
  • 网络Heavy medium coal preparation;dense medium coal separation
  1. 重介质选煤降低介耗问题的探讨

    Exploration for Cutdown Medium Consumption in Dense Medium Separation of Coal

  2. 重介质选煤中降低介质消耗的方法与分析

    Analysis on method of reducing medium consumption in dense-medium process

  3. 重介质选煤过程控制模型及控制算法的研究

    Study of heavy medium coal preparation process control model and control algorithm

  4. 重介质选煤中的过程参数及其控制方案

    The process parameters and their control in the dense medium separating coal

  5. 重介质选煤工艺中磁铁矿粉损耗的考查研究

    Investigation on the Loss of Magnetite Powder in Heavy Media Separation of Coal

  6. 重介质选煤厂磁选机的工艺效果分析

    Analysis of technologic effect of magnetic separator in dense medium coal preparation plant

  7. 关于重介质选煤节能的探讨

    Probe into the Energy Conservation of the Coal Dressing with the Heavy Medium

  8. 西山矿区重介质选煤技术应用分析

    Analysis on Application of Preparation Technology of Heavy Medium in Xishan Coal Mining Area

  9. γ射线灰分仪在重介质选煤生产中的应用

    Application of γ - ray Ash Sensor in Coal Cleaning Production with HM Process

  10. 浅谈重介质选煤系统中常用的耐磨管道

    Talking about Several Kinds of Wearing Pipelines Used in the Heavy-medium Coal Processing System

  11. 重介质选煤厂建设中应注意的问题和解决途径

    Some Attentive Problems Identified in Construction of Dense Medium Coal Preparation Plant and the Countermeasures

  12. 重介质选煤是目前效率最高的选煤方法。

    Heavy medium separation is the most efficient method at present in the coal preparation . H.M.

  13. 介绍了重介质选煤中主要过程参数的类型和检测方法;

    Introduce the types of main process parameters and measuring methods in the dense medium separating coal .

  14. 我国重介质选煤技术创新的成就及今后重点开发方向

    The Achievement Obtained from Dense Medium Coal Preparation Technology Innovation in China and Its Major Development Direction

  15. 介绍了我国重介质选煤工艺的发展概况及采用重介旋流器分选的5种选煤工艺;

    Introduced were the development status of coal cleaning by HM process and five technical circuits employing HM cyclone .

  16. 在重介质选煤过程中,重介质悬浮液工艺参数的变化对分选效果有显著的影响。

    In dense medium coal preparation process , the changes of suspension technological parameters obviously affect the coal preparation result .

  17. 通过一个例子,提出了用通用多回路数字化控制仪表实现重介质选煤过程控制的方案。

    With a example , present the process control scheme of the dense medium separating coal using general multiloop digital regulators with a example .

  18. 大力发展重介质选煤的同时,重介悬浮液密度的控制作为重介质选煤核心的部分也得到飞速发展。

    In the meantime density control of heavy medium suspension as a core part of dense medium coal preparation has also gotten rapid development .

  19. 密度、粘度是重介质选煤过程中需要准确测量的两项重要工艺参数。

    In coal preparation process , density and viscosity are two of the most important parameters of heavy medium suspension which need to be accurately measured .

  20. 提高重介质选煤技术促进我国选煤业发展浅谈重介质选煤系统中常用的耐磨管道

    Promoting the development of Chinese coal preparation by upgrading the HM cleaning technology ; Talking about Several Kinds of Wearing Pipelines Used in the Heavy-medium Coal Processing System

  21. 重介质选煤比例迅速上升,重介质旋流器选煤技术发展迅速;

    The ratio of coal washed by dense medium system rapidly increases and the technology of coal cleaning by use of dense medium cyclone has been developed at high speed ;

  22. 本文介绍了一种环路反馈式场效应管介质稳频振荡器.浅谈重介质选煤系统中常用的耐磨管道

    A GaAs FET Oscillator stabilized by a dielectric resonator with a feedback loop has been developed . Talking about Several Kinds of Wearing Pipelines Used in the Heavy-medium Coal Processing System

  23. 针对重介质选煤工艺的发展,开展了对云南特有的选钛副产物&高钛型磁铁矿的综合利用研究。

    With the technological development of heavy media separation for coal , the requirement of heavy media is increased . The research on comprehensive utilization of high titanium type magnetite-a by product from Yunnan titanium concentrators , was performed by authors .

  24. 在重介质选煤过程中,需要不断地对选煤工艺参数进行检测和调整,以保证产品质量和数量的稳定,并保证生产过程的安全进行。

    In the process of dense media preparation , it needs to keep on detecting and adjusting the coal preparation process parameters , which can ensure the quality and quantity of product stability and ensure the the process of production safely .

  25. 为了提高分选效率,适应入选原煤煤质的不断变化,重介质选煤工艺已逐渐成为新建选煤厂的首选工艺,重介质旋流器成为末煤分选的主导设备。

    In order to improve separation efficiency and adapt to constantly changing quality of raw coal , dense medium coal preparation technique is becoming the prefered technology of newly built coal preparation plant , heavy medium cyclone becomes leading equipment in separating lump coal .

  26. 分析了系统特征,提出了运用自校正控制原理设计重介质选煤过程控制系统的方案,给出了其控制算法,并对不同控制算法进行了计算机系统仿真。

    The system performance is analyzed , and a plan of designing heavy medium coal preparation process control system with the application of self tuning control principle is put forward , its control algorithm is given and the computer system simulation on different control algorithms is introduced .

  27. 重介质选煤工艺中最终产品严重带介的主要原因是重悬浮液固相体积浓度过高而导致的流动性差造成的,实质是其中煤泥含量过高。

    In dense medium coal cleaning process , the main reason why final products entrain dense medium is poor fluidity of dense medium suspensions caused by excessive volume concentration of water - solid phase of the suspensions , in essence , too much of coal slime in it .

  28. 论文讨论了洁净煤分选技术的意义和现状、各种干法分选方法的特点以及空气重介质流化床选煤技术的优越性。

    Characteristics of different dry coal beneficiation methods and advantages of air dense medium fluidized bed were introduced in paper .

  29. 详细讨论了选煤的意义和现状以及空气重介质流化床选煤技术目前的发展。

    The paper presents a more detailed discussion of the significance and present situation of coal separation and the latest development of air heavy medium fluidized bed coal separation technology .

  30. NJ重介质离心力选煤的理论与实践

    Theory and practice of NJ dense medium