
  1. 对《生物安全实验室建筑技术规范》GB50346-2004中有关排风高效过滤器检漏试验的可行性进行了分析讨论,提出在实验室适当位置设置排风高效过滤装置专用检漏接口的建议。

    The feasibility on leakage test of exhaust HEPA in " Architectural and Technical Code for Biosafety Laboratories "( GB50346-2004 ) were discussed . Installing special leakage test interface for exhaust HEPA is suggested in biosafety laboratories .

  2. 生物安全实验室建筑技术规范的编制背景和主要内容介绍

    Introduction to the Background and Contents of the Architectural and Technical Code for Biosafety Laboratories