
shēnɡ tài wēi jī
  • ecological crisis;eco-crisis
  1. 对会计人员职业道德教育的理性思考论网络生态危机发生与德育实效性之内在联系

    The Relationship between Internet eco-crisis and the Actual Effect of Ethics Education

  2. 第一部分,网络生态危机问题分析。

    Part one , analyzing the question of Internet eco-crisis .

  3. 影片采取3-D形式,在内蒙古拍摄,充满壮丽的奇景和动作场面,使用了经驯化三年的蒙古狼群,令片中关于现代中国发展造成的生态危机问题更加鲜明生动。

    Shot on location in Inner Mongolia , the 3-D film is packed with stunning vistas and action scenes featuring real Mongol wolves that were trained over three years - making the film 's message about the ecological perils of modern China 's development all the more vivid .

  4. 这是对中国生态危机发出的严重警告。

    This is a serious warning for China 's ecosystem crisis .

  5. 论电子人和生态危机的关系

    The Relations Between an Electronic Person and the Ecology Crisis

  6. 湖南农业可持续发展面临的生态危机及应对措施

    Countermeasures against the ecological crisis of agricultural sustainable development of Hunan Province

  7. 论生态危机与心态失衡的关系

    On Relationship between Ecological Crises and Imbalance of Our State of Mind

  8. 自20世纪以来,生态危机已经成为一个全球性的挑战。

    Since 20th century , Ecological crisis has become a global challenge .

  9. 生态危机的社会制度原因与我国的稳态经济模式

    Reasons and Countermeasures of Ecological Crisis on the Basis of Social System

  10. 个体发展的三阶段论与生态危机

    The " three stages theory " of individual development and ecological crisis

  11. 人类片面追求享受需要必然导致生态危机,人类主体能动性的异化是生态危机的真正根源。

    What mankind unilaterally pursue to enjoy inevitably causes the ecological crisis .

  12. 《白鲸》:现代生态危机的文学寓言

    Moby Dick : The Literary Fable of Modern Ecological Crisis

  13. 生态危机与思维方式的革命

    Ecological Crisis and Revolution in the Way of Thinking

  14. 但是福斯特指出了全球生态危机的严重性,强调社会与自然的和谐。

    Foster stressed the harmony of society and nature .

  15. 云南少数民族地区生态危机的伦理思考

    The ethical thinking about the ecological crisis in Yunnan minority nationalities ' region

  16. 生态危机说到底是一场深刻的文化危机和价值观危机。

    Whether ecosystem crisis is of culture or of value has puzzled us .

  17. “自然”跌落为“自然物”,“自然”物化为我们人类可以随意褫夺的对象,随之而来的后果则是人类所面临的全球性的生态危机。

    What is followed is the global ecological crisis that mankind is faced with .

  18. 人类中心主义的历史演进&兼谈对当前生态危机的看法

    About the Historical Evolve of Homocentralism & And My Viewpoints of Current Ecosystem Crisis

  19. 西部大开发面临着严重的生态危机。

    Western development is facing with serious eco-crisis .

  20. 网络文化存在生态危机。

    There exists an eco-crisis in Internet culture .

  21. 工业文明的发展,造成了日益严重的自然生态危机,这是生态文学诞生的现实根源;

    The development of the industrial civilization caused the serious crisis of ecology increasingly .

  22. 技术文明社会的生态危机意识&评法兰克福学派的科技决定论

    Ecological Crisis Consciousness of Technological Civilized Society

  23. 本文认为以人类中心主义和自我中心主义为主要特征的工业时代的文化是生态危机的根源。

    The human-centered and self-centered culture fostered in the industrial age led to biological crisis .

  24. 晋陕蒙接壤地区生态危机预警

    Forewarning the ecological crises of the contiguous areas among Shanxi - Shaanxi - Inner Mongolia

  25. 现代性的人性是生态危机的深刻根源。

    Human nature in its modernity is the deep social root for most ecological crisis .

  26. 哲学视野中的经济学方法哲学视野中的生态危机

    Economic methodology in philosophical field of vision

  27. 儒家思想是我们解决生态危机的精神资源之一。

    Confucianism is one of the spiritual resources for us to solve the ecological crisis .

  28. 人类中心主义、唯发展主义和科技至上观是生态危机的主要思想根源。

    Anthropocentrism , developmentalism and scientism are three tough roots going deep into human thinking .

  29. 全球生态危机的哲学思考

    A philosophical reflection on the worldwide ecocrisis

  30. 欲望消费与生态危机

    Lust Consumerism and the Ecological Crisis