
  1. 军事经济权责结构变动与军队审计发展

    Development of military auditing and composition of rights and duties in military economy

  2. 它既是政府与社会之间职能与权力的重新界定,也是政府内部中央与地方权责结构的重构过程。

    It is not only between government and society to redefine the functions and powers , but also within the central and local government powers and responsibilities of the Restructuring process .

  3. 以英美为例通过分析独立审计责任结构由道德责任为主向法律责任为主的演变,印证独立审计责任结构应当反映社会经济权责结构及其变化,揭示独立审计责任结构之变迁;

    The evolution of responsibility structure from ethics orientation to law orientation is analyzed by citing the related history of U.S.A and U.K to prove the point that the structure of the independent auditing responsibilities should reflect the rights and responsibilities of social economy and its change ;

  4. 企业组织是为了实现企业的总体目标,基于业务流程和信息流,通过分工与协作,使承担一定权责角色结构的人整合起来的有机集合体。

    Enterprise organization is the organic aggregate for achieving its overall goal , in which were integrated by the posts which bear the certain responsibilities and rights through the division and cooperation based on its business processes and information flow .

  5. 一位要求不透露姓名的分析人士表示,对国开行进行“商业化”的目的,很可能是将适当的权责和治理结构引入这个本质上仍属于政府部门的机构。

    One analyst who asked not to be named said the most likely goal of " commercialisation " was introducing a proper accountability and governance structure in what is essentially still a government department .

  6. 日本企业的生存危机与组织重构&日本松下电器打破事业部制重新设计权责利的组织结构

    The Survival Crisis of Japanese Enterprises and Its Reconstruction : On Reconstruction of National Electric