
zhǐ diē huí shēnɡ
  • 熟语rally;stop dropping and begin to gain
  1. 股市在十月末开始止跌回升。

    The stock market began to rally at the end of october .

  2. 韦斯勒称,他相信PC市场的下滑趋势“将随着时间的推移而逐渐趋缓”,但是不知道何时才能止跌回升。

    Mr Weisler said he believes the decline in the PC market " will moderate over time , " but did not know exactly when an uptick would occur .

  3. 无论是出于何种情况,如果美国IPO市场还能止跌回升,那么它(IPO市场)也只有在遵守萨班斯-奥克斯利法案的前提下实现反弹。

    Either way , if the market for IPOs is going to rebound in America , it will have to do it while complying with Sarbanes-Oxley .

  4. 中国国内的散户投资者,一直在以创纪录的成交量推动着股市这轮止跌回升。

    Domestic retail investors have been driving the rally on record turnover .

  5. 投资者落入谷底假象和熊市止跌回升的陷阱久已有之。

    False bottoms and bear market rallies have trapped investors since time immemorial .

  6. 投资者对改革寄予希望,这是中国股市最近止跌回升的重要推动力。

    Reform hopes have been a key driver of a recent rally in Chinese shares .

  7. 其次,住宅建设在经历三年半的萎缩后,已止跌回升。

    Second , housing construction has turned after three and a half years of contraction .

  8. 但是,我们从国际经验也知道,一旦回调到位,就可能止跌回升。

    But we know also from international experience that once corrections take place there can be a resumption .

  9. 遗憾的是,市场止跌回升的势头以及随之而来的乐观情绪,在第二季度消失得无影无踪。

    Sadly , the market rally , and the good feelings that came with it , evaporated in the second quarter .

  10. 在交易者将联准会官员的意见解读为确定借款成本(利率)将会下降,以持续六年的景气扩张,因此昨天的债市止跌回升。

    Treasuries rallied yesterday as traders interpreted the officials as confirming a reduction in borrowing costs to preserve the six-year expansion .

  11. 就像美元和美国国债在2008年末银行业极度恐慌之时止跌回升一样,这一效应可能会持续好几个月。

    This effect may persist for some months , just as the dollar and Treasuries rallied in the depths of the banking panic in late 2008 .

  12. 油价下跌也从某种程度上帮助股市止跌回升,因为股市投资者相信油价走低会使消费者有更多资金用于其他消费,同时也能帮助那些依赖燃料的企业缩减成本。

    Oil 's fall helped drive stocks higher after an initial fall , as stock investors bet the lower price will give consumers more money to spend and cut the costs of fuel-dependent firms .

  13. 产品平均出口单价止跌回升,经济效益逐步提高。国际市场需求档次的不断提高、国际贸易保护主义、以及国际蔬菜市场的激烈竞争和山东省蔬菜出口自身存在的一系列问题制约着蔬菜出口。

    On the one hand , many obstacles are still exist in the vegetables exporting , such as the improvement of demands , protectionism in international trade , competition in international vegetable market and various problems in vegetables exporting of Shandong province .

  14. 支撑这些坚实投资业绩的是:欧洲政策制定者积极主动应对欧洲大陆面临的各种问题,中国的经济增长率可能止跌回升,美国也没有陷入另一次经济衰退之中。

    Behind the solid performance : European policy makers have been proactive in dealing with the Continent 's problems , the decline in China 's growth rate might be coming to an end , and the U.S. economy hasn 't slipped into a recession .

  15. 但当白宫发言人RobertGibbs重申政府新任现存的私有化的银行体系后,股市得以止跌并且纳指回升。

    But stocks managed to cut losses and the Nasdaq turned higher for a while after White House spokesman Robert Gibbs reiterated that the administration believes in a privately held banking system .