
  • 网络biological pollution;biological contamination
  1. 天津市津河有机物和生物性污染调查研究

    An Elementary Study on Organic and Biological Contamination in Jin River Water of Tianjin

  2. 结论津河水质有机物污染较生物性污染严重。

    Conclusion The organic pollution was more serious than the biological contamination observed in Jin River water .

  3. Fenton氧化法处理生物性污染废水

    Treatment of bio-polluted wastewater by Fenton oxidation

  4. 垃圾引起恶臭生物性污染监测指标主要为:NH3,AOD,细菌、霉菌。

    The monitoring targets of foul smell and biologic pollution resulting from garbage are mainly NH 3 , AOD , bacterium and mold .

  5. 对建筑物内的生物性污染作了较详细的分析,并提出使用紫外线照射灭菌(UVGI)对其防治的具体方法。

    This article analysises the cause of microorganism pollution and present the method that use Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation ( UVGI ) to prevention and control .

  6. 城市自来水中途生物性污染危险程度的预测研究

    Study on forecasting the risk of Midway biological pollution in urban tap water

  7. 室内环境生物性污染分析与控制

    Analysis and Defending Method on Biological Pollutants in Indoor

  8. 武汉市饮用水水源生物性污染及防制对策

    Biological Pollution of Source Water for Drinking in Wuhan and Its Prevention Countermeasures

  9. 目前,国内有关水环境生物性污染的报道较少。

    At present , the research of water pollution of biology is seldom reported .

  10. 结论深圳地铁18个地铁站生物性污染程度较轻,污染原以霉菌为主。

    Conclusion The contamination of 18 subway stations in Shenzhen City is mould , the main microorganism is mildew .

  11. 本文通过肉类食品的生物性污染的种类、来源、监测技术提出了生物性污染的防治措施。

    We get the control measure to the biological after the study on its type , source and the supervisory technology .

  12. 目的为保护水源,减少生物性污染对饮用水的影响提供科学依据。

    Objective To provide scientific basis for prevention of source water pollution and minimization of impacts of biological pollution on drinking water quality .

  13. 结果水源生物性污染在水源污染事件中占368%,流域分布主要在河流、湖泊。

    Results 36.8 % of the accidents of source water pollution were induced by biological pollution , which mainly occured in rivers and lakes .

  14. 我国沿海各省毛蚶养殖点广泛,但受生物性污染的情况不一。

    The cultivating beds of clam are scattered wildly on the coastal area in our country , but the contamination situations by living things are distinct .

  15. 室内、室外健身器械均受到不同程度的生物性污染,其中社区路径健身器械细菌的检出率分别高于室内健身器械,且差异显著。

    The equipment of indoor and outdoor has been biological polluted at certain degree , especially for route fitness equipment in community , there is significant difference .

  16. 空气中生物性污染源以霉菌为主,站厅、站台、隧道合格率分别为82%、72%、74%;

    The major biological contamination was mildew ; The qualification rates in the places of parlor , platform and tunnel was 82 % , 72 % and 74 % , respectively .

  17. 畜牧场污水的首要污染物为大肠杆菌,等标污染负荷比为0.57,畜牧场污水为生物性污染,猪场为主要污染源。

    The chief pollutant of stock farm waste water was E. coli . The ratio of pollutant loading in equivalent standard was 0.57 . The pollution type of waste water in stock farm was biological .

  18. 对食品生物性污染的种类、危害特点,对人体健康的影响以及造成污染的途径进行分析,并对保证食品的生物性安全提出一些建议。

    This paper analyses the varieties of biological food pollution , harm characteristic , the influence to human health and the pathway of pollution . Some proposals for securing biological safety of food are given out .

  19. 深圳市地铁生物性病原污染基线调查

    Survey of status of biological contamination in underground railway in Shenzhen City

  20. 土壤重金属污染已成为人们关注的全球性的环境问题之一,重金属生物有效性已成为污染生态学研究的前沿,污染土壤中重金属形态分析是土壤修复的关键所在。

    Heavy metal pollution occurs all around the world , Bioavailability of heavy metals in soil was becoming key aspects of pollution ecology , speciation analysis on heavy metal in pollution soil is the key to soil remediation .