
  • 网络Living system;life system
  1. 在分子生物学中,基因表达是生命系统最基本的过程,是指基因信息从DNA传递到蛋白质的过程。

    In molecular biology , gene expression is the basic process in living systems and it describes the process of genetic information transfer from DNA to protein .

  2. 生态化学计量学:复杂生命系统奥秘的探索

    Ecological stoichiometry : a science to explore the complexity of living systems

  3. DNA指纹分析技术在群落级生命系统应用的可能性

    The feasibility for application of DNA fingerprinting to community-level life system

  4. 这类借鉴模拟了生命系统的行为、功能和特性的科学计算方法可以称之为人工生命计算(ArtificialLifeComputation)。

    We call this kind of algorithms that mimic the behavior , function and characteristic of life system for scientific computation as " Artificial-Life Computation " .

  5. 在生命系统中,DNA、RNA和蛋白质起着决定性的作用,成为生命系统中的三驾马车,核酸解旋酶的重要作用自然不言而喻,而在耐辐射球菌中系统性研究核酸解旋酶的文章却罕见报道。

    In life system , Protein , DNA , RNA play a major role and are the troika in living systems . It goes without saying that nucleic acid helicase plays an important role .

  6. 阐述生命系统理论与新型制造模式的联系,探讨利用我国传统文化同LST相结合创立一套具有中国特色的现代化管理理论的可能性。

    Finally , the possibility to establish a China-oriented modern management theory based on the association of LST and Chinese traditional culture is explored .

  7. 针对生命系统中的自组织现象研究,本文给出一种基于Agent技术的生化网络建模仿真方法,该方法体系能与当前主流建模工具很好的结合,可广泛应用于生物分子系统的研究。

    In order to present the phenome existed in the biology system , we given a new agent-based computational modeling and simulation paradigm for the biochemical reaction networks . The method can be combined with the popular methods and can be widely used to study the molecular biology system .

  8. 在人机交互的发展历程中,随着虚拟现实技术和智能体技术的出现,开始出现了在生命系统指引下的一种新的基于智能体的虚拟现实(VR)人机交互界面。

    With VR and intelligent agent techniques in the development of HCI , a novel agent-based VR HCI is developed in the foundation of life system . This paper discusses system construction and characteristics of agent-based VR HCI .

  9. 细胞自动机是一种时间、空间和状态都离散的数学模型,由现代计算机创始人JohnVonNeumann于二十世纪四、五十年代在研究生命系统的自我复制现象时提出。

    Cellular Automata ( CA ), introduced by the founder of the modern computer science John von Neumann in the 1940s-1950s in the research of self-replication of the life system , are a class of spatially , temporally and state discrete mathematical models .

  10. 褐飞虱种群生命系统管理模型的研究

    Studies on management model of population life system of brown planthopper

  11. 稻田蜘蛛对稻纵卷叶螟生命系统的控制作用

    Control effects of the spiders on rice leaf roller life system

  12. 关于生命系统熵势函数的建立及应用

    The Foundation and Applications of Entropic Potential Function of Living System

  13. 环境与生命系统的关系,是整个生物学的根本问题。

    The relationship between environment and life system is a fundamental problem .

  14. 社会生命系统的宏观序结构模型分析

    Analyses of Macro - sequencing Model of Social Vitality System

  15. 基于生命系统理论的敏捷虚拟企业联盟企业选择方法

    The Partner Selection Method for Agile Virtual Enterprise Based on Living System Theory

  16. 氨基酸是生命系统中蛋白质的基本结构单位。

    Amino acids are the primary units of proteins .

  17. 论商业企业经营的生命系统思想

    On the Life System Concept of Business Enterprise Operation

  18. 昆虫种群生命系统研究方法概述

    On the methodology of the insect population life systems

  19. 生命系统复杂性与生命网络结构

    Complexity of Life Sysem and Structure of Life Network

  20. 在生命系统的细胞里有许多复杂的化学反应。

    In the cells of living systems there are many elaborate chemical reactions .

  21. 脊椎病形成生物力学机制及其生命系统的熵增原理

    Biological mechanics mechanism of spondylodynia formation and the " entropy increase principle "

  22. 我们的环境和维持生命系统的毁灭。

    The destruction of our environment and life-support systems .

  23. 生命系统的内在规律需要对其适当粗粒化后才能突现出来。

    The inherent law of living system can emerge after proper coarse graining .

  24. 生命系统理论及其应用综述

    A Survey of Living Systems Theory and Its Applications

  25. 研究模仿生命系统功能的系统的科学。

    The science of systems which function in a manner resembling living systems .

  26. 生命系统演化的熵势函数探析

    Discussion about Entropic Potential Function of Living System

  27. 生命系统、生态环境的熵分析

    Entropic analysis of life systems and ecological environment

  28. 建立了生命系统应满足的热力学定律;

    Furthermore , we set up the law of thermodynamics which the biological system meets ;

  29. 敏捷制造企业的生命系统理论研究

    Living System Theory of Agile Manufacturing Enterprise

  30. 另一个横贯这些等级分类有用的生态单元就是生命系统。

    Another useful ecological unit that cuts across this hierarchical classification is the life system .