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  • waste plastics
废塑料[fèi sù liào]
  1. 聚酯(PET)废塑料分离回收方法

    Separation ── recovery Method for Waste Plastics PET

  2. 在炼焦煤中配入一定量的废塑料,利用20kg焦炉进行炼焦实验,分析所得焦炭的产率、冷态和热态强度。

    Coking experiments were made in 20 kg coke oven by adding waste plastics into blending coal . The coke yield , cold and hot strength were inspected .

  3. 废塑料的添加可使煤气中的可燃组分(CO、H2、CH4)的含量均有不同程度的增加;

    The combustible ingredient ( CO H_2 CH_4 ) of gas from co-coking with coal increase at different ratio ;

  4. 得到了不同废塑料最佳造粒方法及PVC热解脱氯的最佳工艺条件并很好地控制了二次污染。

    The best granulating methods of different WP and technics condition of thermal decomposition dechlorination of PVC were reached , and the secondary pollution was well controlled .

  5. 将废塑料内配于Hoganas铁鳞还原的料柱内,高温下塑料裂解释放热量.秸秆阴燃过程热量释放定量分析

    Waste plastic was added into the iron scale column in Hoganas process . Heat Emission Qualification of Agro-stalks During Smoldering

  6. 同时探讨了本研究对废塑料油化技术的指导作用应用此催化剂液体收率可达80%以上,汽油辛烷值为82(RON)

    The maximum liquid product yield rate is over 80 % with the research octane number 82 for the gasoline . A cracking reaction model is developed and the guidance of this research to the technology of turning the plastic waste to oil is discussed as well .

  7. 本文研究制冷剂R113和废塑料制汽油过程中产生的裂解气在水平光滑管、螺纹管与“犁刺”管上的冷凝强化传热。

    This paper researches into enhanced heat transfer of condensation of splitting gas of waste plastics and R113 on the general smooth tubes , the screw tubes and the aculei finned tubes .

  8. 废塑料气力输送数值模拟的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Numerical Simulation of Pneumatic Conveying of Waste Plastics

  9. 改性介孔分子筛催化聚烯烃类废塑料裂解反应研究

    Study on Pyrolysis of Polyolefins Catalyzed by Modified Mesoporous Molecular Sieves

  10. 废塑料配煤炼焦焦炭质量分析

    Quality Analysis of Coke from Co-coking with Coal and Waste Plastics

  11. 废塑料生产汽柴油设备的改进初探

    Improvement of Equipments for Producing Gasoline / diesel from Waste Plastic

  12. 废塑料与炼焦配煤共焦化产物的分析

    Analysis of production from co-coking with waste plastics and blend coal

  13. A/O工艺处理废塑料碱洗废水

    A / O Process to treating alkaline wastewater of waste plastic

  14. 废塑料用于高炉喷吹的现状及前景

    Present Status and Prospects of Injecting Waste Plastics Into Blast Furnaces

  15. 4种废塑料的燃烧动力学研究

    Study on the Combustion Kinetics of Four Kinds of Waste Plastics

  16. 一种新的废塑料油化生产工艺的研究

    Study on new manufacture technology of liquid fuel from waste plastics

  17. 聚乙烯、聚丙烯废塑料回收利用进展

    Progress on Recovery and Utilization of Polyethylene and Polypropylene Plastics Waste

  18. 煤与废塑料共液化及其供氢作用的研究

    Study of Co-liquefaction and Hydrogen Donating of Coal with Waste Plastics

  19. 焦煤中添加废塑料和脱硫剂的焦化过程研究

    Research on coking process of coking-coal blended with plastic and sulfur sorbent

  20. 采用从造纸废渣中分离出的二次纤维和废塑料,制得二次纤维/聚乙烯废弃物复合材料。

    Secondary fiber from papermaking sludge reinforced polyethylene waste composite was prepared .

  21. 宁武煤和废塑料的共处理液化研究

    Research on the Liquefaction by Co-processing of Lingwu Coal & Waste Plastics

  22. 利用焦化工艺处理废塑料技术研究Ⅱ.200kg焦炉中试试验

    Disposal of waste plastics by coking process ⅱ . 200kg coking-oven experiment

  23. 高炉喷吹煤和废塑料混合燃料的可行性研究

    Feasibility Study on Injecting Coal Powders and Waste Plastics Blends in BF

  24. 我国废塑料回收利用技术的发展

    Development in Waste Plastics Recovery and Utilization Technologies in China

  25. 结果表明:废塑料具有良好的燃烧性能;

    The result shows that waste plastic has good combustibility .

  26. 煤与废塑料共热解时氯的释放及其动力学特性

    Chlorine releasing and dynamics features when coal and waste plastic jointly pyrolysis

  27. 废塑料降解工艺过程催化剂的应用研究

    Application Research on Catalysts for the Degradation of Waste Plastics

  28. 简要论述了分离回收利用废塑料的意义。

    The significance of the recycling of waste plastics is briefly described .

  29. 废塑料与炼焦煤低温共焦化过程的研究

    Study of low temperture CO-CARBONIZATION OF coking-coal with waste plastics

  30. 不同气氛下煤-废塑料共热解特性的对比研究

    Copyrolysis of coal and waste plastics under different reactivity gases