
  • 网络ecological environmental quality assessment
  1. 长江三角洲典型县域农业生态环境质量评价

    Agricultural Ecological Environmental Quality Assessment of Typical County in Yangtze River Delta

  2. 区域生态环境质量评价理论和方法的研究

    Study on Ecological Environmental Quality Assessment Theory and Method

  3. 基于遥感与GIS技术的汶川县地震前后生态环境质量评价

    Evaluation on the Ecological Environments before and after 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake by Remote Sensing and GIS

  4. 基于GIS和RS的城市生态环境质量评价

    City Eco-environment Quality Assessment Based on GIS and RS

  5. 基于RS和GIS技术的石河子垦区绿洲生态环境质量评价

    Ecological Environment Quality Evaluation Based on GIS and RS

  6. 基于RS和GIS的天祝县草原景观空间格局分析与生态环境质量评价

    RS and GIS Based Landscape Pattern Analysis and Ecological Environmental Quality Assessment of Grassland in Tianzhu

  7. 基于GIS的害虫发生影响因素分析及森林生态环境质量评价

    Analysis to the Ecological Factors Affected on the Forest Pest and Evaluation of Forest Ecological Environment Quality Based on GIS

  8. 基于AHP法的黄河三角洲湿地生态环境质量评价

    The Environmental Quality Appraisal of the Wetland on the Yellow River Delta by AHP Method

  9. 3S技术在绥满公路生态环境质量评价中的应用研究

    3S Ecological Applied Research of Environment Quality Evaluation in the Sui Man Road

  10. 公路建设生态环境质量评价3S技术辅助分析研究

    Study on the Assessment of Regional Eco-environmental Quality with Aided Analysis of 3S Technique

  11. 基于3S技术的金堂县生态环境质量评价及可持续性发展研究

    Quality Evaluation and Sustainable Development Research of Jin Tang County Based on RS , GIS & GPS Technology

  12. 基于3S技术获取北京野鸭湖湿地生态环境质量评价数据,并对各种评价数据进行了处理与分析。

    Based on3S technology , the data of yeyahu wetland eco-environmental quality assessment are obtained , processed and analyzed in thesis .

  13. 如何采用Access2000关系数据库,基于DAO和SQL,开发了矿区生态环境质量评价和预警管理信息系统;

    How to adopt Access 2000 relation database , DAO and SQL to develop information management system of ecological environmental quality assessment and forewarning of mining area ;

  14. 采用层次分析法作为评价方法,利用MicrosoftvisualBasic6.0开发了城市生态环境质量评价信息系统。

    With AHP ( analytic hierarchy process ) as the assessment method , the assessment system of urban ecological environment is developed using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 . The System is composed of 6 modules , i. e.

  15. 并以朝阳市为例做具体研究,结果表明此种方法的评价结果能为环境改造和城市合理规划提供科学依据,而且GIS的应用,使得城市生态环境质量评价结果具有直观、形象、动态的特点。

    Taking Chaoyang as a proven case , it shows this method can offer gist of environment use and city plan , at the same time , it makes the results of city eco-environmental quality and effect intuitionistic , visualizing , dynamic by the use of GIS .

  16. 基塘系统生态环境质量评价指标体系的构建

    Establishment of Indicator System for Assessing Eco-environment Quality on Dike-pond System

  17. 沿河县区域生态环境质量评价与生态调控的研究

    Study on Yanhe Regional Ecological Environmental Quality Assessment and Ecological Control

  18. 巢湖流域生态环境质量评价的投影寻踪模型探讨

    Projection pursuit model for evaluating eco-environmental quality of Chaohu lake basin

  19. 区域农业生态环境质量评价&以江苏省为例

    Regional Agriculture Eco-environmental Quality Evaluation & A Case in Jiangsu Province

  20. 论建设项目可行性研究中的生态环境质量评价

    Thoughts on Eco-environment Quality Evaluation in Feasibility Study of Project

  21. 郑州市郊区土地生态环境质量评价

    Evaluation of Land Environmental Quality of the Suburbs of Zhengzhou

  22. 河南登封自然生态环境质量评价

    Comprehensive Assessment for Ecological Environmental Quality in Dengfeng , Henan

  23. 建立了延庆县旅游生态环境质量评价体系。

    Tourism eco-environmental quality evaluation system of Yanqing was established .

  24. 福州市表层土壤农业生态环境质量评价

    Assessments of agricultural eco - environmental quality of topsoils in Fuzhou City

  25. 我国区域生态环境质量评价方法探讨

    Discussion on Assessment Method of the Regional Ecological Environment Quality

  26. 森林土壤生态环境质量评价指标研究概述

    A discussion on evaluation indexes of forestry soil eco-environment quality

  27. 滇池流域生态环境质量评价

    The Quality Appraisal of Biological Environment in Dianchi Lake Basin

  28. 对我国城市化进程引入生态环境质量评价的思考

    Thoughts on introducing eco-environment quality evaluation into the course of Chinese urbanization

  29. 城市生态环境质量评价系统的研究与开发&以沈阳市为例

    Assessment System of Urban Ecological Environment : Case Study of Shenyang City

  30. 泥河沟流域农业生态环境质量评价

    Evaluation of Agriculture Ecosystem Environment Quality in Nihe Watershed