
  • 网络Bioethanol;Bio-ethanol;Bio Ethanol
  1. 第一个高粱生物乙醇工厂已于去年在安德拉邦建成投产,科学家将与塔塔化工(tatachemical)合作建立更多的此类工厂。

    The first sorghum bioethanol plant began operations last year in Andhra Pradesh and more plants will be built in collaboration with Tata chemical .

  2. 商业化生物乙醇主要是利用甘蔗、甜菜和玉米生产的。

    Commercial bioethanol is mostly produced from sugarcane , sugar beet and corn .

  3. 木质纤维素类生物质转化生物乙醇预处理B2B工艺的发展研究

    Study on the Pretreatment Technology Development of Transforming B2B-lignocellulosic Biomass to Bio-ethanol

  4. 一些非政府组织(NGO)希望能够叫停生物乙醇生产(moratorium),并称这能够使粮价下降20%。

    Some non-governmental organisations want a moratorium on ethanol output , saying this would cut grain prices by20 % .

  5. UNCTAD提出印度可能需要同时进口生物乙醇和生物柴油从而实现其目标。

    UNCTAD suggested that India might have to import both bio-ethanol and biodiesel to meet its targets .

  6. 在这两者中,生物乙醇的产业规模更大。

    Of the two , bioethanol is currently the bigger industry .

  7. 巴西和美国是全世界主要的生物乙醇使用国。

    Brazil and the United States are world leaders in using ethanol .

  8. 本文最后提出稳健发展生物乙醇这一可再生能源的建议。

    Finally , policy recommendations for a steady industrial development are made .

  9. 从全球范围来看,生物乙醇的生产导致了对农作物需求的持续增长。

    The demand for bioethanol from agricultural raw materials has been increasing continuously .

  10. 巴西也是如此,特别是在生物乙醇方面。

    So has Brazil , especially for bioethanol .

  11. 对我国发展生物乙醇产业的探讨

    Issues of Developing Ethanol Industry in China

  12. 如果把发动机加以改造,就可以使用含生物乙醇比例更高的燃料。

    And if engines are modified , a much higher percentage of bioethanol can be used .

  13. 本文探讨今后十年我国发展生物乙醇产业的若干重要因素。

    This article investigates several important issues of developing China 's ethanol industry in the next ten years .

  14. 生物乙醇因其可再生性和环保性,已成为生物能源领域的研究热点。

    Bio-ethanol has become a research focus in the bioenergy technologies due to its properties of renewability and environmental friendliness .

  15. 第二代生物乙醇以生物质为原料,包括纤维素乙醇和纤维素生物汽油两种产品。

    The second-generation bio-ethanol products use biomass as feedstock and there are two types of them-cellulose ethanol and cellulose bio-gasoline .

  16. 这看起来可能很像中年危机的终极象征,但这部使用生物乙醇燃料的赛车可不是一个玩具。

    It may look like the ultimate symbol of a mid-life crisis but the bio-ethanol-powered racing machine is no toy .

  17. 拉丁美洲占去年全球可再生能源投资的5%,大部分都是投向巴西的生物乙醇工厂。

    Latin America accounted for five per cent of last year 's investment , most of which financed Brazilian bioethanol plants .

  18. 例如,科学家正在开发一种转基因杨树,从而为生物乙醇生产提供更容易获取的纤维素。

    For example , scientists are developing a genetically-modified poplar tree that is a more accessible source of cellulose for bioethanol production .

  19. 该文为固定化酵母发酵甜高粱茎秆汁液制取生物乙醇技术的研究提供了参考。

    The research has provided a scientific reference for the researches of refining bioethanol from sweet sorghum stalk juice by immobilized yeast .

  20. 内切葡聚糖酶的活力大小直接影响纤维素的降解效率,其在工业生产生物乙醇和纸浆处理中应用广泛,具有良好的应用前景。

    Endoglucanase can be widely applied to industrial production of producing fuel ethanol and pulp treatment , and has a good application prospect .

  21. 在生物质资源中,生物乙醇因其来源广泛和成本低廉而收到学术界和产业界的广泛关注。

    During the exploitation of biomass , bio-ethanol for its broad feed and cheapness are paid close attention to in academia and industry .

  22. 文中的经济分析和新技术的介绍表明,木薯是一种非常有竞争力的生物乙醇生产原料。

    Based on the economic estimates presented in this paper , it appears that cassava can be a competitive feedstock for ethanol production .

  23. 目前生物乙醇研究的主要方向之一是利用嗜热厌氧菌发酵木质纤维素原料产生乙醇。

    One of the main direction of bio-ethanol researches is to using the thermophilic anaerobic strains , fermenting the lignocellulosic raw materials to produce ethanol .

  24. 种植甘蔗的国家(主要是用于制糖)可以用最小的代价扩展它们的生物乙醇生产活动,或者开展生物乙醇生产项目。

    Countries growing sugar cane , mainly for sugar production , could with minimum effort either expand their activities in bioethanol production or initiate bioethanol production projects .

  25. 芒属植物被认为是最有潜力的能源作物之一,目前人们已经将其用作生物乙醇生产原料和发电燃料。

    Is considered as one of the most potential energy plants . At present , it has been used as a raw material of alcohol production and power .

  26. 生物质能是清洁、无污染的能源,是太阳能的一种表现形式,其中生物乙醇被认为是最具有发展前景的替代能源之一。

    Bio-energy is one form of the solar energy , which is regarded as clean and environmental friendly . Above all , bio-ethanol is the most promising one .

  27. 在这些国家中,肯尼亚、马拉维、毛里求斯、南非和津巴布韦都曾经使用生物乙醇作为交通和家用燃料。

    Of these , Kenya , Malawi , Mauritius , South Africa and Zimbabwe have all at one time or other used bioethanol as a transport or domestic fuel .

  28. 依据该规划,中国在2020年将生产1000万吨的生物乙醇和200万吨的生物柴油,大概比2002年增长4倍。

    According to the plan , by2020 , China will produce ten million tonnes of fuel ethanol and two million tonnes of biodiesel , a four-fold increase on2002 levels .

  29. 乙醇一步法制备乙酸乙酯可采用单一生物乙醇作原料,无污染腐蚀性小,近些年来广受关注。

    Direct synthesis of ethyl acetate from ethanol has attracted widespread attention in recent years , because it uses the single bio-ethanol as raw material , except that ethanol is clean and corrosion is small .

  30. 与传统的生物乙醇相比,生物丁醇具有更高的能量密度、更好的适用性、更低的挥发性以及吸水性等优点,使其成为极具应用潜力的生物质燃料。

    Bio-butanols including four isomers are typical biofuels , which have several advantages over bio-ethanol , such as higher energy density , better miscibility with practical fuels , lower water absorption , and higher suitability for conventional engines .