
zhá shǔ tiáo
  • chips; fries;shoestring potatoes
  1. 我们每晚吃炸薯条,但几乎从不吃鱼。

    We ate chips every night , but hardly ever had fish

  2. 弗兰克·布朗在炸薯条上又撒了些酱汁。

    Frank Browne shook more sauce over his chips .

  3. 你吃炸薯条要番茄酱吗?

    Would you like ketchup with your fries ?

  4. 你可以吃汉堡包,但不可以同时又吃炸薯条。

    You can have a burger , but you can 't have fries as well .

  5. 中号的还是大号的炸薯条?

    Regular or large fries ?

  6. 大份炸薯条带走。

    Large fries to go .

  7. DelicaciesinBeijing奥运美食n-plural炸薯条

    Olympic visitors encounter unique delicacies in Beijing

  8. 其中一款由沃森创造出的受人追捧的菜肴是美味版本的炸鱼和炸薯条(fishandchips),它是用酸橘汁腌鱼和油炸芭蕉制成。

    One crowd favorite generated from Watson 's mind was a tasty version of fish and chips using ceviche and fried plantains .

  9. 低卡路里炸薯条迟迟未能赢得消费者的芳心,快餐连锁店汉堡王(BurgerKing)因此将大规模停售低脂薯条(Satisfries)。

    The fast-food chain Burger King will largely discontinue its so-called Satisfries after the low-calorie french-fry alternative failed to win over consumers .

  10. 求职者一定要学会至少六个英语单词,特别是这六个:“Wouldyoulikefrieswiththat?(你喜欢配炸薯条吗?)”这些词看起来可能很简单,但有些移民真的拿这几个单词没辙。

    Job seekers must learn at least six word particularly these six : " Would you like fries with that ? " They may seem like easy word but some immigrants really struggle with them .

  11. 向豆奶印度拿铁、卷饼、蔬菜意大利面和OverflowingBucketO的炸薯条(波士顿常见的一种酒吧食品)说再见吧。

    Say goodbye to the soy chai lattes , burritos , pastas primavera and Overflowing Bucket O ' Fries ( a genuine bar food item spotted in Boston ) .

  12. 但也有可能MTM对离子通道有副作用,这可以解释您妻子对炸薯条的依赖。

    But it 's possible that MTM causes secondary defects in ion channel function , which could explain your wife 's sensitivity to potato chips .

  13. 此地也有老字号,比如保罗伯特大街上的保罗伯特餐厅,供应的牛排加炸薯条值得信赖,而蔷薇街上的LeP’titLandais则供应美味的鹅肝酱和蔬菜沙拉。

    There are also the old-timers , like Caf é Paul Bert for a reliable steak frites on Rue Paul Bert , and Le P'tit Landais on Rue des Rosiers for a slab of foie gras and green salad .

  14. 北京辛普劳食品加工有限公司(BeijingSimplot)是美国辛普劳(J.R.Simplot)在中国成立的一家合资企业,向麦当劳中国供应炸薯条和炸薯饼。中国是麦当劳最大的全球市场之一。

    Beijing Simplot , a Chinese joint venture involving J.R. Simplot of the US , supplies French fries and hash browns to McDonald 's in China , one of its biggest global markets .

  15. 由四季饭店提供的此种天价汉堡包的主要“成分”包括日本神户的牛肉、肥鹅肝、Portobello蘑菇以及韩国梨和炸薯条等。

    The $ 110 ( 57 pound ) hamburger offered by the Four Seasonss is made of Kobe beef with foie gras , Portobello mushrooms and Korean pears & served with french fries , of course .

  16. 以前她成天吃炸薯条。

    When we were together , she lived on French fries .

  17. 在美国,大家喜欢吃炸薯条还有汉堡。

    In the USA , everybody likes french fries and hamburgers .

  18. 还有油炸类零食,比如油炸鸡翅和炸薯条。

    oily deep-fried snacks include deep-fried chicken wing and French fries .

  19. 有汤、沙拉和炸薯条。

    It comes with soup , a green salad or fries .

  20. 你的员工掉了一些头发在炸薯条上。

    A hair fell off your employee into my French fries .

  21. 一个大的炸薯条和一杯鲜奶。

    A large French Fries and a glass of fresh milk .

  22. 他们好像除了炸薯条和巧克力以外都不吃。

    They seem to live on nothing but chips and chocolate .

  23. 能给我来点炸薯条吗?,快点上。

    Could I get some French fries ? And just keep'em coming .

  24. 你想尝一下我们的超级屁股炸薯条吗。

    Would you like to try our extra big-ass taco .

  25. 炸薯条、饼干、早餐用的谷类食品和面包。

    Potato chips , crackers , breakfast cereals and bread .

  26. 要一个苹果派和一份炸薯条就可以了。

    An apple and an oder of French fries would be great .

  27. 汉堡包和炸薯条并不真正对他美食家的胃口。

    Hamburgers and fries were n ootreally suited to his epicurean tastes .

  28. 配菜您要烤土豆还是炸薯条?

    Would you like a baked potato or French fries with that ?

  29. 不,但是我喜欢炸薯条。

    Harley : No , but I like French fries .

  30. 女性点炸薯条的频率比其他任何食物都要高。

    Women order fries more often than any other food .