
  • 网络replanning;re-planning
  1. 解决了无人机在飞行过程中遇到突然出现的威胁时的航迹重规划难题,给出了应用该算法的具体步骤。

    It mainly resolves the pop-up threats in route replanning , and the particular applying approach for this algorithm is presented .

  2. 一种用于低空飞行的在线航迹重规划方法

    Exploring an Online Method of Vehicle Route Re-Planning for Low Altitude Flight

  3. 基于目标状态估计的UAV路径重规划决策模型

    Path re-planning decision-making model for UAV based on target state estimate

  4. 利用Voronoi图局部重构的原理给出了实时重规划的方法。

    Real-time planning method was proposed according to the principle of partial reconstruction of Voronoi diagram .

  5. 利用参考航线的更新和回推算法中重规划时回避不合理分枝等方法来改进离线规划阶段航迹规划的效果,使得规划出的整体航迹更好的体现综合TF/TA突防飞行要求。

    The algorithm is improved by changing the reference line during planning and avoiding the unreasonable branch in re-planning , then the planning trajectory can accomplish the task of low altitude penetration more efficiently .

  6. 该系统能够实现预先任务规划、在线任务重规划、预先路径规划和在线避障路径规划等功能,可以控制AUV自主完成任务。

    The AUV mission control system can do the mission p re-planning , online mission re-planning , path p re-planning and obstacle avoidance path re-planning . It can control the AUV to finish its missions autonomously and intelligently .

  7. 本文在满足无人机安全突防的前提下,将自学习实时A算法(LRTA)与多步寻优搜索算法相结合,对航迹进行规划和重规划。

    In conditions of meeting the safety penetration of UAV , we combine self-learning Areal-time algorithm with multi-step optimizing-search algorithm in order to plan and re-plan path .

  8. 亚轨道飞行器上升段轨迹优化与快速重规划

    Ascent Trajectory Optimization and Fast-Reconstruction for Suborbital Launch Vehicle

  9. 在导弹飞行过程中加入新感知的威胁区域,考察算法航迹实时重规划能力。

    Add a new perception of the threat to the region while missile flying .

  10. 基于粒子群优化算法的航迹规划与重规划

    Route Planning and Re-planning Based on PSO Algorithm

  11. 规划内容重规划方案本身,轻综合协调和区域管治。

    Finally , regional planning emphasizes its plans themselves , ignoring comprehensive accordance and regional governance .

  12. 通常的任务控制过程包括任务预规划,任务执行,任务监控和重规划等部分。

    General mission control process is consisted of many parts including mission pre-planning , mission implementation , mission surveillance and control and re-planning etc.

  13. 提出了一种突发威胁体下无人机局部路径重规划的算法。

    A path planning scheme for unmanned combat air vehicles ( UCAVs ) is developed for achieving the optimal local path replanning under a complicated air-battle environment .

  14. 提出这个系统的核心是自主规划器,它应该具有任务分解、智能信息处理和机载任务规划与重规划能力。

    We propose that the autonomous mission planner is the core of the system , which should be capability of mission decomposing , intelligently information processing and mission planning onboard .

  15. 针对无人机航迹规划的实时重规划能力,研究了局部路径构图的基本原则并提出了一种突发威胁体下无人机局部路径重规划的算法。

    The principle to construct local path diagram with sudden appear threats is established , and a local path replanning scheme for unmanned combat air vehicle ( UCAV ) is developed .

  16. 无人机航路规划的目的是无人机具有对复杂任务进行快速规划或重规划的能力,其中快速而有效的重规划尤其重要。

    The target for unmanned aircraft vehicle ( UAV ) trajectory programming is to enable UAV to plan and replan complex tasks , of which the rapid and effective replan capability is more important .

  17. 为提高企业对市场的敏捷反应能力及市场竞争力,给出了可重组制造系统的重布局规划流程。

    To improve enterprise 's market-response ability and competitiveness , the reconfigurable plant layout flow of a reconfigurable manufacturing system was proposed .

  18. 在本论文中,我们著重于可规划式维特比解码器的发展。

    In this thesis , we focus on the development of the Reconfigurable Viterbi Decoder ( RVD ) .

  19. 针对电机转子的自动动平衡校正,对R型铣削和V型铣削校正方式进行了研究。全自动动平衡机去重建模与智能规划

    Aiming at automated balance correction of electric motor armatures , contour milling and V-milling correction was studied . Model Building and Intelligent Programming System for Electric Motor Armatures Automated Balance Correction

  20. 上海市城市道路大件重车行驶路线规划的研究

    Studies on Heavy Vehicle Route Planning for Shanghai'a Urban Roads

  21. 另一项特色是著重专业的课程规划。

    Another distinctive feature of the Department is its emphasis on specialized coursework .

  22. 它会回顾可用的技术,但著重于政策和规划的作用,包括经济,社会,环境和健康议题。

    It reviews available technologies , but emphasizes the planning and policy process , including economic , social , environmental , and health issues .

  23. 以去除金属量最少为目标函数,建立了单排刀具和多排刀具的V型铣削去重模型。并开发了两种去重方式的智能规划系统。

    Minimum removed metal is taken as object , single cutter and multi-cutter V-milling correction model was build Intelligent programming system of the two methods was developed .