
  • 网络Defendant;Defender;advocate;The Attorney;orators
辩护人 [biàn hù rén]
  • (1) [defender]∶为在法律诉讼中处于被告地位的一方充任律师者

  • (2) [counsel]∶在诉讼中办理案件的法律代理人(取得为他辩护的辩护人的帮助)

  1. 审讯时是否想要父母或是辩护人在场。

    If he wanted a parent or advocate present at the interrogation .

  2. 他自己就是最好的辩护人。

    He will be his own best advocate .

  3. A先生作原告的辩护人,B先生作被告的辩护人。

    Mr. A was counsel for the plaintiff , and Mr. B for the defendant .

  4. 辩护人辩称没有什么可加罪于他的当事人。

    Counsel submitted that there was no case against his client .

  5. 辩护人提出了一个法律问题。

    Counsel raised a point of law .

  6. 司法部为巴尔杰指定的公设辩护人是洛杉矶律师迈拉琼桑(MyraJuneSun)。周四记者无法立即联系桑就此事置评。

    Myra June Sun , a Los Angeles lawyer named by the Justice Department as Mr. Bulger 's public defender , wasn 't immediately available Thursday for comment .

  7. 据报道,地区代理辩护人JasonConley于周五告诉区法官RichardGurley,称他的目的是吓跑那只鸟。

    His intent was to spook it away , Deputy District Attorney Jason Conley told District Judge Richard Gurley on Friday , according to the newspaper .

  8. 刑事诉讼程序视角下的辩护人伪证罪

    Crime of perjury by defender under the view of criminal procedure

  9. 外国人能否被委托担任刑事辩护人?

    May foreigners be appointed as the defender in criminal cases ?

  10. 法官要求辩护人申明她的性取向。

    The judge demanded that the defendant declare her sexual tendency .

  11. 我们曾经听公设辩护人说过多少次了呢?

    How many times have we heard a public defender say that ?

  12. 韩国刑事诉讼辩护人制度综述

    Summarizing the System of Counsel of Criminal Suit in Korea

  13. 辩护人在法庭上驳倒了起诉人。

    The defender argued down the prosecutor at the court .

  14. 辩护人指责陪审员偏袒一方。

    The defense attorney charged that the jurors were biased .

  15. 强化犯罪嫌疑人和辩护人的保障性权利;

    Enhancing guarantee right of criminal suspect and defender ;

  16. 嘿,孩子。我做公设辩护人很多年了。

    Hey , kid , I was a public defender for many years .

  17. 担当着工厂里的客户辩护人。

    Be the customer advocate in the factory .

  18. 学生是主动的参与者、案例的决策者和辩护人。

    Student is the active participant , decision maker and defender of the case .

  19. 他的辩护人劝告他在他们会面之前保持沉默。

    His counsel counseled him to say nothing about the affair before they met .

  20. 辩护人提出的下一个问题使证人吱吱晤晤答不上来。

    The next question from counsel left the witness flounder about for an answer .

  21. 你们对这些小事纠缠不休,正好变成了少女最得力的辩护人。

    In clinging to these small issues you are the Maid 's best advocates .

  22. 辩护人承认,埃克尔斯通先生并非最让人同情的被告。

    Mr Ecclestone is , the defence concedes , not the most sympathetic of defendants .

  23. 辩护人的律师们对判决进行上诉而埃及的总检察官提起无罪。

    The defenders ' lawyers appeal sentences and Egypt 's general prosecutor appeal the acquittals .

  24. 赋予侦查阶段辩护人更多的诉讼权利;

    To endow more rights to defenders ;

  25. 刑事辩护人过失行为研究

    A Research on Criminal Defense Errors

  26. 其辩护人在事实与法律适用方面行使辩护权,均不应受到限制。

    However , the right of defence of counsels should not be subject to such limitation .

  27. 另一方面非律师的刑事辩护人不享有量刑建议权。

    However , other defenders than lawyers do not have the right to suggest a sentence .

  28. “我们来到他们面前的是全套的专业队伍,有辩护人,有代理人。”

    " We come before them , too , in full professional force-counsel and agent . "

  29. 所以,身为律师或任何的辩护人,都要记住这些。

    So , as a lawyer or any defender of justice , you should remember this .

  30. 辩护人推断事故发生时证人不在场。

    Counsel inferred that the witness had not been present at the time of the accident .