
  • 网络Root
  1. Sp(2n,F2)中含长根子群的极大子群系

    The Maximal Subgroups in S_p ( 2n , F_2 ) Containing Long Root Subgroups

  2. 热胁迫下萝卜播收期为60d,播种后30d为长叶期,30~60d为长根期。

    Under heat stress , the times from sowing to harvest of radish is 60 days . The growing leaf period of radish is 30 days after sowing , and the growing root period is 30-60 days .

  3. 长芒稗E.长根茎蓝粒玉米种质利用初报

    The First Report about the Application of Long Rhizome Germplasm of Blue Maize

  4. 测定了长根菇(Collybiaradicata)在大豆饼粉蔗糖培养基内,深层发酵过程中发酵液的碳、氮消耗和pH值变化、菌丝干重以及多糖的动态变化。

    The changes of carbon , nitrogen sources , pPH value , mycelial dry weight , and polysaccharide content in culture of Collybia radicata in soybean meal-sucrose medium were determined .

  5. 长根茎中药材收获机关键部件的研究

    Critical Components Research of Long Rhizomatic Traditional Chinese Medicine Harvester

  6. 长根金钱菌生物学特性研究

    A Study on the Biological Characteristics of Oudemansiella radicata

  7. 它花了5年时间来长根。

    They took five years to grow their roots .

  8. 植物在秋天需要足量的水长根。

    Plants take abundant water for rooting in fall .

  9. 两个长根中的一个,烹饪后食用。

    Either of two long roots eaten cooked .

  10. 机械化收获长根茎类中药材的经济效益及推广前景分析

    Analyses of the Economic and Social Benefits of Harvesting Rootstalk Chinese Traditional Medicinal Materials by Machinery

  11. 长根菇生物学特性及无公害人工栽培技术研究

    Study on The biological Specific Property and Non-Social Effects of Pollution Cultivation Technology of Oudemansiella radicata

  12. 芽长2&3cm,再转入诱导长根培养基,便发育成为正常的植株。

    The sprout was transferred to induce root medium and then developed into small normal plant .

  13. 土培各处理平均根长及最长根长均较相应的水培处理有大幅度提高;

    Average root length and longest root length under soil culture is bigger than that under solution culture ;

  14. 单株最长根增长30.14%,根系数量也明显增多。

    The longest root branch of each plant increased by 30.14 % , the root branch number evidently increased .

  15. 第Ⅰ组根为长根,主要由种子根、第1对、第2对和第3对根组成;

    The first group root comprised mainly the seminal root - . in root caries . Following the seminal work of O.

  16. 使长根蘖截根栽培(作物)小麦单株有效分蘖数与农艺性状的相关性研究

    To propagate ( a crop ) from ratoons . The Dependence Study of the Effective Tillers Per Plant and Agronomic Characters in Wheat

  17. 也可以更好,只用长根的花朵和植物,这样当你走过过道的时候实际上是在制造氧气。

    Better yet , use only rooted flowers and plants and you 'll actually be making oxygen while you walk down the aisle .

  18. 体胚苗变异类型丰富,发现了前人未曾报道过的两极长根的和顶端长成杯状真叶的异常苗类型。

    There were two kinds of two - pole - root and apical-cup-shaped - true - leaf abnormal plantlets which had not been reported before .

  19. 光照强度和温度对香蕉试管苗的长根数、总根数、苗高和青叶数影响极显著。

    Light and temperature significantly influenced the total number of roots , the numbers of long roots and green leaves , and the seedling height .

  20. 适宜的土壤含水量条件下,中抗类型单位根长根毛密度较大。

    Under the condition of fitter soil moisture , the density of root hair per unit of root length of the moderate type was bigger .

  21. 再生的不定芽90%可长根。随着头孢霉素浓度的增加,抑制作用加剧。

    The regenerated shoots could be rooted at a frequency of 95 % . With the increase of cefotaxime concentrations the less green shoots could regenerate .

  22. 各性状与抗旱系数的相关分析结果表明:根基粗、最长根长与抗旱系数呈显著正相关,根数与抗旱系数呈显著负相关。

    The result showed that basal root thickness and maximum root length were significantly positively correlated with IDR , while root number was negatively correlated with IDR .

  23. 地上部重量差异表现为短根茎>中根茎>长根茎,三者在地上部生长均呈现单峰曲线;

    The biomasses of above ground in the three types appeared as follow : short-rhizome type > mid-rhizome type > long-rhizome type , and their shoot growth curves showed one lops .

  24. 绿叶数和叶片叶绿素含量及根部最长根长度、平均根长也超过对照并持续到拔株期。

    The number of green leaves , chlorophyll content of leaves , the maximum and the mean length of roots were also higher than those of CK till the end of harvest .

  25. 初步创立了华南超级稻“半矮秆、早长根深”育种模式和华南双季超级稻“动态株型结构”育种模式两种理论。

    Two theoretical models , namely , ' semi-dwarf , early growth and deep root ' model for super-rice and ' dynamic plant type ' model for double-season super-rice , for South China have been established preliminarily .

  26. 通过对蓖麻雌性单株不同年龄枝条高空压接技术研究,从生根百分率、每枝平均生根数、最长根长、平均根长4个方面,研究高空压接的繁殖效果。

    The marcottage of different ages wattle from pistillate plants of Castor ( Ricinus communis ) was studied in percent of rooting , the number of root per plant , length of longest root , and average length of root .

  27. 研究表明:小区产量高低与施肥有关外,还直接受到水稻根系发达程度所制约,从回归分析可看出对产量影响最大的是短根数、长根重,最小是伤流量。

    Research showed that plot yield was directly affected by the development of rice root system , besides fertilizer , the number of short root , long rooth had the greatest influence on yield and the amount of bleeding had the least influence through regression analysis .

  28. 这种上部全息元容易长出幼芽而下部全息元容易发根的现象正好反映整体上长芽下长根的特征。

    The phenomenon that it is easy to bud for the top holographic unit and easy to root for the bottom holographic unit is just characteristic of the growth of the buds at the top part and growth of the roots at the bottom part as a whole plant .