
  • 网络contaminants of biological origin;biological pollutants
  1. 城市大气中污染物一般可分成三大类:物理性污染物、生物性污染物和化学性污染物。

    As usual , there are three kinds of air pollutant in urban : physical particles , biological particles and chemical particles .

  2. 前言:图书馆内污染物按性质分为化学性污染物、物理性污染物、生物性污染物和放射性污染物。

    In library , the contaminations can be divided into four parts : i.e.chemical contamination , physical contamination , biological contamination and radioactive contamination .

  3. 室内生物源性污染物对健康影响的研究进展

    Progression of study on the health effects of indoor biological contaminants

  4. 目前有关持久性生物累积性有毒污染物(PBT)对生物体的毒性作用及机理是人们关心的重要课题。

    Studies on Environmental Toxicology recently focus on the toxic function and mechanism of persistent bioaccumulative toxic pollutants ( PBT ) on organism .

  5. 持久性生物累积性有毒污染物与国际相关控制策略和行动

    Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxic Pollutants & Related International Policies and Activities

  6. 山东半岛南部近海沉积物和海洋生物中持久性有机污染物的分析与研究

    Persistent Organic Pollutants in Surface Sediments and Marine Organisms from Coastal Areas of the Southern Shandong Peninsula

  7. 生态廊道具有保护生物多样性、过滤污染物、防止水土流失、防风固沙、调控洪水等多种功能。

    Ecological corridors have many functions such as biodiversity conservation , contamination filtration , erosion prevention and flood control .

  8. 湿地在水质净化、气候调节、水源涵养、生物多样性保护、污染物滞留与降解等方面的作用日益凸显,是其他生态系统不可替代的。

    Wetlands have significant effect on water purification , climate regulation , water conservation , biodiversity conservation , pollutant retention and degradation of other aspects , and other ecosystems can not be replaced .