
  1. 巴塔利在曼哈顿的johndory餐厅将在11月开业,提供朴实的英式海味、杂脍、生熟牡蛎和蛤蜊。

    The following month , Batali will open John Dory in Manhattan , offering simple English seafood , chowders , raw and cooked oysters and clams .

  2. 生熟食品及工具容器交叉污染是本次食物中毒的主要中毒原因。

    The cross-pollution is the main reason of the food poisoning .

  3. 第三点应留意分开生熟食物。

    Third , separate raw and cooked foods .

  4. 用酸枣仁及壳对小鼠进行了镇静实验,同时对生熟枣仁做了比较。

    The sedative experiment of zizyphus jujuba and its shell vas was studied in mice .

  5. 放回烤箱,根据个人对鸡蛋生熟程度的喜好,再烤5-10分钟即可。

    Return it to the oven for 5-10 minutes until the eggs are set to your liking .

  6. 哈蜜瓜生熟度从外表上的感官鉴别主要有以下几方面。

    Hami degree of raw and cooked appearance of the senses from the identification of mainly the following aspects .

  7. 这是一整面墙的香蕉,不同的生熟程度,在纽约的一家画廊开张那天。

    This is a whole wall of bananas at different ripenesses on the opening day in this gallery in New York .

  8. 我们享受着生熟牛肉、面条和小肉丸,旁边配有几碟香草和醋渍的洋葱片。

    We enjoyed cooked and raw beef , noodles and small meatballs with plates of herbs and sliced onions soaked in vinegar on the side .

  9. 采用平板菌落计数法,计算抑菌率,比较不同浓度的生熟大蒜对常见的3种细菌和酵母菌的抑制作用。

    The dull colony notation was adopted to measure restraining effect on three common kinds of bacterias and Saccharomyces cerevisiae with different concentrations of the garlic juice .

  10. 日本的寿司是一种加醋的熟米团,与生熟鱼片、鸡蛋、蔬菜或海菜一起食用

    The Japanese sushi , a kind of cooked rice Balls flavoured with vinegar , is served with raw or cooked fish strips , eggs , vegetables or seaweed

  11. 牵牛子(黑丑、白丑)生熟饮片的紫外谱线组法鉴别研究日本牵牛花可以开花或者只长叶子。

    The Study and Comparison of Ultraviolet Spectrum Group of Medicinal Semen Pharbitidis ( Heichou and Baichou ) Decoction Pieces A Japanese morning-glory may flower or produce only leaves .

  12. 那非常生熟的我们希望会对人使我们更靠近已经发展成危险-很可爱看但是比较难超过谚语的老狗教新的诡计的不愿意的巨兽。

    The very medium that we hoped would bring us closer to the people has grown into a risk-averse behemoth that is cute to look at but is harder to teach new tricks than the proverbial old dog .

  13. 中毒原因主要是农村家庭聚餐、饮食服务单位、集体食堂制作的食物因原料(重点为肉类、谷类及制品)污染或加工不当、生熟交叉污染等所致;

    The food poisoning occurred primarily from the contamination and mishandling of raw foods ( mainly meat , corn and their products ) and cross-contamination between raw and cooked foods at rural family dinner parties , catering units and public cafeterias .

  14. 结果:无洗手习惯、涮肉习惯、菜板生熟不分、肉类熟饪程度不够、农村居民和喜食烧烤,是育龄妇女弓形虫感染的危险因素。

    Results : The risk factors of toxoplasma infection were related to the habit of washing hand , eating scald meat , using chopping block , degree of meat processed , living in countryside and eating food which were burned and roasted .

  15. 这证明了中国饮食中生熟的内涵已超越了维持生存的表现,它已成为人们看待事物、感知现实的一种方法,决定了我们如何在这个世界上生存发展,如何与他人交往。

    These result confirmed notion that the content of " raw " and " cooked " in Chinese diet extent beyond the physical survival . It has become a way to view things , perceive realities , and determine how do we develop and interact with others in this societys .

  16. 本实验研究了生、熟大豆中含有的胰蛋白酶抑制物(TI)对尼罗非鲫生长的影响。

    The effects of dietary trypsin inhibitor ( TI ) detected in raw and boiled soybean on the growth of Nile tilapia , Oreochromis niloticus , were studied .

  17. 500t残极破碎机是用来破碎电解返回的残极块以及其他不合格的生、熟阳极块的主要设备。

    500 t left-anoded crusher is used for a central equipment to crush the left-anode which come back from the pot room and any other unqualified anode .

  18. 方法以生、熟大蒜汁分别喂养大鼠8周,检测其脾内NK细胞活性、T淋巴细胞功能和IL2活性。

    Mehtods The raw and cooked garlic juice was respectively used to feed rats for 8 weeks and then the NK cell activity , T lymphocyte function and IL 2 activity in the spleen were detected .

  19. 试验采用生、熟全脂大豆和对照饲粮分7组饲喂出壳1日龄艾维茵(Arian)肉仔鸡,研究了生、熟全脂大豆对肉仔鸡内脏器官重量和组织形态结构的影响。

    The experiment was conducted to study the effect of raw and processed full fat soybean on relevant organs weight and histological structure of tissue of 1 day Arian broiler .

  20. 主要产品有鱼、虾、蟹、贝四大类,共百余种生、熟冷冻产品。

    Our four varieties of products are fish , shrimp , crab and shellfish .

  21. 而用火烹制食物,使食物由生变熟成为人类发展史的一个重要里程碑。

    Since the use of fire and cooking the food was an important milestone in the human history .

  22. 大多数的食物无论是生是熟,对所有具有理性和感觉的人来说经过低温冷藏后就全完了。

    And most foods , cooked or uncooked , are destroyed in the deep freeze for all people of sense an sensibility .

  23. 任何成功的文艺创作,技巧的锤炼是一个必经的过程,艺术品的创作过程大多是经历了从生到熟,再由熟到生这三个阶段。

    The success of any literary and artistic creation , skills of the temper is a necessary process of the creative process of art are experienced from birth to mature and then cooked to the three stages of Health .

  24. 基本系统采用生、熟石灰的主要差别是:采用熟石灰体积安定性好、系统水灰比小、细度大,而用生石灰的消解要受到硫酸盐的抑制。

    The main differences between calcium lime and slacked lime used in the basic system are : to use slacked lime , volume stable , water / lime ratio small in the system and big fineness while to use calcium lime , its slacking contained by sulphate .

  25. 美洲山核桃不论生的还是熟的都很好吃。

    Pecan nuts are delicious both raw and cooked .

  26. EM菌在夏花生小麦两熟制双高产栽培上的应用

    Studies on the Application of Effective Microorganisms to Summer-peanut and Wheat

  27. 脂肪含量与生面粉和熟面粉RS含量均相关不显著;

    RS content in uncooked flour was significantly correlated with that in cooked flour .

  28. 不同品种小麦生面粉和熟面粉的RS含量差异显著。

    Differences of RS content both in raw and cooked flour from different wheat cultivars were significant .

  29. 方法:采用TLC法测定生大黄、熟大黄及其免煎颗粒中大黄素含量。

    Methods : Adopting TLC method to determine the quality of emodin in the raw Rhubarb , Rhubarb processed and their granules of extraction .

  30. 有些孩子需一小时左右之后才能和生人混熟。

    It takes an hour or so for some children to warm up to strangers .