contains information about how to make living organisms .

  6. 知识型企业生命体持续生存与发展的多Agent综合诊断因果网络模型

    Multi-Agent Synthetically Diagnostic Causal Networks Model for Permanent Living and Developing of Knowledge-based Enterprise Organism

  7. DNA堪称是所有生命体体内均具有的一张“蓝图”,正是在它的“指引”下各种不同的基因沿着特定的路线逐步发育成长,最后便形成了诸多互不相同的个体。

    DNA is the internal blueprint for life that carries the genes that develop into each individual .

  8. DNA是生命体重要的遗传物质,它的损伤可能直接导致生命体的死亡。

    DNA is important genetic armamentarium of life ; it injured may be a direct result of the deaths life .

  9. DNA是生命体的基本遗传物质,是基因表达的基础。

    DNA is the basic genetic material of living and the basis of gene expression , and its structure is polymorphic .

  10. 细胞内pH在生命体中扮演着重要的角色,它与细胞维持正常的功能息息相关。

    Intracellular pH plays an important role in our lives . There are intimate connections between intracellular pH and normal cell functions .

  11. 而各种环境污染物通过各种方式进入生命体后的危害性表现之一即为与蛋白质和DNA等生物大分子发生相互作用,进而影响其结构和功能。

    After entering organisms , the environmental pollutants usually show their toxicity by interacting with the biological macromolecules and affecting the structure as well as function .

  12. DNA作为生命体的基本遗传物质,不仅参与生物的生命活动,而且与肿瘤发生和遗传性疾病等生命异常情况紧密相关。

    DNA is the germ plasm of the organism , not only involved in biological activities of life , but also closely related with the tumor and hereditary diseases .

  13. 核酸(包括DNA和RNA)是生命体中最重要的分子之一,有着非常重要的生物功能,其功能与其结构以及结构变化紧密相关。

    Nucleic acid ( DNA and RNA ) is one of the important biological molecules , and its functions are strongly coupled to the structures and the proper structure changes .

  14. 在生物体内,ATP合酶是能量代谢的关键酶,参与生命体中的多种光合磷酸化以及氧化磷酸化反应。

    ATP synthase is a key enzyme of energy metabolism , which was involved in a variety of oxidative phosphorylation and photophosphorylation in vivo .

  15. 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)正在开展一项新的研究活动,即无需离开地球,就可以揭示太空最深处是否存在外星生命体。

    NASA is launching a new project to help it better understand the deepest parts of space , without ever leaving Earth .

  16. DNA是构成生物体遗传功能、维持生命体各项生理活动正常运行的基本单元,因此构建一种具有灵敏度高和特异性强的DNA分子探针,是人们研究的重点。

    DNA is the basic units of an organism function , which maintain the physiological activities in the normal operation . Hence , the construction of high sensitivity and specificity DNA probes is the focus of research .

  17. 而紫外线对DNA辐射所导致的损伤又是生命体无法避免的,因此研究紫外线对DNA损伤机制,从而选择优良的DNA保护剂显得非常重要。

    The damage of DNA that caused by UV radiation can not be avoided by life . So the study on mechanism of UV damage to DNA , and the study on seeking a good Protection agent are very important .

  18. 有了转基因生命体(GMOs)的帮助,油分解的速度提高了五倍。

    The oil was broken down five times faster with help from the genetically modified organisms ( GMOs ) .

  19. VBM要实施成功,更重要的是进行有效运作,即制度渗透、文化根植和持续改进,最终将VBM建设成为一个良性循环的生命体。

    However , to implement VBM successfully , it 's more important to operate it efficiently , namely system saturation , culture replanting , and sustainable improvement , and at last VBM will be constructed to a life with healthy circulation .

  20. 人工生命体行为选择及其进化研究

    The Research of Action Selection and Its Evolution of Artificial Life

  21. 有关火星存在生命体的争论主要集中在这块陨星中所发现的磁性晶体上。

    The debate centres on magnetite crystals found in the meteorite .

  22. 试论城市生命体中生活固体废弃物物流系统的完善

    On the Perfecting of Life Solid Castoff Logistics System in Cities

  23. 科技型中小企业各成长阶段的生命体特征

    Life Characteristics of Small & Medium-sized Technology-based Enterprisesin Various Growing Periods

  24. 基于元胞自动机的知识型企业生命体健康演化模拟

    Health Evolution Simulation of the Knowledge-based Enterprise Based on Cellular Automata

  25. 基于碳化合物的雌性生命体或叫苏珊,已失去控制

    Female carbon-based life form , or Susan , not contained .

  26. 城市生命体双螺旋成长模型初探

    Study on the bi-helix development model of the city organism

  27. 我们将软件视为一个生命体是无意识的,也是不可避免的。

    Our reaction to software as sentient is both unconscious and unavoidable .

  28. 我们所知晓的所有生命体中都含有碳元素。

    All living creatures that we know about contain carbon .

  29. 它贯穿于生命体的一生。

    It is something that happens over an entire lifetime .

  30. 细胞代谢是维持生命体生存和成长的必备条件。

    Cellular metabolism is essential for the maintenance and upgrowth of lives .