
chóng jù
  • reunite;meet again
重聚 [chóng jù]
  • [meet again] 又一次聚在一起

  • 老友重聚

  1. 乐队的重聚仅仅是为了这场演出。

    The band will reunite for this show only .

  2. 从哈佛商学院毕业后,两人都未打算重聚在一起创业。

    Neither intended to reunite in an entrepreneurial venture after graduating from HBS .

  3. 他们正尽最大的努力让离散的家人重聚。

    They 're trying their best to bring together those separated families .

  4. 我问麦基翁重聚是不是为了寻求解脱。

    I asked McKeown if the reunion was meant to achieve closure .

  5. 总是有新的项目使重聚一推再推。

    There are always new projects which seem to put the reunion back further

  6. 那么,老友们重聚时干了些什么呢?

    So , what did the gang get up to when they got back together ?

  7. 在这种情况下,恶意程序因为无意中促成了一次重聚,反而做了件好事。

    In this sense , the malware does do a good thing by unintentionally leading to this reunion .

  8. 电邮2:你好,希拉!很高兴收到你的信,很抱歉让你被垃圾邮件骚扰。这可真是因病毒重聚啊!

    Email 2 : Hi Sheila - good to hear from you and sorry about the spam - what a nice malware reunion !

  9. 这次重聚节目由《老友记》原主演连同原制片人凯文·布赖特、玛塔·卡芙曼和大卫·克莱恩担任监制,由本·温斯顿担任导演。

    The original cast are executive producers on the reunion , alongside show creators Kevin Bright , Marta Kauffman and David Crane , with Ben Winston as director .

  10. 碧昂丝和真命天女重聚,并演唱了《Bootylicious》,《IndependentWoman》和碧昂丝的单曲《SingleLadies》。

    The reunited Destiny 's Child sang " Bootylicious , " " Independent Woman " and Beyonce 's " Single Ladies . "

  11. 这辆车子是美与科技的完美结合。n.重聚,团圆

    This car is a perfect union of beauty and technology . reunion

  12. 十天前,我丈夫去参加伊顿公学(EtonCollege)1974届毕业生的重聚会活动。

    Ten days ago my husband went to a reunion at Eton College for the leavers of 1974 .

  13. 因此,随机序列通过PCR重聚就可以得到一个能够编码大量蛋白质的一个随机基因文库。

    Therefore , the random sequences could form a large-capacity and diversity gene library which coding large number of proteins by reassembly PCR .

  14. Chris很为我难过,让我去了长岛的80年代重聚夜。

    Chris stuck by me , booked me an ' 80s reunion night on Long Island .

  15. 说明在面团搅拌过程中GMP发生了重聚和解聚现象。

    It indicated that the depolymerization and repolymerization of GMP occurred during dough mixing .

  16. 有些乐团再也不会重聚了,比如:阿巴合唱团,TheJam,史密斯乐团。

    There are some bands that will never get back together . Abba . The Jam . The Smiths .

  17. 尽管Instagram上有帖子,但热火并没有任何重聚的迹象。

    Heat have no indication of return despite Instagram posts .

  18. 表重聚簇是向DB2提供更好的访问路径的另一种方法,这会减少DB2在执行查询时必须检查的页面数量。

    Table re-clustering is another means of providing DB2 with a better access path by reducing the number of pages that DB2 has to examine in executing the query .

  19. AlistairCockburn组织大家在2011年2月12日重聚,共同庆祝这个事件。

    Alistair Cockburn is organising a reunion to celebrate the event on12 Feb2011 .

  20. 巴西国家据称在安切洛蒂的转会名单前列,因为他看上去可能会和前AC主帅重聚。

    The Brazilian international is rumoured to be high on Blues manager Carlo Ancelotti 's shopping list as he looks to be reunited with the schemer who was an integral part of his AC Milan side .

  21. 所以在一定程度上,您可以将我向RationalGM的转变看成是与我的过去和过去为我工作的一些人的重聚。

    So to a certain extent , you can view my transition to Rational GM as a reunion with my past as well as with some of the folks who worked for me in the past .

  22. 自从HBO证实将拍摄重聚节目后,许多人一直在猜测有几个原剧组成员会重演老角色。

    Ever since HBO confirmed the reunion episode , speculation has been rife as to what extent , if at all , the cast will reprise their roles .

  23. 最终,两拨人重聚,一起前往Kira的房间。

    Eventually , the two groups reunited and headed towards Kira 's private chambers together .

  24. F4成员朱孝天在自己的微博中表示,F4难以重聚的原因是“有一颗老鼠屎在”。

    F4 ` s Ken Chu wrote on his Sina Weibo micro blog the reunion would not take place because of a " mouse shit " .

  25. 他最宠爱的儿子约瑟(Joseph),被兄长们卖到埃及当奴隶,但后来一场饥荒迫使约瑟的兄长们到埃及寻找粮食,家族因而重聚。

    His favorite son , Joseph , was sold into slavery in Egypt by his brothers , but the family was later reunited when a famine forced the brothers to go to Egypt to seek grain .

  26. 所以对于S.H.E.以及她们的粉丝而言,这次重聚令人难忘。

    So the reunion was memorable for the group and its fans .

  27. 周游,重聚,我肯定你对Knott的浆果农场很熟悉。

    Cruises . Reunions . Knott 's Berry Farm , which I 'm sure you 're familiar with .

  28. 乔恩•庞德找到了他的“金”老师,YoeunMek,他们两的重聚创造了现今为人所知的柬埔寨生活艺术(CLA)。

    Mr Chorn-Pond 's search for his khim teacher , Yoeun Mek , and their eventual reunion led to the creation of what is now known as Cambodia Living Arts ( CLA ) .

  29. 泰勒·斯威夫特和哈利·斯塔尔斯在NRJ音乐颁奖典礼上浪漫重聚后又复合了。

    Taylor Swift and Harry Styles are ' getting back together during romantic reunion at NRJ Music Awards '

  30. 据TMZ娱乐新闻网报道,现场有观众参与录制重聚节目,由于受疫情影响粉丝无法参加,他们“大多数是雇来的临时演员并接受过新冠病毒检测”。

    TMZ reports that while a live audience participated in the reunion , they were " mostly union extras , Covid screened and hired for the gig , " after the pandemic prevented fans from attending .