
  1. SS(3B)固定重联机车网络控制系统

    Communication network control system of SS_ ( 3B ) fixed multi-locomotive

  2. SS(3B)固定重联机车变流装置故障分析及建议

    Fault Analysis and Advice of SS_ ( 3B ) Fixed Multi-locomotives Converter

  3. 系统介绍了由2节SS3B机车经过技术改造成12轴重载货运SS3B固定重联机车;

    It is explained that two section SS3B locomotive are technically reformed in to a12-axle heavy load freight fixed multi-locomotive .

  4. 针对SS(3B)固定重联机车变流装置经常发生故障的问题,通过对其工作原理及故障现象、原因的分析,从而为迅速查找故障提供了依据,并提出了合理化建议。

    The SS_ ( 3B ) fixed multi-locomotives converter is often out of order . This paper analyses the converter , fault ′ s phenomenon and its reason . According to this , people can find the fault quickly and give the reasonable advice .

  5. 双机牵引重联机车安全控制装置

    Safety control device for multi - locomotive with double locomotive traction

  6. 北回线和仁站内幸福水泥北晟重机制机车牵引石灰石列车。

    PHM switcher is hauling lime rock train at He-Ren Station , North-Link Line .

  7. 列车通信网络在SS(3B)型固定重联电力机车上的应用

    Application of Train Communication Network in SS_ ( 3B ) Type Fixed-interlock Electric Locomotive

  8. 一群火车迷已担负起重造蒸汽机车的任务。

    A group of enthusiasts have undertaken the reconstruction of a steam locomotive .

  9. 本文首先对重柴油在机车柴油机上应用的可行性和意义加以论证。

    The paper first demonstrate the feasibility and the significance of the applications of heavy oil in locomotive diesel engine .

  10. 最后进行了联合调试试验,试验证明,重联系统能达到本务及重联机车制动机的协调动作的目的,满足制动系统重联的要求。

    At last , the experimentation proved that the system can work harmony , and the requirement of the system was satisfied .

  11. 论文分析了制动机及其重联系统的工作流程,考虑与列车控制网络的接口,设计了制动机重联系统,完成了列车控制系统和本务/重联机车制动机MBCU的软件设计。

    The principal and process of new generation locomotive braking system of multi-locomotive was analyzed , the interface of TCN was taken into account , and the software of the system was designed .