
  • 网络notorious;Infamous
  1. 因残忍而恶名昭彰的将军

    a general who was infamous for his brutality

  2. 没有人愿意与这个恶名昭彰的经理合作;他常常很粗鲁地对待人。

    Nobody would like to work with the infamous manager ; he is always rude to people .

  3. 这个城市恶名昭彰,它把人作践了,然后抛弃掉。

    This town is notorious for chewing people up and spitting them out .

  4. CNN特派员洁茵·维尔吉:英国最恶名昭彰的国王,在登基500年后的今天,不为人知的一面己慢慢浮现。

    ZAIN VERJEE , CNN CORRESPONDENT : Five hundred years after his coronation , a new side of Britain 's most notorious monarch is emerging .

  5. 更好的技术和更严格的规则已经使恶名昭彰的兴奋剂的使用条件变得更加艰难。

    Better technology and stricter rules have made egregious doping harder .

  6. 他的早年生活变得跟恶名昭彰的龙舌兰虫一样疯狂?

    His early life path became as twisted as the notorious mescal worm .

  7. 他是个恶名昭彰的赌徒这个事实很明显。

    He stands confessed as a notorious gambler .

  8. 不过,有一种恶名昭彰的侵入种,是藉由毒害竞争对手而取胜。

    At least one notorious invader , however , wins out by poisoning the competition .

  9. 他是恶名昭彰的刽子手。

    He was a notorious mass murderer .

  10. 这个恶名昭彰的罪犯已经落网。

    The notorious criminal has been caught .

  11. 恶名昭彰的小偷终于被捕了,且因许多项罪行而坐牢。

    The notorious thief was finally caught and put to prison for his many crimes .

  12. 犯人的罪行很快就昭彰了。他是个恶名昭彰的赌徒这个事实很明显。

    The prisoner 's guilt soon manifested itself . He stands confessed as a notorious gambler .

  13. 凯利是个恶名昭彰的伪造者、秘主义者和炼金术士,相当熟悉卡丹格板。

    Kelley was a notorious forger , mystic and alchemist who was familiar with Cardan grilles .

  14. 这些英雄正努力将幸福注入某些世上最恶名昭彰的地方。

    These heroes are working hard to bring happiness into some of the most infamous places in the world .

  15. 然而,他们却以他们在道德上的正直而恶名昭彰,以至于“清教徒”在当时是个有贬义的绰号。

    And yet , they became so notorious for their moral rectitude that the word puritan has become a byword .

  16. 联合定价的卡特尔被遏止,恶名昭彰的北方证券和标准石油托拉斯不复存在。

    Price-fixing cartels were stopped in their tracks and the notorious Northern Securities and Standard Oil trusts were no more .

  17. 或许是只是年轻男人在这方面对父亲和祖父们恶名昭彰的猥亵之举感到困窘。

    Or maybe it 's just simple embarrassment on the part of young men about the infamous lewdness of their fathers and grandfathers .

  18. 这群叛乱分子以恣意攻击菲律宾南部村落以及绑架地方与外国观光客和商人勒索赎金,而恶名昭彰。

    These rebels are notorious for wantonly attacking villages in the southern part of Philippines and committing kidnapping of local and foreign tourists and businessmen for ransom .

  19. 然而即便中国因山寨恶名昭彰,有些中国人说在中国以外,也有搭大制片厂电影顺风车的投机现象。

    But despite China 's reputation for shanzhai , some Chinese say that piggybacking on the publicity of big studio films is not just a Chinese phenomenon .

  20. 致命、猛烈、并且献身给自己恶名昭彰的爱人,维康妮亚的名字永远只能被默默的提起,并且公认为莎儿神秘信徒中最强大的力量。

    Deadly , fierce and devoted to her infamous lover , viconia 's name will forever be spoken in hushed tones and remembered as the mightiest force of shar 's shadowy faithful .

  21. 奇利柯和黑杰克很像,也是名地下医师,在世界各地旅行,提供他独有的服务「安乐死」,并收取同样恶名昭彰的高昂费用。

    Kiriko now operates as an underground doctor , much like Black Jack , traveling the world and charging fees as outrageous as Black Jack 's for his own special service , painless euthanasia .