
  • 网络biomanufacturing;bio-manufacturing;biological manufacturing;Biofabrication
  1. 新兴交叉学科&计算统计学与《计算统计学基础》简介生物制造工程是快速成形与生物材料、生物医学相互融合形成的新兴交叉学科。生物材料喷射技术是生物制造工程核心技术之一。

    Briefing on Elements of Computational Statistics and Reviewing Bio-manufacturing is an interdisciplinary research area , which is based on the development of rapid prototyping technology , biomaterials and biomedical technology .

  2. 我国政府一直以来十分重视生物产业的发展,通过不断的生物技术进步和革新,在生物医药、生物农业、生物能源、生物制造和生物环保等领域取得了一定的成绩。

    Through continuous progress and innovation in biotechnology , we have achieved certain results in bio-medicine , bio-agriculture , bio-energy , bio-manufacturing and bio-environmental protection and other fields .

  3. 为解决该问题,各类制造理论纷纷孕育而生,如敏捷制造、生物制造、Holon制造,分形制造等。

    To deal with the problem , various kinds of theories have been researched , such as agile manufacturing , biotechnology manufacturing , Holon manufacturing , fractal manufacturing .

  4. 这一研究报告今日发表在《生物制造》杂志上。

    The research is reported today in the journal Biofabrication .

  5. 基于快速成形的生物制造工程研究

    Research for biological manufacturing engineering based on Rapid Prototyping

  6. 生物制造&一种新型微/纳米制造技术

    Biomanufacture & A New Micro / Nano Manufacturing Technology

  7. 将在21世纪崛起的生物制造工程

    Rising Bio - Manufacturing Engineering in 21st Century

  8. 生物制造工程是21世纪制造科学即将开始的一场革命。

    Bio manufacturing engineering is a forthcoming revolution in manufacturing science of the 21st century .

  9. 生物制造技术、纳米技术和微机电系统将成为其新的生长点。

    Biological manufacturing technology , nano-technology and micro electro-mechanical system become the main new growing points .

  10. 喷射技术在生物制造工程中的应用

    Jet application techniques on bio-manufacture Engineering

  11. 碱性果胶酶的生物制造及其在纺织工业清洁生产中的应用研究进展

    Advances in microbial production of alkaline polygalacturonate lyase and its application in clean production of textile industry

  12. 生物制造工程是以制造复杂组织和器官为目标的交叉学科研究领域。

    Organism manufacturing engineering is an interdisciplinary research area which aims to manufacture complicated tissues and organs .

  13. 制造科学与技术的新兴领域:生物制造&记第1届全国生物制造学术研讨会

    New developing field of manufacturing science and technology : organism manufacturing & On the First National Symposium on Organism Manufacturing

  14. 生物制造工程是将生命科学、材料科学以及生物技术融入到制造学科中,是制造技术和生命科学交叉产生的一门新兴学科。

    The biological manufacturing engineering is a new discipline to introduce the life sciences and material sciences into the manufacturing system .

  15. 摘要介绍了生物制造产生的背景、概念、热点技术、研究现状及其发展趋势。

    The background , concept , hotspot technologies , status quo of research and developing trend of the biological manufacturing are presented .

  16. 它具有精确度高,可编辑性强等特点,并且可直接用于实体的生物制造。

    The 3D solid model is very accurate which can be edited and processed arbitrarily and applied directly in biological manufacturing of tooth .

  17. 从把生物制造作为制造科学与技术新兴领域的视角出发,记述了第1届全国生物制造学术研讨会的概况。

    By regarding organism manufacture as a new realm of manufacturing science & technology , we record the survey of the First National Symposium on Organism Manufacturing .

  18. 此外,从学科交叉、融合与发展的角度,进一步指出了今后几年我国生物制造工程的主要技术发展方向。

    Further , from the viewpoint of interdisciplinary , integration and development , the main technological development direction of bioengineering in the coming years were pointed out .

  19. 本科所学为自动化专业,研究生期间主攻生物制造领域,涉及学科有组织工程、生物材料、机械、细胞、生理等。

    My undergraduate subject was automation , and learnt biomanuafacturing in graduate phase , which involved tissue engineering , biomaterials , mechanic , cells , physiology and so on .

  20. 该计划包括投资1.6亿多美元的政府和民间资金,创建先进组织生物制造创新研究所,研制开发人体组织的制造技术。

    The plan includes more than $ 160 million in public and private funding to create the Advanced Tissue Biofabrication Manufacturing Innovation Institute , which will help develop ways of fabricating tissue .

  21. 米罗诺夫,医科大学再生医学与细胞生物学部门,高级组织生物制造中心主任,主要进行人体器官组织工程或生长的研究。

    Director of the Advanced Tissue Biofabrication Center in the Department of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology at the medical university , Mironov now primarily conducts research on tissue engineering , or growing , of human organs .

  22. 其涉及行业有房地产建筑业、银行业、通信设备制造业、医药生物制造业等。根据该白皮书的披露,我国饭店业企业社会责任报告水平仅处于起步阶段。

    The involved industries were the real estate industry , banking , communications equipment manufacturing and medical biological manufacturing , etc. The level of the hotel or hotel industry corporate social responsibility was at the beginning stage , which caused the interest and thinking of the author .

  23. 这两个组织在要求Kickstarter从其网站上撤销该项目的信中称,这项研究“可能将会导致利用争议性的、危险的合成生物技术制造出的生物工程种子和植物出现大范围的、随机的、不受控制的扩散。”

    The project " will likely result in widespread , random and uncontrolled release of bioengineered seeds and plants produced through the controversial and risky techniques of synthetic biology , " the two groups said in their letter demanding that Kickstarter remove the project from its Web site .

  24. 生物药品制造中的污染事件的例子是存在的。

    Examples of contamination events in biopharmaceutical manufacturing are presented .

  25. 生物型制造系统的分布式控制机制

    The Distributed Control of Bionics Manufacturing Systems

  26. 有如此多的克隆生物被制造出来以至于雅利安的农、工业社会对他们产生了依赖。

    So many were cloned that the agro-industrial society of Aryan became quite dependent on them .

  27. 目前,吉林省的石化、粮食加工业、光电信息产业和生物医药制造业等产业也向集约化、规模化方向发展。

    Recently , industries of landification , grain processing , photoelectricity and telecommunication and biological medicine in Jilin province are becoming intensive and large-scale .

  28. 对比生物体的控制方式,提出生物型制造系统中分布式控制的基本框架,并对这种分布式控制机制从组织结构、控制方式以及对产品模型的需求等方面进行分析。

    In this paper , the frame of distributed control is proposed by comparing with the biological system . The mechanism of the distributed control is analyzed distinctively through the organization , the mode of control and the requirement of product information .

  29. 俄罗斯的其他官员表示,美国和北约的军事生物项目制造或研究的致命微生物可能“意外”释放到环境中,可能造成平民的大规模伤亡。

    Investigative Committee Deputy chairman Alexander Fedorov says that U.S. biological infrastructure near Russia is undertaking " uncontrolled and unrestricted expansion . " Other officials in Russia have said that the deadly microorganisms created or studied in these U.S. and NATO military biological programs could " accidentally " be released into the environment , potentially causing mass casualties among civilians .

  30. 基于RP的生物活性仿生制造研究

    Research on Bioactive Bionics Fabrication Based on RP