
  • 网络four relationships
  1. 文化建设的三个原则与四个关系&关于广州市文化建设的建言

    Three principles and four relationships & Advice for cultural construction in Guangzhou

  2. 正确处理好四个关系实现企业又好又快发展

    Ensure the great and fast development of enterprise by handling four relationships correctly

  3. 提出了一种对质量职能配置(QFD)的定量评价方法。首先由QFD的四个关系矩阵从前向后递推来定义用户要求的满足度。

    A quantitative appraise method of QFD ( quality function deployment ) is proposed in this paper .

  4. 图书馆学学科建设需要着力处理好四个关系

    The Four Relations in the Discipline Development of Chinese Library Science

  5. 处理四个关系设置四类课程

    Dealing with Four Relations and Setting up Four Kinds of Courses

  6. 军队医院管理者经营活动应明晰的四个关系

    Four Concepts Distinguished by Military Hospital Governor in Operational Activities

  7. 领导决策思维要处理好四个关系

    Four Relationship to Be Handled Properly in Leader Decision Thinking

  8. 树立科学发展观,正确处理高校发展中的四个关系

    Coordinate four relationship in the development of universities under the scientific development view

  9. 妇幼保健有偿服务必须处理好的四个关系

    Four relations in pay maternal and child health service

  10. 煤炭开采与经济建设的四个关系

    Four relationship between coal mining and economic construction

  11. 当前金融宏观调控要处理好四个关系

    Deal well with Four Relationships in Macroeconomic Regulation

  12. 军队医院科学发展需把握的四个关系上海第二医科大学学报

    Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA Four Relations to Pay Attention for Military Hospital Development

  13. 联勤后医院对社会有偿服务要正确处理好四个关系

    After Combining Services Hospitals Should Correctly Handle Four Relationships In Their Paid Services for Society

  14. 然后,对泉州电力经营中的相关利益者关系进行分析,包括客户、供应商、影响者和内部市场四个关系市场展开分析,并探讨相应的关系营销策略。

    Then analyse the relationship marketing strategy of stakeholders including customers , suppliers and government .

  15. 语文研究性学习应正确认识的四个关系

    On the Study of Chinese LEARNING CHINESE

  16. 规范政府行为应正确处理四个关系

    Four Relationships That Should be Correctly Dealt With in the Standardization of the Government Behavior

  17. 试论翻译的四个关系

    On the Four Relationships in Translation

  18. 继而从安全的视角厘清了社区治安管理中的四个关系困境。

    From a security perspective , we clarify the four relationship difficulties of community policing management .

  19. 构建民办高教运行机制必须正确处理四个关系论我国民办高校办学模式的创新

    Establishing Rational Circulating Mechanism of Private Higher Learning Innovation mode of running private higher learning institutions

  20. 妇幼保健管理的传承与突破妇幼保健有偿服务必须处理好的四个关系

    Continuance and Breakthrough of Maternal and Child Health Care Management FOUR RELATIONS IN PAY MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH SERVICE

  21. 为此,应处理好四个关系,即和谐与稳定、秩序、效率、公正的关系;

    Consequently , it is essential to deal well with the relationships between harmony and stability , order , efficiency and impartiality .

  22. 高校思想政治教育进社团应处理好四个关系政治发展视野中的社团与社团改革

    The Four Relations of Ideological and Political Education in university ; Mass Organization and Its Reform in the Political Development Field of Vision

  23. 要在理论上正确处理好城市化的四个关系,从中国实际出发,抓住城市化的核心内涵,理性推进城市化。

    The measure is to properly manage the four relationships of urbanization , grasp the core of urbanization and rationally promote the process of urbanization .

  24. 引进并研究泛函的理想凸性,得到泛函的理想凸性与凸性之间的四个关系定理和一个反例。

    The ideal convexity of functionals is introduced and studied in this paper , four relation theorems between convexity and ideal convexity and an important counterexample are obtained .

  25. 中国宣纸文化的研究要坚持一个特色,避免两种倾向,突出三个重点,处理好四个关系。

    The Chinese Xuan paper culture research needs to stick to one feature , avoid two tendencies , emphasize three key points and correctly deal with four relations .

  26. 用科学的发展观指导高校的改革和发展,处理好高校发展中的四个关系,是促进高校全面、协调、可持续发展的关键。

    The crux of promoting the development of our higher education is to coordinate four relationship in the development of universities under the scientific development point of view .

  27. 这个理论包括一个基本原理,三个基本原则和四个关系问题。

    The theory consists of one basic theory , three fundamental principles and four relations , among which the kernel is the basic principle of system and relation .

  28. 在当前的小学语文课程改革中要正确处理好四个关系:1.准确理解语文课程的性质、特点,正确处理工具性与人文性的关系;

    The four relationships to deal with in primary Chinese curriculum reform are : 1 . to understand the nature and characteristics of Chinese accurately , and deal with the relationship between the tool and humanity correctly ;

  29. 基于对上述四个关系的分析,笔者提出在我国实行立案登记制改革方案是可行的,但成功与否的关键在于配套制度的改革。

    Based on the above analysis , this paper draws a conclusion that it is feasible to carry out the case-filing register project in China , whether it will be successful chiefly depends on the coordination of supporting systems .

  30. 文中从探索其教学规律的角度,阐述了该课程教学中如何处理研究对象与教学对象、是非判断与价值判断、理论启迪与情感激励以及塑造意图与接受心理等四个关系。

    The paper sets forth how to deal with the four relations about researching objects and teaching objects , judgement of truth and falsehood , judgement of value , theory enlightenment and emotion encouragement as well as model intention and acceptance psychology etc.