
  1. 简述了RS和GIS在景观格局分析研究、生态环境管理与建设中及在生态环境现状调查、动态监测与环境质量评价中的应用;

    The authors described the application of RS and GIS in landscape pattern analysis study and ecosystem environment management or development such as ecosystem environment present conditions investigation , ecosystem environment dynamic monitoring and ecosystem environment quality evaluation .

  2. 研究了RS(遥感)、GIS(地理信息系统)和GPS(全球定位系统)的原理和方法,将三者有机结合形成3S综合技术,应用到北京市水土保持生态环境管理信息系统中。

    This thesis studies the theory and method of RS ( Remote Sensing )、 GIS ( Geographical Information System ) and GPS ( Global Point System ), integrates them into 3S technology and applies it in the MIS ( management information system ) .

  3. 昆明市城中村生态环境管理对策研究

    Ecological Environmental Management on Villages Inside the Urban Area of Kunming

  4. 汶川地震灾区重建产业的生态环境管理研究

    Research on Eco-environment Management of the Industrial Reconstruction Process after Wenchuan Earthquake

  5. 新世纪生态环境管理的理论与方法

    Theory and Method of Eco-Environmental Management in New Century

  6. 城市生态环境管理中的伦理问题研究

    Study on Ethics Problem in Urban Eco-environment Management

  7. 中国矿山生态环境管理研究

    Study on Mining Environment Management

  8. 北京市水土保持生态环境管理信息系统管理单元&北京山区小流域划分

    Unit for Beijing Information System of Soil and Water Conservation & Small Watershed Division in Beijing Mountain Area

  9. 此外,提出了若干城市景观优化措施与生态环境管理对策,以利于全面提高城市景观生态安全度。

    Besides , the essay puts forward some measures in optimizing urban landscape and some strategies of ecological environment management so as to generally improve the degree of urban landscape ecological security .

  10. 生态环境管理的政策内容主要包括:产业开发和产业转型、生态移民和牧民定居、草场管理、技术推广以及控制人口过快增长和促进社会进步等。

    The policy contents of ecological management should include that industrial development and industrial restructuring , ecological emigration and herdsmen settlement , grazing management , technology popularizing , the control of population growth and promoting social progress .

  11. 应当注意梯度发展原则,处理好短期与长期发展的关系,重视小城镇生态环境管理,坚持各项管理原则。

    What we should pay attention to is , the step by step developing principle , the relationship of development in short term and in long term as well as the environmental administration of small town , etc.

  12. 最后提出为改善主要因子应采取的措施,以期为研究区生态环境管理和可持续发展提供理论参考和决策依据。

    The last part of this thesis proposes the major measures to improve the regulations so that it can provide theoretical reference and basis for decision-making for the ecological environmental management and sustainable development of the study area .

  13. 但当今国际上对资源性资产的管理呈现出四大趋势,即由分散管理趋向综合管理、与资源产业管理相结合、与生态环境管理相协同以及管理观念和手段的创新。

    But in general , there are four international trends on state-owned resource assets management . They are integrated management instead of decentralized management , combination with resource industries management , collaboration with ecology and environmental management , as well as innovative of management concepts and tools .

  14. 近年来,LCA已发展成为一种国际公认的生态与环境管理工具。

    Life cycle analysis ( LCA ) is an internationally accepted technique for measuring the environmental impacts over the life cycle of a defined system .

  15. 天津市生态环境信息管理系统的研究与开发

    Study and Development of Ecological Environment Information Management System of Tianjin

  16. 生态城市环境管理经济方法体系研究

    Study on the urban eco-economic environmental management system

  17. 鄱阳湖流域水土流失与森林生态环境控制管理对策

    Countermeasures for Water and Soil Erosion and Forest Ecosystem Management in Poyang Lake Watersheds

  18. 54.改革生态环境保护管理体制。

    Reform environmental protection and management systems .

  19. 洪水生态环境风险管理浅议

    Elementary discussion of flood eco-environment risk management

  20. 研究结果将为景区的生态旅游环境管理提供理论依据。

    And this index will be propitious to the environmental management in an ecotourism scenic region .

  21. 安第斯生态系统环境管理和保护综合实验项目信托基金;

    Trust fund for an integrated pilot project on environmental management and protection of the Andean ecosystems ;

  22. 浅议陇南市水土保持生态环境监督管理规范化建设

    Discuss lightly the water and soil conservation ecological environment of Longnan of Gansu Province supervises and manages standardized construction

  23. 创新生态环境行政管理体制;全面确立和落实生态环境保护目标管理责任制。

    Improve the ecological environmental administrative system ; establish and implement the ecological environment protection target responsibility system comprehensively .

  24. 最后,简要介绍了云南边境生态环境数据库管理原型系统的建设。

    Finally , there was a brief introduction of the Ecological Environmental Database Management Prototype System of Yunnan Boundary Region .

  25. 西部大开发的环境支持能力是一个很关键的因素,本文就西部省(区)环境、生态和环境管理等方面的问题提出了一些建议和对策。

    As environmental sustaining power is one of the key factors in the great development of West China , this paper presents some suggestions and countermeasures in terms of environment , ecology and management of environment of western provinces and cities .

  26. 脆弱区生态重建的环境管理分析

    The Analysis on Environmental Management of Ecology Rebuild in Fragile Area

  27. 生态经济效率环境管理发展的关系探讨

    Approach on Development Relationship between Eco-economic Efficiency and Environmenta ! Management

  28. 水域生态环境保护与管理经济手段的费用效益探讨

    Cost-effectiveness of ecological and environmental protection and management of water areas

  29. 基于审计实践探讨农业生态环境建设的管理机制创新

    Seek for an New Economic Mechanism of Environment Construct Based on Auditing

  30. 我国生态环境建设项目管理问题探讨

    Discussion on Management of Environment Project Construction in China