
céng cì fēn míng
  • well arranged;coherent;Gradation is distinct
层次分明[céng cì fēn míng]
  1. 同时研究了使用MVC设计模式,会使得系统的层次分明,便于扩展和维护,增强了系统的可靠性,可维护性以及可扩展性。

    At the same time , this paper represents utilizing MVC design patten can make the system well arranged and more convenient for extension and maintenance to strengthen the reliability , maintainability and scalability of system .

  2. 整体规划做到动静结合,层次分明。

    The overall plan makes sure sound is combined , well arranged .

  3. 根据CT图像层次分明的特点,采用阈值分割与区域生长对图像进行分割,提取股骨、胫骨以及髌骨等区域。

    According to the distinct characteristics of CT images , threshold segmentation and regional growth is selected to finish the extraction of femur 、 tibia and patella .

  4. 本文首先对铁通IP宽带城域网网络结构改造进行了深入的研究,详细规划网络拓扑,使网络层次分明,网络结构标准化。

    This study begin with a thoroughly research about CTT network , according to detailed topology planning about the network structure reform to arrange network logically and standardise network structure .

  5. 它的代码绝大部分用C编写,简洁易懂,结构清晰,层次分明,并且有大量的移植范例可以参考,很适合教学使用。

    Most of μ C / OS-II is written in highly portable ANSI C , easy to understand , having clear architecture and many porting references , so it is very suitable for the classroom .

  6. 在分析了N层体系结构的特点和不足后,从业务层中细分出数据持久层,使系统架构在逻辑上更加层次分明。

    After analyzing the characteristics and disadvantages of N-Lays architecture , the system separated a new data persistence layer from the business logic layer , this made it has a clear hiberarchy on logic .

  7. 构建一个统一、层次分明、并且相互融通的国家资格框架,是英国国家资格体系改革的方向。英国现行的国家资格框架(NQF)是在1997年QCA五级资格框架的基础上建立起来的。

    To construct a unified , clear and national qualification framework is the direction of the reform of national qualification framework system in England .

  8. 本文对公用MHS(消息处理系统)提供的服务要素提出了一种功能层分类法,用于充分准确、层次分明地描述MHS的服务能力。

    This paper has given a classification about the functional layer of the service elements as provid-ed by the public MHS , so that describe the service capabilities of a MHS at all points by layer and layer .

  9. 并且将类分层,生成层次分明的类图。

    And the classes are stratified and create the class diagram .

  10. 本次设计的内容力求概念清楚,层次分明。

    The design concept of the content sought to clearly structured .

  11. 层次分明的市场具有各自相应不同的功能。

    The three clearly hierarchical markets have functions of there own respectively .

  12. 设计语文教学目标可以分三步走:文道统一、层次分明、行为确定。

    On Instructional Design There are three steps to design Chinese instructional objectives .

  13. 制成内有赤豆沙馅。层次分明卷块。

    It is a block with a layer of red bean paste inside .

  14. 该算法层次分明,时空复杂度适中,是国内性能较优的一种算法。

    This algorithm has clear hierarchy , moderate complexity , and better performance .

  15. 该模型结构简单,层次分明,因而易于实现。

    With simple and clear structure , the model is easy to be implemented .

  16. 层次分明、结构严谨;位相光栅的严格模式理论及其全反射特性

    Rigorous structure ; rigorous modal theory of phase grating and the total reflectance property

  17. 这里植物群落都是依山而生的,层次分明。

    Plant groupings are different on different levels of the mountain with clear distinctions .

  18. 它传递出一股强力集中却又层次分明的情绪。

    The emotion delivered is powerful and focused yet there are so many layers .

  19. 这样的划分层次分明,易于理解。

    Such division is easy to understand .

  20. 文章结构清晰、层次分明,论证充分透彻,项目的研究得出了较强的实施可行性的结论。

    The paper have a clear , distinct structure and the project is also feasibility .

  21. 依据该方法编制的潮流程序,结构清晰,层次分明。

    The power flow program according to the method has clear structure and distinct levels .

  22. 为了做一次精采的演说,你需要层次分明编列你的论点。

    To make a good speech , you need to marshal your arguments very clearly .

  23. 要满足这一要求,就必须有简洁、明了、层次分明的指标体系结构,明确的评价标准和科学的评价方法。

    Therefore , it demands concise index system , clear evaluation criteria and scientific evaluation methods .

  24. 这种层次分明的设计思想也便于维护接口库和移植新的平台。

    And this idea makes it easy to transplant the API library to a new platform .

  25. 将教学内容以树状列表的形式进行组织,知识结构层次分明,易于查找、记忆;

    Organize content into knowledge-tree ;

  26. 我们看得见我们勘探的事物,我们的思想沿着层次分明的原因和结果逐步往上探索。

    We see what we explore , our minds ascend a palpable ladder of causes and effects .

  27. 它的警务工作原则、纪律要求层次分明,约束力强。

    Its working principle of police service , discipline are required well arranged , the engagement is strong .

  28. 义类词汇系统中的词的协作与竞争都是在词汇系统的调配下进行的,通过词语相互的协作与竞争,形成分工明确、层次分明的义类词汇系统格局。

    The cooperation and competition of the words in the semantic lexical system are constrained by the lexicon system .

  29. 群落垂直结构层次分明,乔木层一般都能划分亚层。

    The vertical structure of plant communities was clear and tree layer generally can be divided into the layer .

  30. 她唱的晚会圆舞曲轻松愉快,层次分明,音量的控制也恰到好处。

    Her singing of " Evening Waltz " was easy and lively , well-balanced and appropriately controlled in volume .