
  1. 首先,渗透在基本理论的教学中,深化学生对辩证唯物主义原理的认识;

    The first part explains osmosis in the teaching of the capital theory ;

  2. 根据辩证唯物主义原理和我国刑事诉讼证明实际,我国刑事诉讼证明标准可以设定为两种:排除一切合理怀疑的一般标准和证据确实、充分的特殊标准。

    According to the dialectical materialism principle and the reality of criminal procedure in China , the proof standard in criminal procedure of our country can be established as two kinds : general standard of beyond reasonable doubt and special standard of undoubted and sufficient proof .

  3. 最后,根据辩证唯物主义有关原理对基于自组织的产业集群创新提出了若干思考。

    Finally , according to dialectical materialism principle , the article proposes several thoughts to industry cluster innovation on the basis of self-organization .

  4. 试论辩证唯物主义总体性原理在当代的发展

    On the modern development of total principle of dialectical materialism

  5. 本文从三个方面论述科学发展观。首先,运用马克思辩证唯物主义的基本原理对科学发展观关于全面、协调、可持续的发展观进行论述。

    This thesis discusses the Scientific Outlook on Development from three aspects . Firstly , the fundamental principles of Marxist dialectical materialism are used to discuss the Scientific Outlook on Development from the perspective of comprehensive , balanced and sustainable development .

  6. 传统教科书将历史唯物主义理解为辩证唯物主义这一普遍原理在社会领域中的运用。

    In traditional textbooks historical materialism is understood as the application of dialectical materialism in the society .

  7. 再次,根据辩证唯物主义的内外因原理,对行政垄断的产生成因进行深入探究,包括历史传统、现实因素、经济根源、法制缺陷。

    Thirdly , according to dialectical materialism " inner and external of cause of principle ", the in-depth research of the causes of formation of administrative monopoly , including historical traditions , practical factors , economic causes and legal deficiencies .