
  1. 家庭的破裂会迫使企业的共同所有者重新思考决策和信息分享的方式。

    A domestic break-up will oblige co-owners to rethink how they make decisions and share information .

  2. 对于一个通过学习初始训练集而建立好的决策树,新增加的学习例子会不会影响它的稳定性,通过分析,本文中提出了一个是否需要重新建立决策树的判别定理。

    Develop a new distinguishing theory , which determines whether to reestablish the decision tree established by learning an original training set , which can distinguish whether the stability of the original decision tree will be changed or not , when a new example is added to the training set .

  3. 在SaaS架构中,拥有对将要使用的技术堆栈作出决策和权衡的能力,以及在稍后的阶段重新审视这些决策的能力是非常宝贵的。

    Having the ability to make decisions and tradeoffs regarding the technology stack to use and the ability to revisit those decisions later is a valuable capability in a SaaS architecture .

  4. 针对传统排序法不能反映决策者对自身各目标折衷的思维过程的局限性,采取变权重的方式每回合重新计算各决策者的目标权重。

    In view of limitation that compromised thoughts of decision-makers towards different objective cannot be reflected in the traditional priority method , this paper adopts the way of changing weight and recounting the relative objective weight in every bout .

  5. 首先对群体决策及其一致性研究的理论与方法进行概括和总结,重新给出了群体决策的定义、分类与假设,并建立了群体决策的过程模型。

    First , the theories and methods of GDM and its consensus are generalized and summarized , the new definition and classification of GDM are proposed and three assumptions of the research of GDM are pointed out , and the model of the process of GDM is given .

  6. 幸运的是,rope的重新均衡操作非常迅速,至于应该何时进行重新均衡的决策也能够自动制定,例如通过比较rope的长度和深度来决定。

    Luckily , rope rebalancing is fast , and the determination of when to rebalance can be made automatically , for example by comparing the rope 's length and depth .