
  • 网络Biologic Dressings;biological dressing;Dressing
  1. 磨痂术配合生物敷料A在四肢深II度烧伤中的应用

    Clinical evaluation of eschar grinding and biological dressing A for treatment of deep partial-thickness burn wound on the extremities

  2. B组削痂组削痂后,创面覆盖生物敷料或异体皮,加压包扎。

    Group B was treated with tangential excision of eschar . After the procedure the wound was covered with biological dressing or alloskin , then set pressure dressing on the wound .

  3. 比较负压封闭引流(VAC)与生物敷料A对创面修复的影响

    Comparison of the Impact of Vacuum-Assisted Closure ( VAC ) and Biological Dressing in Wound Repair

  4. 结论磨痂术配合生物敷料A是治疗四肢深II度烧伤创面较理想的方法,早期进行更佳,但对手部偏深的深II度烧伤仍不能完全替代早期削痂植皮术。

    Conclusion Eschar grinding and wound coverage by biological dressing A can be effective for management of deep partial-thickness burns on the extremities , and earlier treatment with the dressing A achieves better effect .

  5. 目的研究壳聚糖胶原生物敷料(chitosan-collagenbiologicaldressing,CCBD)对大鼠深Ⅱ度烧伤创面EGF和bFGF表达的影响及意义。

    Objective To study the effect of Chitosan-Collagen Biological Dressing ( CCBD ) on the expression of EGF and bFGF of deep ⅱ° skin burns in rats .

  6. 鱼皮用作生物敷料在烧伤创面的应用

    The application of fish skin used as biological dressing on burn wounds

  7. 猪皮生物敷料对大鼠烧伤的促愈作用

    Observation of Curative Effect of Pig Skin Biological Dressing on Rat Burning Surface

  8. 几种生物敷料在临床烧伤中的应用评价

    Evaluation of several biological dressings in treating burn injury

  9. 结论:乳猪皮生物敷料促进创面愈合并提高愈合的质量,并可在常温下较长时间保存,是创面修复的一种较理想的生物敷料。

    Conclusion The porket skin biological dressing has the favorable effects on wound healing .

  10. 壳聚糖胶原生物敷料的安全性研究

    A study of reliability of Chitosan-Collagen biological dressing

  11. D组为烧伤后应用含钙、镁生物敷料组。

    Group D uses including the calcium , magnesium biological dressing group after burning .

  12. 生物敷料的现状及展望

    Present Situation and Prospect of Biological Dressings

  13. 将加工处理后的鱼皮用作生物敷料临床应用于21例患者的烧伤创面。

    The processed fish skin was used as biological dressing to treat burn wounds of 21 patients .

  14. 磨痂术覆盖生物敷料治疗头面部深Ⅱ度烧伤的护理

    Nursing Care for the Patient with Deep Second Degree Head-facial Burns Treated by Dermabrasion with Bio-dressing Materials

  15. 结论复层辐射人羊膜覆盖烧伤创面是一种理想的生物敷料。

    Conclusion The compound layer radiation human amnion could be a good biological dress for burn surface .

  16. 应用猪真皮胶原凝胶作为生物敷料治疗小儿烧伤60例。

    60 cases burned children were treated with porcine dermal collagen ( P - D - C ) gels .

  17. 结果邦愈生物敷料与创面贴附紧密,无溶解、占位、脱水情况,创面愈合提前4~5天。

    Results The time of wound healing was 5 days early in Bang Yu biological dressing than non vitalized porcine skin .

  18. 结果:乳猪皮生物敷料较对照组凡士林纱布能加速创面愈合(P<0.01),减少炎性细胞浸润和肉芽生长。

    Results The porket skin biological dressing can accelerate the healing of porcine skin wound and reduce the infiltration of inflammatory cells and the growth of granulation tissues .

  19. 由于传统敷料,天然生物敷料和合成敷料都存在难以克服的缺陷,目前没有一种敷料能够达到理想敷料的要求。

    Because the traditional dressing , natural biological dressing and synthetic dressings have difficult to overcome defects , it does not have a dressing can achieve ideal dressings requirements currently .

  20. 结果:钙、镁生物敷料组组织损伤较轻,死亡率低,血钙浓度降低较小。

    Results : Calcium , magnesium biological dressing group is it damage relatively light to organize , death rate low , blood calcium it is light for density to reduce .

  21. 结论:应用钙、镁生物敷料可有效地阻断氟离子的进行性损害,保护间生态组织,减少低血钙的发生。

    Conclusion : Use calcium , magnesium biological dressing can block person who go on , Fluorine of ion damage effectively , protect a ecology to organize , reduce the emergence of the low blood calcium .

  22. 目的:应用我们制备的含钙、镁合剂生物敷料,覆盖大鼠氢氟酸烧伤创面,观察血钙浓度变化,探讨其作用效果。

    Objective : The ones that used us to prepare include the calcium , biological dressing of magnesium mixture , covered the hydrofluoric acid of big mouse and burnt the surface of a wound , observe the density of blood calcium to change , probe into its function result .

  23. 生物流体敷料膜在烧伤治疗中的疗效观察

    Effects of anti-infection of chitosan fluid dressing on burned surface

  24. 魔芋生物膜敷料治疗烧伤的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Konjaku Biomembrane in the Treatment of Burns

  25. 生物流体敷料膜治疗皮肤创伤的观察及护理

    The therapeutic effect and the nursing of skin wounds treated with Chitosan

  26. 壳聚糖生物流体敷料膜对各类创面愈合的临床效应

    Clinical effect of chitosan biological fluid dressing on the healing of various wounds

  27. 生物流体敷料膜换药治疗皮肤破损及压疮的疗效观察

    Observation on therapeutic effect of patients with skin breakage and bedsore treated by biofluid gauze dressing change

  28. 结论生物流体敷料膜能抑制创面细菌的生长,促进创面愈合,而且减少病理性瘢痕的发生率。

    Conclusion The Chitosan Fluid Dressing could inhibit the growth of bacteria , accelerate the healing and bring down the pathological cicatrices .

  29. 运用生物流体敷料治疗16例多发伤患者全身皮肤擦伤处的临床观察。

    16 cases of patients with multi areas wound and skin abrasion were treated by biological liquid dressing and clinical observation were conducted .

  30. 结论应用生物流体敷料膜治疗皮肤创伤,方法简便可行,可明显缩短治疗时间。

    Conclusion It is simple and has good effect to use Chitosan to treat skin wounds , and it can shorten the healing time .