
  1. ClaimCheck模式基本上适用于这个生活常识和IT有效实践。

    The Claim Check pattern basically applies this real-life common sense and efficient practice to the IT world .

  2. 《化工基础》教学中的生活常识联想

    Associating common sense of life in chemical engineering fundament teaching

  3. 第四,要增设城市生活常识的教育内容。

    Fourth , it need additional knowledge of the educational content of city life .

  4. 一直以来,生活常识就很差,没想到这次中招中得这么深。

    Time is like a running train , all person should enjoy everyday , everytime .

  5. 当然,语境和固有的生活常识某些时候也起一定的作用。

    Of course , context and common sense inherent in life sometimes also play a role .

  6. 然而,还有很多生活常识是我们不知道的。

    However , there are a few things left in our everyday lives that still have the experts stumped .

  7. 在我们努力教育我们的孩子们生活常识的时候,孩子告诉了我们什么是生活。

    While we try to teach our children all about life , our children teach us what life is all about .

  8. 所以平常的不断学习增加自己的文化知识和生活常识,我是个不停留脚步追求上进的人。

    So the usual increase in learning their own cultural knowledge and common sense of life , I am a non-stop pace of the pursuit of progress .

  9. 如何利用现有的农业信息及生活常识信息这些与农民密切相关的信息资源,针对农民的提问,提供准确、简洁的答案,使多数农民受益,是一个亟待解决的问题。

    How to use existing information related to farmers such as agricultural information and information about daily life to provide accurate and simple answers , making most farmers benefited , is a problem to be solved .

  10. 这种与新信息相关的以前获得的知识被称为新信息的图式。听力材料的相关背景知识包括听力学习者所具备的社会、文化、语言知识等以及各方面的生活常识。

    This former obtained information concerned to new listening material is called the schemata of new information which involves all aspects of knowledge acquired before , as the knowledge of language , society , culture or common sense .

  11. 我们有很多途径可以去了解这些生活常识,例如我们可以通过图书学会养育孩子以及训练宠物,如果我们不满足于书上的答案,我们还可以求助于互联网去找到答案。

    Our diets are dissected to the smallest element , there are countless books on how to raise our children and train our pets , and if we have questions , we can just turn to the Internet to find the answer .

  12. 干预组为2004年开展伤害调查的两所中小学校的420名学生,采用交通安全知识、自救急救、生活常识等健康教育方式为主要干预措施。

    Intervention group was two primary and secondary schools with 420 students in whom the injury investigation was carried out in 2004.The major intervention measures were health education including traffic safty knowledge , self-care and first aid , life common sense and so on .

  13. 合适的姿势,可能是表示尊敬某人或者是在印度,不必教,小孩都知道这是板球的“4”的意思,这是我们的生活常识。

    A gesture of " Namaste !" , maybe , to respect someone , or maybe & in India I don 't need to teach a kid that this means " four runs " in cricket . It comes as a part of our everyday learning .

  14. 这里介绍一些巧用日常生活小常识。

    Here are some clever uses for ordinary stuff .

  15. 我祖父知道很多(生活)常识。

    Grandpa has a lot of horse sense .

  16. 火车头托马斯,珀西和托比就像是三个小男孩一样。但他们跟普通男孩不一样的是他们懂得更多的生活的常识,诀窍和技能。

    [ Thomas , Percy and Toby are ] a bit like three small boys & but yet rather more commonsense and know-how and streetwise than your average three small boys .

  17. 父母应该承担孩子的责任,教育他们生活中基本常识,例如礼貌,道德,清洁。

    Parents should take responsibility of their children and teach them teh basics of life like manners , morals and cleanliness .

  18. 这些活动具有历史对应性,活动背景多为个人生活和公共常识。

    These activities were of correspondence with the history of mathematics , activity background for more personal and public common sense .

  19. 随着信息时代的发展和科学技术的进步,统计的初步知识已经成为未来公民适应日常工作和社会生活的必备常识。

    Along with the development of information era and the advancement of science and technology , the elementary knowledge of statistics has been become the necessary and general knowledge for a future citizen to fit the daily works and social lives .

  20. 通过调查问卷法、课堂观察以及科技活动产品对比,对学生的创造能力、创造意识、创造思维及与社会、生活相关的科学常识和简单的自然科学概念;

    Through investigation , class observation and comparison of activity product , the article is taking contrast and test of five abilities that are creative ability , consciousness , thoughts and scientific sense , simple concept related to society and daily life ;

  21. 生活形式就是由常识命题所组成的世界图景,它构成了我们知识的信念体系,是知识的基础,也是我们进行解释、说明和论证的依据;

    Form of life is picture of world that is consisted of proposition of common sense . It constitutes faith system of knowledge , it is root of knowledge , and it is the ground on which our interpretation , explanation and demonstration depend .

  22. 通过对本地区中学生科学素养的调查分析表明:学生科学素养的总体水平一般,其中在生活中的科学常识方面认识较好,但涉及具体行为时表现不佳。

    The research on this area 's high-school students ' scientific literacy indicates : the whole level of the students ' scientific literacy is plain , in which the students behave preferably in the aspect of understanding the general living knowledge but not so good at dealing with concrete action ;

  23. 在公众服务方面,该系统提供了各种与日常生活相关的气象指数、生活常识,方便用户查阅。

    The system provides a variety of weather-related index of daily life , life knowledge to serve the public .

  24. 对于赫胥黎来说,不可知论是科学生活和非科学生活的合适的常识引导者,而训练和组织则是建立专业科学社会的关键步骤。

    For Huxley , agnosticism was the proper common-sense guide to life in science and beyond it , while training and organizing were the keys to building up a professional scientific community .

  25. 从哲学研究的基础来看,哲学是立足于人类现实生活、对人的存在充满人文关怀而又超越于生活枝节和常识之论的智慧之学;

    The philosophic state can be comprehended from three aspects : From the basic of philosophic research , philosophy is a wisdom knowledge which taking the root in human realistic life , it fills human existence with humanistic cares , but exceeds the minor matters of life and common sense ;

  26. 进入学前他们的生活在玩耍中度过,可是再进入学以后,他们要开始学习科学知识,学习一些基本的生活常识,并要开始逐渐形成正确的世界观、价值观和人生观。

    They spent their time to play , before enter to primary school . But after entering elementary school , they have to start learning scientific knowledge , learning some basic knowledge of life , and began to form a correct world outlook , values and outlook on life .