
  • 网络BEF;ecosystem function
  1. 生态系统功能与生态系统服务的概念辨析

    Discrimination of concepts of ecosystem functions and ecosystem services

  2. 然而,有关土壤线虫的多样性与土壤生态系统功能之间的关系的研究还很不足。

    However , the research on the species diversity of soil nematodes and their ecosystem functions is still inadequate .

  3. 功能多样性(Functionaldiversity)是近年来生物多样性研究的热点,可以用来探索广泛的生态学问题,并通过资源的互补性利用使物种与生态系统功能产生密切联系。

    Functional diversity has been a hot topic in biodiversity research in recent years . It can address a wide range of important ecological questions and is a concept that links species and ecosystems through mechanisms such as resource use complementarity and facilitation .

  4. 山西省潞安矿区土地生态系统功能区划研究

    Ecology Function Division of Luan Mine Land System in Shanxi Province

  5. 黄土丘陵区草地生态系统功能的初步研究

    The function of grassland ecosystems in the Loess Hilly Region

  6. 辽东湾滨海湿地生态系统功能及利用

    Function and utilization of coast marsh ecosystem in Liaodong gulf

  7. 增强生态系统功能再造人类生活平台

    Reinforce the Functions of the Ecological System Reforge the Living Platforms for Humans

  8. 驸马庄复合农业生态系统功能的评价

    Evaluation of the Functions of a Compound Agroecosystem

  9. 植物功能性状与环境和生态系统功能

    Plant functional traits , environments and ecosystem functioning

  10. 生物多样性的生态系统功能与生态系统管理;

    The role of biodiversity in ecosystem functioning ;

  11. 生物多样性与生态系统功能的关系已成为当前人类社会面临的一个重大科学问题。

    The relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning has emerged as a major scientific issue today .

  12. 并认为森林虫害自然控制力的本质是森林植物群落多样性的生态系统功能。

    Forest pest natural control capacity is considered to be ecosystem function of forest plant diversity .

  13. 生物多样性和生态系统功能之间关系,是生态学和环境科学的热门话题。

    The relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning is a hot subject in ecological and environmental sciences .

  14. 天然草地生态系统功能与建设效果监测评价体系初探

    Discussion on a System for Monitor and Evaluation of the Functions and Constructional Effect of the Grassland Eco-system

  15. 物种多样性对生态系统功能的影响是生态学领域所研究的核心科学问题之一。

    The effects of species diversity on ecosystem functioning is one of the most important problems in ecological research .

  16. 因此,凋落物的研究一直是森林生态系统功能的重要内容之一。

    Therefore , the study of litter has been one of the important research content of the forest ecosystem functions .

  17. 因此,开展水生态系统功能评价,有助于全面地认识水资源的价值,科学合理地利用水资源。

    So assessment of the aquatic ecosystem function is useful for recognizing the value of the water and rationally using it .

  18. 这些区域的小城镇在景观格局上普遍存在着非农业用地与农地混杂交错分布,景观破碎度高等特征,引起城镇生态系统功能的退化。

    And rural regions in these areas have been densely populated with the rapid urbanization , which make fragmentation in landscape .

  19. 土壤是维持陆地生态系统功能和持续性的至关重要的有限资源。

    Soil is a vital and finite resource on earth critical to maintenance of the functions and sustainability of the terrestrial ecosystem .

  20. 研究不同类型森林凋落物的分解速率以及养分释放动态,有助于丰富人们对森林生态系统功能过程的认识。

    Studies on litter decomposition and nutrient release dynamics for the different forest types can help understanding the functional process of forest ecosystems .

  21. 结果表明,该县土地生态系统功能低下,系统的能量转化效率及稳定性较低。

    The results show that the function of the land ecosystem is low , the energy conversion efficiency and the stability is not high .

  22. 气候是生态系统功能的组成部分,气候条件作用于陆地和海洋生态系统的结果,可直接和间接地影响人类健康。

    Climate is an integral part of ecosystem functioning and human health is impacted directly and indirectly by results of climatic conditions upon terrestrial and marine ecosystems .

  23. 近年来随着分子标记技术的发展,对基因型的分辨更加方便有效,基因型多样性与生态系统功能的关系开始受到人们关注。

    Recently , genotypic identification became more convenient and efficient with development of molecular markers . The effects of genotypic diversity on ecosystem function became new concerns .

  24. 桂西岩溶峰丛山区生态系统功能脆弱、抗干扰能力低,面临严重的生态危机,急需修复和重建。

    In Western Guangxi , the ecosystem function of karst peak cluster areas is fragile and anti-turbulence ability is absent , raising the risk of the frequent nature disaster .

  25. 在此基础上,以水文连接度、生境改变、物种变化以及生态系统功能等为参考指标,分析了流量变化的生态效应。

    Based on the indexes of hydrological connectivity , habitat and species population change , ecological functions and so on , the ecological effect of flow regime are discussed .

  26. 通过对金沙江干热河谷新银合欢人工林物种多样性方面的研究,讨论了种在退化生态系统功能恢复中的作用及物种多样性与生态系统功能的关系。

    The authors investigate and study the species diversity of Leucaena leucocephala plantation , discuss its function of ecology and the relation between species diversity and the function of ecosystem .

  27. 而最新研究表明,植物在特定条件下可以直接吸收可溶性有机氮(DON),尤其是氨基酸态氮,这也是生态系统功能和植被更替尤其是缺氮环境下的一个基本特点。

    But , the recent research assumed that plants can uptake dissolved organic nitrogen ( DON ) directly and it also has the potential to be a primary factor in ecosystem functioning and vegetation succession particularly in N-limiting environments .

  28. 本文从介绍青藏高原生态系统功能特征及服务价值入手,分析了生态系统服务功能弱化深层原因及影响,并就应对策略进行了初步探讨。

    Starting with the characteristics of the eco-system service function in Qing-zang Altiplano and its service value , this paper analyzes the deeply factors , which influence the exertion of the eco-system service function , and gives some reasonable countermeasures .

  29. 与其他指数相比,成熟指数更能敏感地反映土壤环境的受胁迫程度,基于营养类群的指数和分析方法可以在生态系统功能水平上更好地揭示土壤环境的健康状态。

    Compared with other indices , Maturity Index can reflect the stressed degree of soil more sensitively , and the indices and analyzing methods based on their trophic groups can well reveal the state of soil health based on ecosystem functioning .

  30. 因此,认识河口盐沼大型浮游动物的群落特征以及与其它生物间的营养联系,对于理解盐沼湿地生态系统功能及其与邻近水体间物质与能量联系具有重要意义。

    Therefore , learning the community structure of salt marsh macrozooplanktons and the trophic connection between them and other biomes is very important for us to understanding the wetland ecosystem function and the linking of material and energy with adjacent water ecosystem .