
fèi wù lì yòng
  • salvage;make good use of waste materials;productive use of cast-off things;the utilization of waste products
废物利用[fèi wù lì yòng]
  1. 依据地球化学的原理和规律,充分利用废弃物和被废弃天然物料的特性,开发废物利用工艺;

    On the basis of geochemical principle and regularity , the properties of the discarded substance and the discarded natural materials are fully utilized to develop the salvage technology ;

  2. 介绍了UD-63尼桑40吨半拖挂车更新改造、废物利用的全过程,并对发动机更新、传动系统配置,供气及冷却系统改装等技术问题进行了详细论述。

    The whole process of alteration and innovation to the UD-63 NISSAN semi-trailer is introduced , as well as discussed the related technical problems on the renewal of engine , the disposition of transmission system and so on .

  3. 现代社会的消费观及废物利用问题。

    The problem of waste and solutions for dealing with it .

  4. 如何有效利用鸡蛋壳,废物利用,变废为宝是本研究的方向及目的。

    How to use eggshell efficiently is the study direction .

  5. 废物利用可以使我们周围的环境越来越干净。

    Using waste can make the environment around us cleaner and cleaner .

  6. 热带地区农业有机废物利用途径及存在问题的对策分析

    Resource Utilization of Agricultural Residues and Strategies in Tropical Area

  7. 十八、对废物利用企业优惠所得税待遇

    Xviii . preferential income tax treatment to enterprises utilizing waste

  8. 可再生资源的废物利用逐渐被各国所重视。

    The countries gradually pay more attention to waste utilization of renewable resources .

  9. 废物利用发展油田助剂

    Recycling waste material and developing oil field assistants

  10. 其实它们也有废物利用的价值,比如说含有珍贵的稀有金属。

    It 's also a waste of resources , like valuable rare earth metals .

  11. 我们要废物利用,降低成本。

    We should make use of the waste material and reduce the cost of production .

  12. 他们逐步认识到废物利用是节约资源的一个重要部分。

    They come to know that recycling is an important part of the conservation of resources .

  13. 今天我们要介绍的或许算得上废物利用的极致:那就是将退役的海运集装箱改造为建筑。

    It may be the ultimate recycling project : Taking retired shipping containers and repurposing them as buildings .

  14. 很多公司现在正尝试废物利用或是寻找其它处置废弃料的办法。

    Companies are now trying to recycle their waste or find other ways of disposing of their by-products .

  15. 本研究旨在为甘薯果脯加工中糖渍液的废物利用提供技术支持。

    This study can supply technological support for reusing sugar solution in the production of preserved sweet potato .

  16. 因而充足稳定的供应,以及经济有效地回收处理成品质合乎要求的沥青集料对于废物利用来讲存在巨大的商业价值。

    A sustained supply of waste materials suitable for economy recycling into target use is necessary for commercial acceptance .

  17. 木粉填充废旧聚乙烯挤出型材具有废物利用和保护环境的双重作用。

    Extruded products of wood flour filled waste PE have dual functions of the reuse of wastes and environmental protection .

  18. 因此,菌糠的废物利用与沼气生产相结合的研究就具有重要的意义。

    So the studies , which combine the reuse of edible fungi residue and biogas production , have great significance .

  19. 车厢的最大有效载荷为2500加仑的废物利用率,避免了33000磅载重量卡车车身联邦12%海关税收。

    The2500 gallon waste compartment maximizes payload to take advantage of the33000 GVW truck which avoids the12 % federal excise tax .

  20. 所用炉渣为电炉炼钢的还原渣,是废物利用,变害为利。

    The reducing slag used was the kind left over in the steel smelting when the electric arc furnace process was adopted .

  21. 本研究以粗老茶叶为原料,对粗老茶叶进行废物利用,解决了资源浪费的问题,变废为宝。

    The tough tea as a raw material was applied in order to solve the resources waste problem and improve the resource value .

  22. 固定装饰都很简洁,大都是现买的,有时甚至废物利用,居然造出很好的气氛。

    Fixed adornment is very concise , buy now mostly , sometimes even trash is used , create a very good atmosphere unexpectedly .

  23. 该方法适用于从杂醇油中回收正丙醇,为工厂废物利用提供一种有效途径。

    Such method was suitable for the reclaim of n-propanol from fusel oil and it was an effective approach to waste utilization in distilleries .

  24. 由于废物利用、拆解等方面存在法律空白,每年有大量废物采用规避的办法进入我国。

    Every year lots of waste are imported approaches into China illegally , because of many blank of law in using and removing waste .

  25. 废物利用,废铜烂铁可提炼出金子银子。木质废料中纤板生产性废料的再利用

    Scrap metal can Be recycled ( turned ) into " gold and silver " . Reuse of productive waste material from wood-waste medium density fiberboard

  26. 铬铁合金厂固体废弃物的特性及处理技术废物利用,废铜烂铁可提炼出金子银子。

    CHARACTERISTICS AND TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES OF SOLID WASTES IN THE FERROCHROMIUM PLANT Scrap metal can Be recycled ( turned ) into " gold and silver " .

  27. 且将废旧轮胎应用于路面工程还可以保护环境,废物利用,降低噪音从而带来巨大的环保效益。

    This application brings about huge environmental benefits due to its preservation of natural environment , the utilization of wastes and the decrease of pavement noise .

  28. 该吸附剂取代颗粒白土后不仅能满足喷气燃料的生产需要,而且可实现废物利用,节约白土资源。

    Clay replaced by LSH-03 adsorbent could not only fulfill the production of jet fuel but could also realize the use of waste and save the clay resources .

  29. 城市剩余污泥和当地酒精厂工业废料酒精糟液共厌氧达到了废物利用的功效,为城市剩余污泥的工业化应用提供了依据。

    The co-digestion on WAS and alcohol draff reached the reuse level of waste , which provided the basic experimental data for industrial application of anaerobic digestion on WAS .

  30. 矿渣微粉作为水泥和混凝土的主要掺合材料,不仅可以改善水泥和混凝土的性能,而且有利于废物利用。

    As the main blending material of the cement and slag cement , GGBSnot only can improve the performance of the cement and slag cement , butalso be helpful for recycling .