
  • 网络wastewater treatment system;waste treatment system;septic tank;WWTP
  1. 用ERIC-PCR结合分子杂交监测焦化废水处理系统(A~2/O)中微生物群落结构的变化

    Using ERIC-PCR and molecular hybridization for monitoring changes in the structure of microbial community in coking wastewater treatment system

  2. 结果表明采用分子检测技术有利于更全面地了解AOB的类群和功能,进而改善废水处理系统的处理效果。

    It is suggested that the molecular techniques will contribute to our understanding of the diversity and function of AOB and will benefit to improve the industrial wastewater treatment system .

  3. ABR大豆蛋白废水处理系统的产氢性能分析

    Hydrogen Production by Soybean Wastewater Fermentation in an Anaerobic Baffled Reactor

  4. 沸石床多级生物膜焦化废水处理系统的NH~4+-N去除稳定性研究

    NH_4 ~ + - N Removal Stability of Zeolite Media Packed Multistage-Biofilm System for Coke-Plant Wastewater Treatment

  5. 16Srdna克隆文库方法对制药废水处理系统中微生物多样性的研究

    Microbial community diversity in the alternate-flow biological reactor of pharmaceutical wastewater by 16S rDNA clone library

  6. SSCP技术分析不同废水处理系统中微生物群落结构

    Microbial Community Structure in Different Wastewater Treatment Processes Characterized by Single-Strand-Conformation Polymorphism ( SSCP ) Technique

  7. 车间公用设施包括,水和纯蒸汽系统,HVAC系统,灭菌系统和除污染、废水处理系统。

    Plant utilities include water and clean-steam systems , HVAC systems , sterilization systems , and decontamination and waste treatment systems .

  8. 该工艺特别适用于含氮有机废水处理系统,可使NH3-N进一步脱氮去除。

    Therefore it can be applied especially to the system of treating organic wastewater containing nitrogen .

  9. 铅锌尾矿废水处理系统中PFU原生动物群落变化特征及其与水质净化的关系

    PFU protozoan communities and their colonization in a treatment system of Pb Zn mine tailing water

  10. 对吉林石化公司合成树脂厂废水处理系统存在问题进行了分析,通过点源治理、艺调优等方法使废水COD达标。

    This paper introduces how Jihua Synthetic Resin Factory gets the wastewater in ABS unit to reach the COD discharge standard by the method of point source treating and process optimizing .

  11. 在废水处理系统中有一种称为浸没式反应器(SBR)或接触稳定反应器,填料是其主要构成之一。

    A submerged bed reactor ( SBR ) or contact stabilization reactor has been used in the wastewater treatment systems . One of its major constructions is the packing material .

  12. 对废水处理系统进行了改进,提升了污水处理能力,减轻了后续生化处理的负荷,新增了AMS(α-甲基苯乙烯)加氢系统,副产物循环利用。

    We increased the wastewater treatment ability and decreased the subsequent biochemical treatment load . AMS hydrogenation system has been added and by-product has been recycled and reused .

  13. 重钢焦化废水处理系统采用了HSB高效微生物环保工程技术。

    HSB high-efficient microorganism environmental protection engineering technology is adopted in the coking waste water treatment system of Chongqing Iron and Steel Company .

  14. 结论生长良好的颗粒污泥可以保证玉米淀粉废水处理系统中USAB反应器的稳定运行。

    Good growth granular sludge ensures the reactor operation stably .

  15. 为解决乙二醇装置废水处理系统生化段泡沫过多、臭味过重、出水不能达到设计标准的问题,在该系统中投加生物促生剂BioEnergizer(BE)。

    The application of Bio-energizer ( BE ) in ethyleneglycol wastewater treatment is to solve the problems of foam , odor and failure of effluent water quality to meet design standard .

  16. ZenoGem工业废水处理系统

    ZenoGem & Industrial Wastewater Treatment System

  17. 具有较高的相似性。活性污泥驯化成熟后,废水处理系统中AMO的活性有明显提高,活性污泥中的细菌类群更加集中,优势菌群相对稳定,系统对废水的处理效率也相应提高。

    The activity of AMO , the stability of bacteria community composition and the treatment efficiency of the wastewater treatment system were improved evidently , after the activated sludge system was operated for a certain extant .

  18. 从硝基苯类化合物废水处理系统中分离到一株3,5-二硝基苯甲酸降解菌株A3,经形态特征、生理生化以及16Srdna序列分析,初步鉴定为睾丸酮丛毛单胞菌(Comamonastestosteroni)。

    One 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid-degrading bacterium A3 , isolated from waste water treating system of nitrobenzoic compounds , was identified preliminarily as Comamonas testosteroni based on its morphological characters , physiological and biochemical analyses and 16S rDNA series same source analysis .

  19. 印染废水处理系统中的主要细菌群体和功能

    Major Bacterial Populations and Their Function in Printing-Dyeing Wastewater Treatment System

  20. 人工湿地废水处理系统的生物学基础研究进展

    Advances in biological fundamental studies on artificial wetland wastewater treatment system

  21. 尿素废水处理系统存在问题及其解决

    The problem of urea waste water treatment system and its solution

  22. 三级生物安全防护实验室废水处理系统研究

    Study on Wastewater Treatment System of Biosafety Level - 3 Laboratory

  23. 铬废水处理系统的优化及工艺改进的建议

    Optimization of Chrome Wastewater Treatment System and Suggestions on Process Improvement

  24. 铝合金轮毂生产废水处理系统的设计和运行

    Design and operation of wastewater treatment plant for aluminous alloy hub production

  25. 马头电厂废水处理系统介绍

    Introduction on waste water treatment system of Matou Power Plant

  26. 工艺排水系统、废水处理系统设计及施工;

    Process Drain system , waste station design and construction ;

  27. 生物废水处理系统的细胞自动机模型

    A cellular automata model of a biological wastewater treating system

  28. 膜技术在韶关冶炼厂废水处理系统中的应用

    Application of Membrane Technology in Wastewater Treatment System of Shaoguan Smelting Plant

  29. 三聚氰胺生产废水处理系统的工艺设计与运行评价

    Process Design and Operation Evaluation on Wastewater Treatment System in Melamine Plant

  30. 含酚废水处理系统中苯酚降解菌的分离及分离物多样性分析

    Isolation and diversity analysis of phenol-degrading bacteria in a wastewater treatment plant