
  • 网络biodegradable;Biodegradability
  1. 生物分解性塑料研究与开发现状

    Recent Situation of Biodegradable Plastics Research and Development

  2. 生物分解性纤维及其应用

    Biodegradable fibers and it 's application

  3. 生物分解性塑料的分解机理及性能评价

    The Biodegradable Mechanism and Performance Measurement of Biodegradable Plastics

  4. 生物分解性材料的开发

    Development of biodegradable materials

  5. 进一步说明了丝素蛋白与丙烯酸/丙烯酰胺发生了良好的聚合,既有利于保持较高的吸水性,也增加了可生物分解性。

    Further proved the silk fibroin and acrylic acid / acrylamide grafted well , not only maintain a high water absorption , but also increases the biodegradable of polymer .

  6. 面对日益严峻的能源危机和白色污染等环境问题,壳聚糖凭借其良好的生物分解性,被认为是理想的生物质材料之一。

    The environmental problems such as energy crisis and white pollution are increasingly serious . Chitosan is considered to be one of ideal biomass materials because of its good biodegradability .

  7. 目前高分子塑胶在其射出成形及其它加工上已有相当的研究,但生物可分解性材料在射出成形上则较缺少加工参数的相关文献。

    Investigations regarding use of wood fibers and other biomass as a raw material for biodegradable foams and sponges are an example of such a replacement .